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Small Business of the Day: Conversations with Jennifer Daly of Fierce Angels Fashion

Today’s Small Business of the Day features an interview with Jennifer Daly. Please find our conversation below.

Thanks so much for joining us today. We’re excited for our readers to learn more about Fierce Angels Fashion. Kick things off for us – what should they know?
Fierce Angels Fashion is about helping women look fabulous while they are standing up for good! We want to encourage women to stand up and do the right thing. Our models are real women who are making a difference in their communities. We also believe in supporting communities by giving back to nonprofits. Once a quarter, we select a nonprofit to provide a portion of our profits. Charities can be nominated at any time on our website,

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned building your business that you can share with those just starting out in their entrepreneurial journey?
Give yourself grace and time. We all want instant success, but I have learned there is so much value in the journey. I’ve had to learn marketing, merchandising, photography, and so many other areas I didn’t realize that I would need as a business owner. I’ve also had to learn that when I don’t make a wise business decision or I simply need a “day off”, to give myself grace. Even though an online business is open 24/7, I can’t operate that way. I have to block off time for myself and my family. Realizing it’s okay to not post every day or just sit and be still, has been key for me.

Alright, before we go, let’s do a quick lightning round.

Favorite genre of music?
Christian Pop

Favorite TV show?
Chicago Med

Favorite cuisine?
Mexican Food

Surprising Fact
I’m a former Radio DJ with a degree in Broadcast Journalism

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