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Small Business of the Day: Conversations with Daphney Poyser of Fern Connections

Today’s Small Business of the Day features an interview with Daphney Poyser. Please find our conversation below.

We’re thrilled to have the chance to ask you some fun questions today, but before we get started, can you introduce Fern Connections to our readers.
Fern Connections is an LGBTQIA+ and Ally Inclusive Matchmaking, Date & Relationship Coaching, Date Planning, and Events company; the company was founded in Texas, but we work with individuals nationwide. There are not many matchmaking companies across the country that work with gay and lesbian individuals, and none that we know of that work with individuals across the full spectrum of the LGBTQIA+ community like we do, which is one of the things that I think our clients genuinely appreciate about Fern Connections.

Our mission as a company is to create a safe space where people feel welcome to live as their most authentic selves. From our community events to coaching sessions, we want our clients to know that they can show up as they are and that they will be accepted for who they are, regardless of their gender or sexuality; our uniqueness comes from the beautiful people we are thankful enough to call our clients and the energy they bring to our community.

Can you go more in depth about your process and or what you feel sets your business apart from others. What else should we know?
The matchmaking industry has been around for an incredibly long time but the thing that makes Fern Connections’ different is that we focus primarily on the LGBTQIA+ community and its allies. Our team is composed of individuals of all sexualities and queerness, but at our core we are all allies for our community, and I think that the love we have for this community is what makes our work different from others in the industry. At the end of the day, Fern Connections is a business, and we take our work very seriously, but I didn’t start this business as a way to monetize the queer community. I started Fern Connections because I noticed a lack of diversity and inclusivity within the world of matchmaking, specifically as it relates to LGBTQIA+ matchmaking, and I have made it my responsibility to create a company and a team that is committed to serving this community and provide resources for people in ways that few have done before. We do what we do because we love it, and a huge part of that is due to the amazing people that we get to work with every day.

Alright, before we go, let’s do a quick lightning round.

Favorite book?
Anything about event planning, it’s one of my favorite things to do.

Favorite movie?
I love any movies with women as the leading characters.

Favorite genre of music?
I am an old school type of girl, soft rock, 90’s RNB, 80’s hip hop, that’s my jam.

Favorite TV show?
Right now, it’s The Voice.

Favorite cuisine?
Pasta with mushroom marinara sauce

Surprising Fact
I like to build stuff, backyard landscapes and patio setups are a long-time favorite. Fun Fact: I once built a mini golf course in our backyard!

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