Today we’d like to introduce you to DJ Kelly.
Hi DJ, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
My story is no different from anybody else I believe. This journey began after graduating from High School and after 1 year discovering that I was not ready to buckle down and learn in college. I chose to go active duty in the US Army. I had an amazing first assignment by being stationed in Hawaii in the 25th Infantry Division. I was lucky enough to get some great schools and training from people and leaders that believed in me. 2 years into my assignment I met the love of my life and current wife Rheta. We married after only 3 months and are still going strong today at almost 24 years of marriage. After the military we both finished our degrees and started in the careers that we would still be enjoying to this day. Myself as a police officer and my wife as a nurse. We eventually had 3 beautiful girls that we adore and moved into different positions in our jobs. I started to make small videos and record some podcasts but decided that those shows did not fulfill the ideas that I had. I noticed an alarming trend in my career and people that are in high stress jobs. I noticed that these people were doing 20,25,30 years and beyond in these careers and then retiring. Here’s where it goes wrong, I noticed that a number of people were dying soon after retirement for whatever reasons, and decided that I would love to show anyone who would listen that there is a whole second chapter where dreams and whole new world can open up. Thus, the DTD Podcast was born and every week I interview the most amazing people with the greatest stories that they lived through trying to drive home the point that you can have a whole new purpose and objective in your life if you just go for it.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
It has not been a smooth road, but definitely not a bad road either. The main point of concern was the learning curve that I was put on. I did not start recording or trying to get this venture going until I was in my 40’s. The sheer amount of learning that is involved is like trying to drink water from a fire hose. It’s a lot of time that is spent reading and watching tutorial videos on YouTube. The other struggle is just getting out there, finding that important audience, but more importantly your audience finding you and rallying support around your niche.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I am the host of the DTD Podcast. This is a podcast that tells the stories of memorable people and the extraordinary efforts that they put forth in their lives to accomplish unbelievable feats. In accomplishing those feats there sometimes also comes pain, trauma, and lifelong issues that continue to show their effects on those that deal with them. I am former military and have been a Police Officer/Detective for the last 15 years. Two things that I have learned in my career is that 1. Everyone has a story to tell and 2. The best stories are true. Each week I release a new conversation with people that have been great throughout their careers and have started a complete second half of their stories after retirement.
Is there anyone you’d like to thank or give credit to?
My wife and 3 daughters have been a great support to me having the ability to grow my show and knowledge. They are always encouraging to keep driving to release the best show that I can. My family also allows me the time for recording, editing, and releasing the show every week, which takes an incredible amount of time. I have also had the support of friends that believe in my show enough to introduce me to guests of the show and to take the time to not only tell me the good but also where I can improve with the show.
Contact Info:
- Email: Dkelly1086@gmail.com
- Instagram: dtd_podcast
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dtdpodcast/
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/DTDPODCAST
- Other: https://linktr.ee/DTDPODCAST_DJKELLY
Image Credits
Todd Ford