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Check Out Lenzi Holmes’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Lenzi Holmes

Hi Lenzi, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Its the coolest story. I planned on growing up, working in the livestock industry because that is my background! Agriculture and farming life.

As I decided in my early 20’s to start a Texas country band, I ended up meeting my drummer, falling in love, getting married and that whole Disney dream…you know where the girl finds her fairy tale drummer!

As we now were married, living in city, my life became very different. Our goal had always been for me to be home and raise our kiddos when they came along. But, I love to be moving and doing! I had to find something. I had always been interested in photography when it came to livestock life. I worked in a hospital for a few years for a company that would come in, do pictures in the room and sell packages.

After a while I realized I could do this on my own and have more freedom. My husband bought me a camera and lens and sent me on a womens retreat called Quest. It was there in San Antonio at the ranch God showed me what He wanted from me.

He told me it would be called H&G (Honor and Glory) and that from this point on my hands, eyes, feet, would all be to His glory and His purposes. Well 10 years into this and it hasnt slowed down.

I was so blessed to learn so much of it on my own from trial and error. I had a few mentors that taught me some tips and tricks but truly it was majority trial and error. Eventually I was shooting so much and was tired of hiring a second. My husband asked if he could learn. So, I taught him! He now shoots photo and video right along with me and our 8 year old who is truly better than majority out there. She loves it. Shes been shooting weddings since she was 5 with a point and shoot camera to now shooting with a Nikon Z6II.

My goal has always been that this be a family business and run as long as God sees fit. The day He tells me to set the camera down and change directions I sure will but truly nothing shows signs of that yet! We have a 10 month old little boy so we are trying to figure out if he will be a videographer, D.J. but his size is showing us he may be a bouncer 🙂

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
ABSOLUTLEY not. Trial and error I swear is a great way to learn. I have had everything that could go wrong happen. I have sat and cried with my camera in my hands asking God why and how could I keep going. But everytime He tells me why.

If I could say anything the hardest part is staying in balance. Balance with work, balance with your family, balance with homeschool, balance with your marriage, balancing not being. a work-a-holic.

When you are self employed its a different drive you have to have. Its sleepless nights, tired eyes, flights at all hours.

When my kids every start saying “Mommy, you are working too much” I know that is my sign to keep my priorities back in check. Always remembering I LOVE my job, SO much. But my identity is who I am in Christ and that I am a wife and mother most importantly. My job can be VERY important and high priority but not over them.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I have done family, newborn, maternity, seniors, show cattle, yes thats right I tried to stay in livestock world some! We are 60 percent weddings and 40 percent alllllll kinds of other shoots!

We are know for being fast, efficient, fun and affordable. I always have the mindset, if the kids have fun, dads/grooms dont hate it, the price is great for mom and she loves the work then I will never be out of business.

We stand out for our wedding turn around being 1 week and any other sessions are turned around within 24 hours. Our video turn aroudn is 2 weeks! I dont outsource anything. I go thru every shoot picture by picture with my own edit. I want to be know for loving my work and it shows thru.

Any big plans?
I love this question. As an 18 year old I remember being like I will be here, here and here in my life with XZY!

Gosh how God has a sense of humor and how much better life is now that I could have even dreamed.

So I have learned to just roll with the future. God may say you have 20 more years or 2 more months and I can be content in that!

As for life overall, I homeschool our daughter, have a growing little boy, and still a busy schedule so the goal is to enjoy my life to the fullest!

Professionally we are one year away from being Hall of Fame for The Knot when it comes to weddings. So that a goal I would love to achieve and travel with my family for work as MUCH as possible!

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