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Check Out Nikki Nasceif’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Nikki Nasceif

Nikki, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
Hi Im Nikki. Born and raised in Detroit, MI, the “motor city.” After putting myself through college at Eastern Michigan University, just a few block away from the iconic University of Michigan. Where I went to school didnt matter to me, all I wanted to do was graduate and get that golden ticket that would allow me to work in my desired field. After a moment of deliberation I chose to major in Public Relations and never looked back.

This field allowed me to work in the sides of communications and marketing that I loved, while also making sure that I was part of everything from start to finish. As a young PR grad in Detroit, I knew I didn’t want to work in auto or work in Social Media just because it was the hot thing to do in 2017.

To my surprise, I landed an internship after college at THE Weber Shandwick, and you guessed it, working on the Chevrolet social team. Great…

Fast forward 7 years (!) and I’ve been with the company and working on Chevrolet and other General Motors divisions throughout my time.

With my focus on social media management and startegy I got to touch a bit of everything and became very ingrained in the business and the work all the Chevrolet agengies were putting out.

My key takeaway and skill that I have learned through it all is to take all the pieces of my past wiht me into my work. While some my think selling trucks and an auto brand can be bland, as a PR professional I got to bring this iconic brand into the future with social first, integrated campaigns that sang to me and the audiences we were trying to reach. The number one skill that keeps rewarding me, is relatiopship building every step of the way from co-workers to clients.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
The hardest thing about my career thus far has been staying with the same comapany when the current agency culture is to hop to get ahead or get promoted. While I will never regret staying with Weber Shandwick, watching peers jump ahead and make moves was hard. But loyalty can be just as rewarding in this business when you find the right company.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
As previously mentioned, I’ve been working in Social Media for professionally for the last 7 years and nearly 10 in total. What I love about my profession and social media in general is that there’s always something new and changes happening. Whether I see new platforms or features as a benefit to those I’m working with or consulting is a whole differnent matter.

On my team I’m know for being a leader and bringing together all the pieces of a project together while seeing the full picture. Working with a major brand forces you to think about the bigger picture. There are always different teams, agencies and points of view to consider. At the core I about the people I work with. Sometimes we forget the person on the other side of the screen is just like us whether that’s a coworker or the social community we’re trying to build online for our brands.

What matters most to you? Why?
While I recently became a mom, that’s the obvious and easiest answer. Although, when I think about “what matters most to me” when it comes to my work I care most about putting out work that I’m proud of. There are many days that I feel like my work doesny matter as much as those around me in the health and service industry or even those working in PR for non-profit organizations. At the end of the day someone is going to be hired to work for social media accounts, and I want that person to be me. I love the blood, sweat and tears that go into figuring out a campaign and releasing it to the world.

Contact Info:

  • Instagram: @nikkinasceif

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