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Check Out Ozzy Velazquez’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Ozzy Velazquez

Hi Ozzy, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
– My name is Ozzy, I’ve been a bartender for the past 15 years. I worked hard all this years to finally get the opportunity to open my own bar.

– I’m a student of UTA School of Architecture, Tequileros is my first design/build. My goal is to finish school of architecture and to keep building and designing venues in the hospitality industry.

– I’m a proud father and husband, married into a family of restaurant owners. Throughout the years we always spoke of building a concept together. Tequileros is the first concept where we finally got the opportunity to work together. The menu is a generational menu that has been around since the 1970s.

– Owners Ozzy Velazquez, Jose Salazar, Luis Velazquez, Morales Family

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Anything that could go wrong went wrong. We were scheduled to open December 2023, yet we opened June 2024. We had a very tight budget and our contractor knew so. His subcontractors disappeared for months, costing us an additional 150,000 that we did not have. We feared many times that we would never get to see our dream come true, we prayed and prayed loud, we held on to our faith and finally got the chance to open our doors. It has been tough overcoming our hidden location, but we have faith that everything will turn out ok, we’ve faced big battles and always come out victorious.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I’ve always been known for my work ethic, my wild imagination and my attention to detail. I love to dream, and I believe that anything is possible. I take pride in everything I do; I try to be better each and every day in all aspects of life. My resiliency, my drive and my motivation set me apart from the rest. I am a husband, a father, a university student and a business owner, I can, and I will!

Can you talk to us about how you think about risk?
My first attempt to business ownership was seven years ago, I invested 150000 into a restaurant that failed. I was young dumb stubborn and inexperienced. This did not discourage me from trying again, I learned from my mistakes, and I plan to do better and to be better. I’m a strong believer that regret weights heavier than failure. Failure is only failure if you refuse to take action and move forward. Tomorrow is never promised, and I personally don’t want to look back at my life and say, man I wish I would have done this and that. Take risks, fall a thousand times and get up a thousand and one, live and learn….. and never regret.

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