Today we’d like to introduce you to Patricia Rigsby-Scott.
Hi Patricia, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today.
I’m a licensed and ordained minister and wife to my wonderful supportive husband, Cedric. He’s my preparer, picker upper, and packer. He helps and supports me by letting me do what I do, and I appreciate him for that!
Wow—Where did it all begin? I have always had the desire to help even as a young child. That desire to serve really surfaced while visiting a relative with my mom at a rehab center. The residents had been served chicken fried steak for lunch. I noticed many were having trouble cutting up their food. I can remember putting my things down and washing my hands. I went from table to table assisting those that needed help. My late mother noticed and said, “You have such a big heart and you’re always using your hands to help people”. Many years passed, and the desire and passion to help people grew stronger. I became more active in at my church. I was introduced to homeless outreach in late 2000. Caring Compassionate Hearts & Helping Hands was birthed in 2009. We received our 501c3 status in 2014. It takes a lot of support from partners to achieve our mission.
Caring Compassionate Hearts & Helping Hands, Inc. (2C3H), exits to serve the homeless and less fortunate. We believe ministry and service begins in the heart. We believe that if our hearts feel, our hands will fill. That’s our mantra “Feel a Need… Fill a Need. Our Mission is to be moved with compassion and offer the hands and help needed to alleviate the suffering of the hurting, the overlooked, the forgotten, and the lost. We simply exist to share the message of Jesus Christ through our service found on the scripture in Matthew 9:36…When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless…
2C3H is all about being Active in Missions—locally and abroad. We seek to reach out to those who suffer spiritually, emotionally, and physically. We have partnered and served in Guatemala and Haiti. We currently have ongoing feeding programs in Kenya Africa, and have adopted a special needs home there to support with food. We have donated two wheelchairs to help with mobility-impaired children. Our domestic cities of service include Dallas, Fort Worth, Grand Prairie, and surrounding areas, Texarkana, Monroe, Chicago, and California. We try to make an impact in every city or place the Lord allows us to visit.
Since its origin, Caring Compassionate Hearts & Helping Hands has prepared, distributed, and or sponsored almost 100,000 meals. And we haven’t accomplished this alone. We partner with various non-profit organizations.
Where we are today. Caring Compassionate Hearts & Helping Hands typically serves 200-400 meals weekly. Sometimes more, sometimes less. We travel to various homeless encampments, under bridges, and on the streets. We go where the people are and that may mean behind buildings and dumpsters. We take out essentials: hydration, hygiene, coats, blankets, tents, sleeping bags. Again, we don’t do this alone. We are so blessed to work alongside great non-profits, groups, and individual donors and supporters that make sure we have what’s need to get to those in need. Our supporters feel the needs and fill the needs. We are honored that they trust us with their resources. They know we will get those resources to those that need them.
We all face challenges, but looking back, would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Ministry Details
• 501 c3 nonprofit organization
• Fully funded 100% through donations
• Fully staffed by volunteers
Because of the above, I wouldn’t say the road hasn’t been without obstacles, but I will say that our Great Provider provides. Providing for the unsheltered, the unhoused, the lost, and sometimes forgotten is challenging within itself. We provide a meal, we cry, we provide a listening ear, we provide what resources we have and most of all … we pray. We know that the needs of the people are great. And we don’t have the means or the funds to meet every need of those we serve. We trust the Lord, and he has sent to us those volunteers and donors with a heart to serve and a heart to give and those with helping hands; those with “Caring Compassionate Hearts & Helping Hands”.
Yes, we continue to “struggle” with funding because we continue to want and strive for more to better serve and assist those in need. We desire ministry vehicles for “Mobile Compassion Center” and a building for storage for “Compassion Cupboard” pantry. But until we get those things, we serve with what we have “the hatch” of my Kia Sorento (lol) that vehicle is recognized on the streets.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
Our Projects: Covid has prevented some of our in-person service, but we still serve as we can with financial assistance.
• Hands in Haiti: We have hosted vacation Bible School, provided community Health Hygiene kits and school supplies. Since 2014 we have hosted and served VBS to over 15,000 children and adults. We are so looking forward to returning to Haiti as soon as we can.
• Compassion Covers: We provide services to the homeless within the Dallas /Fort Worth area. We provide blankets and rain gear. We also collect new and used shoes. Since we began, we have donated over 6500 blankets. We collect new and used coats and winter gear for the homeless. We also collect tents and sleeping bags.
• Heart for the Homeless program: This project encompasses several initiatives under one umbrella.
1. Food for the Soul—We distribute meals and food for those in need. We partner with other outreach providers. 2021 over 16,000 meals. 2022 over 21,000. January 2023, we have provided and/or served over 500 meals. As you can see, our numbers are growing rapidly each week/monthly. And we do this with the help of awesome Let’s Make a Meal partners: Individuals as well as other non-profits. We are blessed to receive meals from individuals who are chefs by trade: Celebrity Chef Felecia Guimont of OMG Cakes and Southern Best Catering LLC, Chef Nekeisha Servis of Inside Nekeisha’s Kitchen and The Abigayle Initiative, Patrice Snowden of Cooking with Tee, Anita L. Banks and so many more wonderful cooks.
Takeout Tuesday– We serve alongside Under My Umbrella. Together, we serve 50-150 Meals weekly.
Thankful Thursday– We serve alongside Helping Hands, Open Hearts, Packs 4 Paws, and The Say My name Project. We distribute up to 200 Meals weekly. We travel to 5-7 Homeless Camps and locations near Dallas Public Library.
Sunday Servers: Our volunteers provide 100 meals, clothing, and essentials weekly.
2. Project Roll Out—We collect new and used rolling luggage and backpacks for the homeless
3. Sundaes on Saturday—Sharing hope and encouragement with ice cream fellowships. This is our seasonal project. We typically serve over 3500 servings of ice cream from May to September.
4. Take a load off– We work with Making it Count, Inc. Rhonda Willingham: Wednesday Wash Day. She allows the homeless to do their laundry and wash for free. Hundreds of Meals are served weekly. We also support with laundry detergent and Quarters for laundry when we can.
5. Grand Prairie Homeless Outreach. Monthly, we provide 75 Hot Meals and 75 Shelf Stable Meal kits that provide 2 potential meals per kit. We also provide additional meals if we’re able when we see gaps in their meal train efforts.
Organizations we have served alongside.
• Our Calling—We have partnered yearly with their Thanksgiving Table Host. We have hosted over 400 homeless men/women/children. We have also served 10 Monday Night Football meals where we have served over 200 meals each Monday Night
• Operation Care International: Assisted in serving thousands of unsheltered.
I, along with our ministry volunteers, often laugh, and I must say beam with a little pride because the ministry is known for our “heavy plates.” We fully recognize that some our unsheltered friends may not have eaten for days. Our goal is to serve a meal we would and do enjoy with hearty portions along with additional snacks. Our mantra if we wouldn’t eat it, we won’t serve it. I tell our unsheltered friends, “My husband is home eating and enjoying the same meal you’re being served today.” Our unsheltered friends know we care. They know they matter to us. It’s not just enough to feed. We want more for them than just a full belly. We want to encourage and empower. We want them housed. But it goes beyond that. Many have been homeless for several years and need to relearn how to be housed. We want them employed, but they need help with job training. Mental illness and addictions are real issues on the streets. We encourage, refer, and try to connect them to available resources. We want our friends to thrive and not only meet but exceed their potential.
Is there a quality that you most attribute to your success?
Essential Qualities: Care-Compassion-Kindness and a willingness to help.
We have a God-given action item—to open our hands and give to those in need. We try to be sensitive to their needs and serve them with dignity. We understand may not be able to fully eradicate homelessness, but we can do our best to try.
It takes a lot of support from partners to achieve our mission. A huge part of our success is aligning ourselves with those who share our passion and commitment. Even though they have their own organizations, they support and participate in our efforts. They give of their time and resources. Just to name a few; Fort Worth Five Loaves and Two Fish, Harvesting of Souls Ministries, I know Grace Community and Family Services, Brittany’s Backpack Ministry, The Food Lounge, and so many more. So, I say to the one reading this article you are an important part of making our mission sustainable and successful.
We need help. We are so blessed that the Lord sends what we need as we are funded 100 percent by donors. Donations are tax-deductible per IRS guidelines. Please be prayerful as to how you can help us help them. We love for you to join us in some of our feedings. Also, please consider doing a shelf-stable food drive for us. We are in constant need of tuna and chicken packs, Vienna sausages, canned goods with pop-top lids, peanut butter crackers, individual bags of chips, fruit snacks, granola bars, cookies… etc…
Thank you for your consideration. The “work” speaks. See our Facebook page for pictures that help tell the story. Pictures and stories can also be found on my personal page: Patricia Rigsby-Scott. We need you! We appreciate you telling your friends about us too.
Contact Info:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/2C3HINC?mibextid=ZbWKwL
- Other: https://www.facebook.com/patricia.rigsbyscott?mibextid=ZbWKwL