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Community Highlights: Meet Akia Johnson of Lock & Key Financial Services

Today we’d like to introduce you to Akia Johnson.

Hi Akia, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
Well, for starters… I’m a full-time Middle School English Teacher and I own a Credit Repair Company! Teaching has been a passion of mine since I was a kid. I was the one that had the imaginary classroom that I taught! My cousins were my students! I became a credit repair business owner because of my passion for teaching but also for my own personal reasons. My credit took a major hit after a divorce and I knew I needed to get it fixed. I reached out to a credit repair company with the intentions they would help me solve my problem. After paying them a hefty fee, I was left in the dark. They didn’t communicate with me, they failed to answer my emails, and I knew I didn’t want them handling my personal information with their lack of professionalism.

I’ve worked in customer service since I was 16 and I knew the way they were handling my situation wasn’t right. After cancelling my services with them, I took two credit repair business courses that really opened my eyes to the business and how credit repair works. I became a certified credit repair consultant and I launched my business in September of 2020 (during a Pandemic), while also working a full-time teacher job! My top priority is customer service and I also have a knack for connecting with clients. I use my passion for education in two different ways… To educate my students on achieving their best AND educating adults on credit, building and maintaining credit, and overall credit health. I really have the best of both worlds!

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Oh yeah, it’s been a piece of cake… absolutely not! The Pandemic has added additional stress with teaching my students virtually AND in person at the same time… BUT I wouldn’t trade it for the world. As far as my credit repair business, I have a dedicated team of hard-working professionals! They know everything I know and it helps make the business run smoothly. Granted, there are days where the workload is greater than others, but we can handle and tackle it all!

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about Lock & Key Financial Services?
Lock & Key Financial Services is a full-service credit repair company. We specialize in educating our clients in personal credit. We help clients achieve financial success with the goal of purchasing homes, cars, getting better jobs, and just wanting to have overall great credit. We dispute ALL negative information from credit reports… we challenge names, addresses, birth dates, inquiries, old accounts, collections, late payments, repossessions… if it’s reporting negatively, it will be challenged! Because of my own personal issue with a credit repair company AND the horror stories I’ve heard from prospective clients, our exceptional customer service sets us apart! We are with our clients every step of the way.

Not only are we challenging ALL negative information EVERY MONTH (not just one, or two, or three accounts at a time), we also send out credit education each month. Each client is also equipped with a personalized action plan that’s tailored to fit their credit file. No one wants to pay for a service and get treated like CRAP! People work hard for their money and they should be offered top-notch service and that’s what we deliver. We pride ourselves on the relationships we’ve built with our clients. Speaking to someone about something as sensitive as credit can be daunting and overwhelming in the beginning. We make sure that everyone we come in contact with knows that we are in this together and we must work as a team to achieve the best results. In other words, we are real and upfront with anyone that we talk to! Lock & Key Financial Services offers several packages for clients to choose from. Everyone’s credit situation is different and may not require the same methods of handling. We also run specials throughout the year on our services.

What would you say has been one of the most important lessons you’ve learned?
The most important lesson I’ve learned while running a business is ALWAYS be honest and upfront with clients and potential clients. I’m not in the sugarcoating business! It’s not fun telling a client their score dropped 100 points because they applied for a loan or they fell behind on a payment, BUT we have to be comfortable having those types of conversations with them. If those conversations are uncomfortable for me or my team, we’re in the wrong business! We’re being paid to provide a service and with that, we have to acknowledge that not all days will be good. Not all clients will receive a 60 point increase in 30 days. We have to be comfortable enough to educate clients on the do’s and don’ts and hold them accountable for following their plans. If we’re timid or frightened to do that, my business will not be successful!


  • $225 enrollment and $125 a month- full service credit repair with unlimited disputes each month, 3 bureau audit analysis, they can cancel anytime, 24/7 portal access, monthly education and updates
  • $89 for 1 hour. This is for clients that may not need credit repair but they need assistance with a major purchase. We’ll go over their report and what they need to do to improve their scores
  • $199 enrollment each for couples and $99 each a month
  • Again, we offer other packages as well but these are the most popular.

Contact Info:

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