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Community Highlights: Meet Blanca Medina of Renewed Skin & Body Co.

Today we’d like to introduce you to Blanca Medina

Hi Blanca, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
I was in Commercial Preservation and hated it. A friend mentioned that she was interested in starting Esthetics school so me being spontaneous I told her I’d join her, because why not? I dreaded where I was working and at the time I wanted to go into the makeup field. So we stared part time early 2019. Thanks to my amazing husband for holding it down while I worked and went to school, he took over all house and kid duties. I started interning at a spa late 2019 right before covid. When things started getting worse and businesses were getting shut down I volunteered to be let go because everyone was much older than I was and they were stressing about retirement, what they were going to do if the company didnt recover, who would hire them, etc. i truly felt bad for them so I told management to let me go first since i would have the spa to fall back on once everything reopened. Once that happened it really pushed me to stop procrastinating and start hustling for what i really wanted. Which was to just be happy, like wake up and truly appreciate the day and love what I do. I learned so much while I was at the spa, and in 2021 I felt that I was ready to venture on my own. With a lot of prayer and continued support by my husband I found a room for rent within my budget. I took that tremendous leap of faith and signed my lease. It was so hard to accept that it was the Lords work that i was meant to find that room listing (ON FB MARKET)! Like who even looks on marketplace for something like that. Lol I remember ugly crying to my husband that i didn’t want to leave the spa by being selfish because i felt like i needed to do more. But he encouraged me to trust what God placed in my heart and to keep my eyes on Him and he would continue to guide me as he always had.

So growing up I never really felt like i belonged, I’m the second youngest of 4 other sisters. We grew up in the East Dallas/Pleasant Grove area until we moved to desoto when i was in 5th grade. My parents tried to give us a better life as any other would want but my other sisters were already in their rebellious phase and i was “the good child” so i was what i felt “overlooked”. I saw the pain my parents were in as a child and i never wanted to contribute to that so i studied hard, rarely got in trouble and stayed in school. I married my middle school sweetheart and had two children and by late 2011 we were homeowners & i had my first “big girl job” in Loss Mitigation. I absolutely loved it. I was helping families stay in heir homes after a difficult hardship and i felt like i was making a difference. It was stressful but the positive impact i was leaving was worth the headache. When I separated from the father of my two children (6&4 at the time) I gave up everything. My job, my home and I was left without a vehicle. My mom gave me hers, an old PT Cruiser with these words that i will carry for the rest of my life. “As long as you have God, a car, a job and shelter, mija you are blessed”. I moved in with my ex in-laws while I worked numerous temp jobs all over DFW because my previous employer wouldn’t be a reference for me to continue in that path.

I didnt grow up in church but I’m a firm believer in what is meant for you will always be for you. A year later I finally landed a job in Property Preservation and after 3 weeks I forged paystubs in order to get into the cheapest apartments in balch springs i knew i could afford. We moved in not knowing it was infested with roaches and mice. We laugh about it now but on the first night we ordered pizza and left it on the counter, and when i went back and opened the box roaches were everywhere inside. We would open the cabinets and they would just scatter everywhere. It was horrible, but it was our home for the next year. My job was a blessing, they allowed me to take a late lunch (3-4pm) so i could pick my kids up from school down the street to take them home, feed them and go back to work until 5. My baby girl had to grow up so fast to help me care for her little brother while i was working. And that will always tear me up. A child should never have that much responsibility, but she understood that i was only trying what i thought was best at the time. A few months later my mom moved in with us, her PT Cruiser broke down and she was able to cosign a brand new Rav4 for me. Things were getting better, our relationship was mending, she helped me with my kids and we were able to get a bigger place together when it was time. I started to understand my mothers trauma in a way i never would have if she didn’t live with me for those 3 years. Fast forward to now, she is my rock, my go-to when i need guidance & vise versa. I have yet to meet such a kind soul like hers. To give a stranger the shirt off her back because she knows she has plenty at home. Always putting others before her and forgiving without hesitation. If i am ever half the women she is it would be amazing..

With all that being said i truly believe that I couldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the grace of God, his timing & compassion. A year after going solo i enrolled into massage therapy school to advance my post operative education. Again, thanks to my amazing husband for holding it down while i ran my esthetics business and going to school part time. 0/10 dont recommend jk it was way tougher than esthetics for sure. Having to learn anatomy, physiology, pathology, kinesiology etc is not for the weak and more than often i questioned if this was truly a calling or just a fad because surgery was starting to sky rocket. With more prayer i stuck with it fell more in love with the positive impact i was leaving, the connections i gained with my clients, the trust they poured into me with their recovery in such a vulnerable time, the feeling of fulfillment being apart of their healing journey and them feeling safe enough to refer me to their loved ones. It’s such an amazing feeling. To go from being overlooked by family to being sought out by strangers. I know God has placed me here and I truly believe I am where I belong.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Oh man, from being taken advantage of, blackballed, threatened and left with nothing to my name, it has been quite the journey. But it all has led me here.

Being a single mom hardens you in a way where it’s difficult to accept help from someone who cares about you and wants nothing in return but to see you win because they see your potential.

Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I’m an esthetician, massage therapist specializing in post operative MLD (manual lymphatic drainage). My authenticity to my brand and clients is what I feel sets me apart, my willingness to learn from others and seek guidance or education when needed. I love what I do and my clients can feel it, I radiate it. It’s a nurturing connection that bonds us & Im humbly grateful to be apart of such an intimate time of vulnerability. I’m constantly learning to provide the best for my girls and if I don’t know how to help I’m honest with them and refer them to my educators. I tell my girls how it is and hold them to a standard that will keep them accountable in their healing journey and they love me for that. I’ve never been a sales person so I’m not the one that’s going to say what you want to hear in order to get booked. I’m not going to feed you lies in order to keep you as my client. I have built a community of beautiful people and I’m blessed to be apart of a growing industry and remain standing strong in my morals and beliefs to be able to share my testimony in hopes it encourages one person to keep going, don’t look back and keep your eyes on Him because if he placed it in your heart, it will be for you. In addition to MLD I also offer facial treatments, lash lifts, brow lamination, skin tag removal, fat dissolving injections and body contouring treatments.

How do you think about luck?
Before my walk with God I would always think I’m just lucky; at the right place at the right time. But no, it was never luck. It’s Gods will and it’s always been in his timing. I’m thankful for the path that lead me here. All glory to God. Without him I couldn’t, and never would’ve.


  • MLD $115
  • Body Contouring (maintenance) $100
  • Fat Dissolving Injections $150
  • Skin Tag Removal starting at $50
  • Facial Treatments $120

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