Today we’d like to introduce you to Hussain Saleem.
Hi Hussain, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
The story begins in Brooklyn, New York, where I was born. Shortly after, my family and I moved to Dallas, TX, where I grew up. I love being from Dallas, it’s the city that made me who I am today. From the memories to my family and friends — I’ve experienced some of the most exciting moments of my life, along with some of the most trying or challenging moments of my life, right here, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
My dream has always been to inspire those around me and those that will come after me. I just always wanted to give them a reason to never give up and show them that if I could accomplish something, or if I could turn my dreams into reality, then they could too. Growing up, I always thought that I would make this happen by playing basketball. I always felt like I was destined to make it to the NBA, and change my family’s life that way, and bring all of my brothers with me in the process, but you plan, and I plan, and indeed God is the best of planners. I was always a gifted student in high school, but basketball was my passion, and up until recently, I had never really even considered going in any other direction.
I received a scholarship to Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas because of my academics, but my entire intention on going there was to try to walk-on to the basketball team, knowing that they were a top tier Division 1 program. I trained relentlessly for over a year, chasing a vision that only I could see, all for a 45-minute tryout. I played my heart out, but it wasn’t enough. That shortcoming honestly took a lot out of me. I was at a crossroads in my life, and I wasn’t sure what I was gonna do. That led me to find the path that I’m on today. See, I talk about this all the time like, anybody that’s a former athlete, once you’re unable to play that sport that you’ve always loved at a high level, it’s extremely hard to find something that’s going to give you that same feeling.
For me, it was difficult to find something that mirrors that feeling of an arena full of people with all eyes on you, that feeling of competition — those things made me feel alive. It’s almost like you have to become a whole new person, not in regards to your core values, of course, but as in your identity. All of that led to me finding my new passion, which is building my business. From Real Estate to educating myself on Financial Literacy, Investing, completing my degree in Finance — these are all things that I love to do, love to learn more about, and I can utilize in trying to change my family’s financial situation, all while still having an outlet to inspire others. Becoming a Real Estate Agent was the beginning of this new journey for me. I’m heading towards nearly ten months in the industry while being a full-time student at SMU, and I love what I do. I’ve accomplished all of the goals I had set forth for myself in my first year, and now I’m just looking forward to building even more on top of that and seeing where I can take it in 2021.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It definitely hasn’t been a smooth road by any means, but I’m forever grateful for the path that God has brought me on. It’s those struggles, those hard times that made me the man I am today. I wouldn’t be here without the incredible support system that I’m surrounded by. My family, specifically my mother, is the main reason behind any and all of my success thus far in life. Without the support of NC, a group of my closest friends who I consider family, I can’t imagine coming this far. Some of the struggles that I have faced, specifically in regards to being a 21-year-old Real Estate Agent in Dallas, would be, for one, coming up with the initial investment to take the courses and obtain my license. Not only that but the Realtor fees that you have to pay regardless of if it’s your first year in the business or your tenth year.
For some, this may not have been that major of an expense, and although it’s hard for me to not say that my family is blessed, especially compared to others that I know that have it way worse than we ever have, financially it hasn’t always been smooth sailing for us. Furthermore, anybody’s first year in Real Estate isn’t always easy. From learning the ins and outs of the business to working with your first clients — having to grow through that while being in the midst of a global pandemic didn’t make finding business or executing it, any easier to say the least. Learning how to be more strategic with my time. Becoming organized, trying to balance being a full-time college student, taking care of my mental and physical health, being the leader of the Muslim Student Association on campus, and building my business at the same time has been very challenging. Lastly, being 21 years old, most people my age aren’t buying or selling homes. Therefore, marketing yourself, getting people to trust you, proving to them why they should choose you over a more experienced agent, are all added obstacles that come with being young and ambitious in an industry such as this one.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am a Licensed Realtor with Keller Williams, and anybody considering choosing me as their Real Estate Agent should know that they’re choosing someone who is willing to work harder than anyone else, do what others won’t, and provide you with a wealth of knowledge on the Real Estate industry. What sets me apart from other Agents is that I want to be the best at everything that I do. I’m a perfectionist, which makes me almost obsessive over my craft, and I want to provide my clients with the best experience possible. I’m very focused on attention to detail, or being meticulous, in every aspect of the home buying or home selling process. It’s the little things that make all of the difference in you getting full value for your home or you finding the home that you’ve always dreamed of. I think that’s what I’m most proud of brand wise, my clients can expect me to exceed their expectations every time.
Can you talk about how you think about risk?
I understand that taking risks is essential in getting to anywhere you want to go in life. Especially when it comes to running a business, it’s very important that you’re able to manage your risk properly. I view myself as a risk-taker, someone that is willing to go all-in in order to get where they want to go. I’m willing to do what others won’t, not everybody is ready to put everything on the line and go that extra mile for their clients. I took a risk coming to SMU, I took a risk investing in becoming a Realtor, I take a risk every time I put money into a Listing of mine. I do these things, not knowing if they’re going to pan out in my favor, and sometimes they don’t, but I can rest easy knowing that I gave everything that I have to give. I just leave the rest to God.
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