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Community Highlights: Meet Lauren Lockett of Lockett-N-Homes

Today we’d like to introduce you to Lauren Lockett

Hi Lauren, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
I got started in real estate by planning for retirement. I worked in IT consulting and as one of the youngest people on my team I had a lot of examples of what happens when you contribute to your 401K for 20-30 years and then try to retire. Many people were working in their mid-late 60s and juggling wanting to retire and kids in college and health issues, etc… and didn’t have enough money. I didn’t want to be in that position. I chose real estate as my vehicle to build wealth and diversify my retirement income.

Getting started I learned what I could from weekend seminars, online, and finding people in the business. I was working with a Realtor in Tennessee looking for my first property to purchase when I realized that they didn’t have the knowledge of the real estate investing industry and they didn’t know how to properly evaluate a deal and numbers to help me get started. From that experience I decided to get licensed. I got my license in Tennessee, joined a brokerage, and then within 12 months met my future husband who was already in real estate in Texas and moved to Texas and got my license in Texas.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Nothing in real estate comes easy. There will be several losses and some really big wins, but as long as you keep going you cannot fail. Early on, it’s about finding your niche and the property profile that is best suited for you. There is no one way to make money. Some people buy turnkey and top of the market. Some people only distressed. Some people only in certain zip codes. Some people always out of state. Whatever you want to do, there is a way to make it happen. And once you figure out what that one way is – you start to tweak it and improve it and then you do it again and again and again. Eventually, you figure it out and then you win.

As you know, we’re big fans of Lockett-N-Homes. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
Lockett-N-Homes is a real estate brokerage now under eXp Realty that specializes in working with real estate investors to help them grow and scale their real estate portfolio. Our agents are trained to ensure that investors who are looking for off market properties, want to house hack, purchase retail rentals, Airbnb, section 8 rentals, or whatever their niche may be. We understand investors who are looking to make investments and can connect them to the money and resources needed to help them be successful.

Are there any important lessons you’ve learned that you can share with us?
The most important lesson I’ve learned is to never quit. One of my favorite quotes from Alex Hormozi is “You cannot fail if you do not quit.” There is nothing that can prepare you for the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and specifically real estate entrepreneurship. You can make 5 or 6 figures from one transaction time and time again. You can also lose money month over month time and time again. Experience can help balance the equation, but it’s not always the determining factor. This business can take you out on your first deal or your 10th deal. It does not care. The only thing that will guarantee your success is if you do not quit and that you continue to learn and be a student of the business.

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