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Community Highlights: Meet Marissa Scroggins of Scopesurance

Today we’d like to introduce you to Marissa Scroggins

Hi Marissa, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
So I started in insurance right after COVID hit, I was laid off from my job, newly married and now unemployed.. I was completely blindsided by the lay off which left me feeling very confused and defeated. I wasn’t sure what my next path would be but I knew I wanted a new challenge. I was drawn to the insurance industry as it’s something that most people don’t want and don’t like but have to have (I told you I wanted a challenge ha!). I started off in a business ownership program for a large insurance carrier, then graduated into my agency that I run with my husband Kevin at the start of 2022…and it was crazy! Learning about business ownership in real time while navigating a now volatile industry was definitely a sobering experience. I’ve been an entrepreneur for almost a decade, but nothing could’ve prepared me for this. But that’s what brought us into Scopesurance, after meeting thousands of prospects and clients, we realized that there is often a huge gap in the knowledge of the buyer and the insurance company. And that was really concerning because it’s easier to take advantage of people who are either uninformed or misinformed. So this year we decided that we wanted to empower the average consumer and help them prioritize their families and their wallets because the insurance company can feel like a casino at times…the house always wins!

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
Not smooth at all! I made a lot of mistakes and ran into quite a few shady professionals along the way. Not to mention, we had two under two during this time. Two gorgeous daughters that were born a year and a day apart! So we had to navigate being new parents, somewhat newly married, new insurance business owners…whoa! But I think that’s what can make tough times beautiful, you don’t really know what you’re made of until you go through a season that knocks you off of your feet. So we learned how to lean on our faith, work as a team and make tougher, quicker and smarter business decisions. I also learned how to set personal and professional time boundaries, that was also a very important factor in keeping a sane mind because we just had so many things going on at once. I’ve grown quite a bit as a person from the struggles. But this experience gave us tons of stories for Scopesurance! Since we had to learn to learn (ha!) quickly in insurance that training transferred over really well to Scopesurance. When we started Scopesurance, we also had to learn about content and course creation and definitely not as easy as it looks. There’s lot’s of planning and reworking behind the scenes.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
At Scopesurance, we’re on a mission to turn insurance into your new favorite subject! Our online training forum makes navigating insurance and saving on premiums as easy as a few clicks. Dive in, get smart, and watch your savings grow.

You should know that Scopesurance is worth your time. It’s worth the information to be able to pass on to your friends and family. And it’s worth your wallet’s time as insurance premiums are expected to go up 20% on average next year! This is a platform created by people who feel as though there’s still a market for “good agents”, we just have to create our own spaces now.

I specialize in creating content to educate and empower people who are interested in owning an agency, quoting/selling policies or being better insurance shoppers. I can help anyone who’s willing to listen!

Utilizing our courses can save most on average anywhere from 10%-20%+ on your current insurance policy. Because of our many experiences in the business, we’re committed to helping people understand what’s going on and how to win!

I am most proud of the journey. Of stepping out and doing something new and impactful! Many times in life, we can really get stuck in a rut because we’re too comfortable or scared to step out, which can lead to a lot of disappointment. I’m proud that I get to show my girls that you can always try something new and you don’t have to follow the crowd and that it’s important to share knowledge.

We currently offer 3 different courses geared towards 3 different areas of insurance. One course is titled “How to win as a buyer” where we go over some insurance basics, why it’s important and how to choose a good company. The next course is for those who want to make some money in insurance! We go over why it’s a lucrative career, how to sell but we also go over some of the downsides and what to expect. The last course we currently offer is for the future business owners. We go over the current market from a business perspective, things to think about before signing a contract and what a day in the life of an agency owner may look like.

What’s next?
My plans are to take all of the information I’ve learned from being an insurance agent and pass it on as best as I can. This looks like more courses, community speaking events and more content. The insurance industry isn’t going anywhere and the costs are expected to continue to go up next year, so this will definitely be an ongoing issue for the average person until we see better solutions for the insurance companies and the communities they serve. I’m really excited for Scopesurance to become a one stop shop for those looking to learn and navigate this wild industry in a more savvy way.

Suggest a Story: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.

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