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Conversations with the Inspiring Megan Shudark

Today we’d like to introduce you to Megan Shudark.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Megan. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
Three years ago, I lived a very different life then I live today. My family of four, my husband, my two boys, and myself lived in a run-down trailer that was falling apart with holes in the roof that let water in every time it rained, 1 burner on the stove that worked, holes in the windows, and the door wouldn’t even lock (we had to duct tape it shut)! We lived off food stamps and received most of our food from our local food pantry. Christmas 2016 was provided by our local firehouse and charity, my kids wouldn’t of received Christmas gifts if it wasn’t for them! We didn’t have a car so we spent a lot of time in our house if we needed things I had to walk to get them or depending on getting a ride from my mom when she wasn’t working.

In May 2017, our life began to change! I was introduced to a company through a friend I had found on Facebook, I followed this person because I was obsessed with her life, she had so many things I dreamed of, everything she touched turned to gold! So, when I received the message on Facebook that she was launching her own network marketing company asking if I wanted in, I didn’t hesitate and said YES! It was May 3rd, I only had $100 left to our family’s name, that was reserved for food later in the month, but I used it to join this company! Within a few months, I jumped through the ranks, after several failures in the industry, this was a new path for me! I realized that this was the place I was supposed to be!

In the first five months, I was able to save up enough money for a down payment on a car, and utilize my car bonus with the company to pay for the monthly bill, and we were able to get a car. We were also able to save enough to get out of that run-down trailer and move to a much more comfortable neighborhood, we went from our 633sqft. trailer to a 2600 sqft. home! In nine months, I became a six-figure earner in the industry, within 1.5 years, I became a multi 6 figure earner! I did all this from my phone educating people on the industry and the products, growing my team to now over 5000 team members, and several thousand customers! I got to where I was today through hard work and self drove motivation. People always cringe when I say I’m money motivated, but let’s face it our homes cost money, our cars cost money, food on the table cost money, I was sick of telling my kids: no, you can’t get that toy in the dollar aisle, or deciding what I was going to eat because I fed my kids! I was sick of crying myself to sleep at night thinking about what charity I was going to have to find to pay the bills, or if we would wake up to no electric! I dedicated my self to learning everything about the industry, through transparency and social media I grew a following that I simply shared the love of the products and company with, because that transparency and trust I built, my business built with it.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
It was definitely NOT a smooth road! I had so many obstacles, people share my story with those that come to them with all the excuses! Like I said I was sick and tired of being sick and tired, I was sick of living off charities, government assistance, and food banks! When I first started in the industry, I didn’t have phone service, internet or anything to spread the word or to network with. At the time, I also didn’t have a care, so this was my first struggle! Instead of saying why me, this won’t work, I can’t do it, I figured out a way! I found a place that offered free wi-fi and realized it was only a mile away, so I would get my kids off to school, set my husband up for the day (he is terminally ill and I’m his primary caregiver), and then I would strap on my tennis shoes and start the walk. I would spend the majority of my day there building my business on social media, setting up calls, and answering messages. My next obstacle was promoting a highly controversial product in a very conservative state! I was promoting a product that most people connected to a drug, that most people assumed would make them sick! So, I had my battles set out for me, I dove into educating myself through medical journals, clinical studies, agriculture studies and more to learn everything I could about the products, the plant, the process! By the time I was done, I knew the process from putting the seed in the ground to the time, it was in my customer’s hands and everything in between! The best advice to a woman starting their journey, stand tall, fix your crown and know that if there is a way, you will find it! Stop putting yourself down, quit throwing a pity party, and find that way! I have overcome many struggles and obstacles, that if I can do it, ANYONE can do it with hard work and dedication.

What should we know about MyDailyChoice/HempWorx? What do you do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
I work in the rapidly growing CBD industry! We specialize in providing superior, pure, and quality oils to our clients throughout the US, Europe, and Africa! I’m known for the education that I provide to my clients and followers, I barely graded high school, and didn’t think about college as a teen mom, so I pride myself in self-education. I’m a go-to person for anything to do with the plant, the products, and the company! I learned everything I could, everything that was out there to position myself in this spot. I’m most proud to offer the highest quality products on the market through one of the most transparent companies in the industry I love that we provide 3rd party testing results on all of our products to back up what we say and to prove what’s on our label is in our bottle! The organization I was able to join and become a part of is the only company that made me feel like I was at home, made me feel passionate about what I was doing, and the only company that was able to provide a culture were a bunch of misfits could fit in!

Looking back on your childhood, what experiences do you feel played an important role in shaping the person you grew up to be?
Yes! I was raised by a single mom. From the time I was born, we were always on our own just her and me. My mom, like myself gave up continuing education to be a teen mom, I watched her growing up HUSTLE and work her way up in the IT industry. She would work long hours, every day of the week, but I never had a need for anything.

Watching this growing up showed me how to be an independent woman, and depend on myself for everything and not to depend on others for anything! I was also raised very open-minded, not to judge others as I wasn’t perfect myself, this helped me grow my business and team as transparent as possible, I showed my true self, and accepted anyone and every one no matter their status, sex, race, or beliefs. I’m also very thankful that my mom was in the IT industry, and had a strong belief that computer technology was an important value for me to have, I took many computer classes as a kid, I had access to the new technology and learning how it all worked, this has helped me skyrocket my business and following because I had the skills of how to navigate in the computer world!


  • Tinctures: $69-$149
  • Gummies: $69
  • Hemp Haircare: $39 – $69
  • Topicals: $69 – $89
  • Coffee Products: $69
  • Pet Products: $39
  • CBD Bath Bombs: $49

Contact Info:

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