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Conversations with the Inspiring Nicole Sheppard

Today we’d like to introduce you to Nicole Sheppard.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Nicole. So, let’s start at the beginning, and we can move on from there.
I started Nikki Speaks LLC after I saw a need for people to have a resource and platform to speak about their personal struggles and victories. Most importantly, I love to see people overcome the obstacles that life brought their way. I wrote a book called “Finding Your Voice Amid the Trauma and Drama of Everyday Life.” My book talks about many ways we don’t use our voice due to the mountains we have to face and conquer. I have found that it is in those pivotal moments that we have to choose to focus, realign ourselves with purpose and to let go so that we can propel into our destiny. I am a Life Coach! I help people go after, reach and accomplish their dreams.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
There have been plenty of growing pains along the way. I have had to learn how to speak up, to focus more, to sleep less and pray more. I started out sharing too much and not listening enough. You can learn so much by networking and going to training in your specific interest area. There is so much to learn, and the resources are all around you. Here are some tips that I would consider implementing to make your life easier and the process more simplified.

Tips for starting a business-
1) Outsource what you either don’t have time to complete or that you don’t have the talent level to achieve without help
2) Accept failure as a pit stop, not a destination, stay in action
3) Work your plan and make changes as needed. It’s ok to have to redo something
4) Ask for help, advice, and wisdom from people on your dream team, and those who you know want you to win
5) Spend your time and money wisely. Pay attention to those who may have ulterior motives. Pray for signs, wonders, and miracles to illuminate your path

So let’s switch gears a bit and go into Nikki Speaks LLC story. Tell us more about the business.
Nikki Speaks a dynamic enterprise that focuses on giving women and men the tools needed to reinvent themselves and to walk in and own their greatness. We specialize in providing the resources and wisdom to people all over the world in the areas of finding their voice, establishing and defining clear and attainable goals, and going after those childhood dreams and capturing them.

We hold fun events that continue to assist others in transforming their lives into their best life yet. I believe that we can have a second chance at anything we mentally set our minds to win. We just have to believe that we can and solicit the help of our dream team-those that are around us that are called to be our helpmates for a season or lifetime. Nikki Speaks known for her Open Mic Nights-a platform creative coaching event for motivational speakers, life coaches, spoken word artists, vocal artists, and easy listening fun, Nights with Nikki-an Elegant Experience with coaching, games and more for Ladies’ Nights or Slumber Parties, Breadwinner’s Circle-an Entrepreneur Networking Collaborative Mixer she founded with her cousins and The Voice Conference 2019-a conference for healing, transformation, and a new you!

It would be great to hear about any apps, books, podcasts or other resources that you’ve used and would recommend to others.
My favorite book is written by my Executive Transformational Coach, Lisa Nichols. Her book is called, “Abundance Now.”

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Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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