Today we’d like to introduce you to Liz Lowe.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
While Polystarra has been around really since about 2013, it was fully realized in 2016 with the current lineup. We all met through mutual friends or happenstance. All of us were in different projects and just gravitated towards each other and would bump into each other as most of us frequented the same rehearsal space. We all started playing together after that, and we kinda just wrote. We had no goal. Just like-minded people that wanted to make some cool music. We ended up playing our first show at Texas Theatre’s Behind the Screen after Eraserhead, which was pretty insane. After that, we spent a lot practice nights writing songs and tweaking our live performance. There was a lot of time putting shows under out belt and making a ton of new friends like our buddies in Paper Saints and Secrecies.
We released our first EP in 2017 and did a small tour in support of it around Texas. We immediately started writing and ended up recording at Elmwood Studios with Alex Bhore and finished production, keys, vocals, and mixing with Adam Pickrell. Our plan had been to release our debut LP ‘Secret’ late in 2019 but had a few delays; member changes, life changes, and then Covid happened, which was definitely a setback. We all decided that we should just go ahead and self-release our first single Miss Communication in April of 2020. There was a video release at the same time, and we had decided we were going to release this album no matter what. A few months go by and to our surprise, our small campaign for the single caught the interest of New High Recordings out of California. We ended up signing with them, working with them to release our record, and the rest is history.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
We really miss playing shows. The bands watch the crowds just as much as they watch us. Playing live really plays a strong role in our inspiration to keep making music. We miss the gatherings, the hugs, the drinks and can’t wait to get back to playing with our favorite local friends and bands. Releasing an album is so much more work than you expect, especially working with a label. None of us had ever released anything of this scope, so we were accustomed to a more DIY approach. It’s been a labor of love, sometimes a real labor, but incredibly rewarding.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
You can check us out at polystarra.com, on Instagram @polystarraband, and on Facebook! Take a look, take a listen, and definitely reach out to us. We love interacting with our fans.
Where do you see things going in the next 5-10 years?
Live streaming is becoming much more common and it’s reaching more people, and that’s super positive. Small shows seem to be returning and that makes us super-hopeful for the future. We really are looking forward to getting back out there and playing some songs for everyone and releasing something sooner rather than later this time!
- “Secret” Digital Album $9.00
- “Secret Vinyl LP (Limited Edition White) $20.00
Contact Info:
- Email: band@polystarra.com
- Website: Polystarra.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/polystarraband/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Polystarra/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClLAA1XW9urycJ138uVPc7Q/videos
Image Credits:
Alonzo Quintero @imagehunter_23 on Instagram