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Conversations with Anagha Kolanu

Today we’d like to introduce you to Anagha Kolanu

Hi Anagha, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
When I turned 18, I found myself at one of the lowest points in my life. Everything felt overwhelming, and I was at a loss for how to navigate my way forward. It was during this incredibly challenging period that I discovered the transformative power of neuroplasticity and mindset techniques. Almost as a last resort, I began exploring how our brains possess the remarkable ability to change and adapt, even amidst the toughest circumstances. As I delved into training my brain and shifting my mindset, I began to witness profound changes in my life. This journey wasn’t just about feeling better; it was about reclaiming control and realizing that I had the power to shape my own reality. The more I practiced these techniques, the more my life began to evolve in ways I hadn’t thought possible. This process of healing and self-discovery ignited a deep passion within me to share what I had learned with others. I became dedicated to teaching people that the first step in creating the life you desire starts with the mind. It’s about rewiring your brain, setting clear intentions, and cultivating a belief in your own ability to change your circumstances. This philosophy is now at the heart of everything I do. Whether through my social media platforms or personal interactions, I am committed to inspiring others to unlock their own potential and design the reality they envision. My journey stands as a testament to the fact that no matter how lost you might feel, there is always a path forward. And that path begins with harnessing the incredible power of your mind.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
One of the most significant challenges I faced began when I was much younger. I often felt like I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders, constantly under scrutiny as if I were being observed under a microscope. Growing up as a child of an immigrant family, I had a lot to navigate—there was so much trauma to unpack. On top of that, I dealt with mental health issues and the difficult process of coming to terms with being neurodivergent due to my ADHD. For a long time, I was deeply ashamed of having ADHD. The stereotypes surrounding it painted us as airheads or weird, and I was terrified of being myself because I knew I didn’t fit into a society that wasn’t designed for neurodivergents in the first place. It was a constant struggle to mask who I was, trying to squeeze myself into a mold that never felt right. It wasn’t until I was 21 and in college that I finally decided enough was enough. I started peeling back all the layers of shame, fear, and self-doubt that I had accumulated over the years. It was a liberating but challenging process, one that allowed me to embrace who I truly was for the first time in my life. Accepting myself as I am was the first step toward building the life I wanted, free from the constraints of other people’s expectations.

Starting out on social media was absolutely terrifying. The idea of posting multiple times a day filled me with anxiety—I couldn’t shake the thought that people might see me as “crazy.” I could almost hear the whispers, “Why is this girl posting so much?” It was like I was putting myself on display for the world, and that vulnerability was daunting. When I didn’t see the results I was hoping for, the embarrassment was almost unbearable. It felt like everyone was watching, waiting to see if I would succeed or fail. I quickly realized that if I wanted to make an impact, I couldn’t rely on just one approach. I had to experiment, taking my goal and approaching it from every possible angle to find the right formula to expand my reach. That process was filled with trial and error, and it was hard not to let the fear of embarrassment hold me back. But I knew that if I wanted to succeed, I had to break through that fear. I had to become comfortable with the discomfort, learn to embrace my mistakes, and most importantly, be okay with showing up as my authentic self, no matter what anyone else thought. In the end, it wasn’t just about figuring out what worked—it was about discovering the strength to keep pushing forward, even when things didn’t go as planned. I had to trust that being true to myself would resonate with the right people, and that the journey, with all its ups and downs, was worth it.

Pursuing my dreams has come with significant sacrifices, and it hasn’t always been easy. My ultimate goal in life is to touch as many lives as I can, no matter what it takes. I genuinely feel privileged to be in a position where I can make a difference, and that sense of responsibility has fueled my journey. Even when those around me couldn’t understand why I was pouring so much of myself into my work or why I couldn’t always be there for social gatherings, I knew deep down that this was my path. The lack of support was tough, but I carried a relentless passion within me—an almost insatiable drive that wouldn’t let me give up. It was more than just a dream; it was a calling that I felt in every fiber of my being. This inner fire kept me moving forward, even when the road was lonely, and the sacrifices felt overwhelming. I always knew that the sacrifices I was making in the present moment would pay off in the future. There was a deep conviction within me that every ounce of effort, every moment of missed social time, would be worth it. My mission has always been clear: if I could save even one person from going through the kind of pain and struggle I faced when I was younger, then I had done my job. It wasn’t just about the immediate impact; it was about the long-term vision. I believed that every small step, every person I helped along the way, was building towards something greater. That belief kept me grounded, even when the sacrifices felt heavy, because I knew that what I was working toward would ultimately change lives.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I create content designed to help people rewire their subconscious minds and transform their lives into the reality they’ve always dreamed of. My work focuses on guiding individuals through profound mindset shifts, enabling them to break free from limiting beliefs that have been holding them back. By helping people challenge and overcome these mental barriers, I empower them to tap into their true potential and create lasting change. In addition to this, I have a deep passion for capturing the beauty of our planet. I especially love photographing sunsets, which I frequently share on my Instagram. To me, sunsets symbolize the resilience and beauty that persist even in the face of life’s darker moments. They serve as a powerful reminder that, no matter how challenging or overcast our days may seem, there’s always beauty to be found and appreciated. This daily ritual of observing and sharing sunsets not only inspires me to maintain my own positivity but also fuels my commitment to showing up every day with renewed energy and hope. I aspire to help others shine as brightly as the sunsets do, illuminating their paths and encouraging them to embrace their own potential. Through my work and my passion for capturing the natural world’s beauty, I hope to inspire and uplift those around me, fostering a sense of wonder and resilience in their own lives.

One of the things I’m most proud of is that I’ve reached a point where I no longer care what others think of me. I’ve successfully peeled back the layers of societal conditioning that once held me back, and now I feel so free being my raw, authentic self. This journey wasn’t easy—letting go of the need for external validation took time and a lot of inner work. But now, it feels incredible to finally show the world who I really am, unapologetically. The freedom that comes with being true to myself has unlocked a wellspring of creativity and joy that I never knew was possible. I’m also deeply proud of the years of work I’ve invested in changing my mindset. It wasn’t a quick fix; it was a continuous, four-year journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth. Each step along the way required commitment and perseverance, but it was worth every moment. I’ve reached a place where I not only understand the power of mindset but have embodied it in my own life. This transformation has been so profound that I’m now ready to step into the role of a teacher, eager to share what I’ve learned with others who are on a similar path. The idea of guiding others through their own journeys to self-empowerment and authenticity excites me, and I feel honored to be in a position where I can make a real difference in people’s lives.

What truly sets me apart is my energy, which radiates from a deep-seated belief that everything will work out in the end. I approach life with an unwavering positive outlook, rooted in the conviction that every experience, whether challenging or joyful, has its purpose. This mindset allows me to remain grounded and resilient, even in the face of adversity. I make it a point to express gratitude daily for the seemingly small yet profoundly significant aspects of life, such as our health, safety, and access to education. Recognizing these everyday blessings helps me stay connected to the present moment and fuels my sense of purpose. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason and that we are always exactly where we need to be. This perspective shapes not only how I live my life but also how I approach my work. It’s this approach that allows me to connect deeply with those I’m trying to help. My genuine gratitude and positive energy resonate with others, creating a space where people feel seen, understood, and supported. This connection is what makes my work impactful and meaningful. I strive to infuse every interaction with this sense of purpose and optimism, aiming to inspire others to find their own path to fulfillment and joy.

How can people work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
People can work with me or support my efforts by reaching out via email at, which is also listed in my Instagram bio. For collaborations, feel free to send me a direct message on Instagram. I’m always excited to connect with like-minded individuals and explore new opportunities for partnership and growth. Whether you’re interested in working together, collaborating on a project, or just want to support my mission, I’d love to hear from you and see how we can make a positive impact together.

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