Today we’d like to introduce you to Celina Rotundo.
Hi Celina, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
My name is Celina Rotundo, I am from Argentina. I was born in a small town called “Campana” in beautiful Buenos Aires. “Bell” in English means BELL, and from it comes a strident sound (whether the bell is big or small), and I think that’s what we’ve come to, to sound. I chose to live in Dallas three years ago, together with my husband and my young son. We decided that this was a good place for our family to project ourselves and to expand. When they ask me what I do, I realize that what I do is what I am. And I am many things. I am a professional Argentine Tango dancer, I am a fashion designer and I have my own brand (By Celina Rotundo Tango Clothes). I am the mother of Hipolito (5). I am an artist. I was a professional skater for 20 years. I had my own figure skating school in Argentina. Two hundred students each year for 16 years. I studied specific techniques of stretching and body training, biomechanics, dance, body expression, choreographic composition, among other things.
Argentine tango has always been my passion. But in my childhood, there was not enough money to have two passions at the same time to develop. And I chose skating. When I grew up, I worked a lot, and as often happens, I had the money, but I didn’t have the time. One day I made a space in my busy schedule and walked through the door of that beautiful school and he welcomed me. I remember it as if it were today. Hugo was at the front desk. He informed me about the tango classes and wrote down all the information on a piece of paper that I still keep in my wallet. He was the owner of the first comprehensive art school in the country (from there they opened a few others), he was the teacher, and as everyone knows them in the tango environment, a fabulous renowned dancer with more than 25 years of experience. I went there thinking of finding a place for recreation and enjoyment. And I found it, but also unthinkable. I found a new life. Today we are a couple, family, team, partner. And He is a fundamental piece in my search for myself. And that’s the most fantastic thing in my life. We dance together and we have been a couple for 11 years, we travel all over the world to do shows, exhibitions and teach how to dance Argentine Tango.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
There was everything! many changes to face and difficult decisions.
Even leaving my whole family, my home, my country, the school that we built with a lot of work, it was worth it.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Our art is healing. I have learned and seen that Tango is very generous. It gives millions of people around the world space, personal relationships, a new feeling, a new vision, and even a reason to live. Regardless of age, idiosyncrasy or race. Tango teaches not only how to approach it technically to dance it, but it also teaches us a lot about ourselves.
It teaches us to listen to ourselves, and to listen to the other, to connect differently, to perceive, to intend without the need for words. The “close embrace” breaks barriers, limitations. He invites us without asking permission to breathe together. Contrary to the physical space that two bodies have between each other when they embrace to dance, souls, find space, freedom. It is a unique feeling. It is an intimate conversation with oneself and with another that perhaps we have never met before. In this different world and during this pandemic, tango was hit. Because this hug was postponed for almost a year and it led us to find a way to stay connected, working and learning a lot. Since March 2020, I have been teaching virtual classes to many couples or singles from all over the world. And this magic of “connecting” is infinite. We teach couples and singles from all over the world to dance. People of different nationalities, ages, cultures. Now in person and virtual too. The progress of the students is incredible. Working privately with a student is extremely important to their training, and group classes are great for networking and connecting with peers. It’s not just about technique, it’s about feeling.
For many of us (those of us who love and need tango) in days of confinement and uncertainty, Tango was also salvation. But the best thing that the pandemic gave me is my new project, “INTERNATIONAL TANGO FEMME TEAM.” This is a project that includes women from all over the world who have the desire to continue learning about their personal tango. They don’t need a partner to do it.
We work technique, we train, we stretch, we share questions, and we look for answers. Right now, I have face-to-face groups of people who are in Dallas or nearby cities who come here to work with me, but I have three virtual groups with women from Argentina, Brazil, Ireland, Mexico, Canada, Italy, and from all over the United States who they work in Zoom. Their interests are varied: there are dancers who want to do performances, others who want to learn for personal development, and others who do it for fun. The goal is common: keep dancing and improving, without wasting time. This is a project that is growing rapidly, we have already been invited to participate in different events, and there are many future projects. This country has given me many possibilities for expansion. I have always worked a lot. Those who know me know that I do it tirelessly, but it was difficult to see the progress and the fruit of it in my country. It is very sad. An unstable economy, and an unfit environment, lead and push you to leave everything, absolutely everything, to go in search of something that you believe. Today, in addition to dedicating myself to teaching and dancing professionally, I have my own brand of exclusive clothing for dancing.
I studied the design and manufacture of clothes and shoes for many years. I love women’s fashion. I think it can empower us. Talk about us, how we feel, what we want to show or hide. Fashion is identity. It is something very personal. And that’s why I make exclusive garments. I do not work in series. I have no assistants. I design, cut, sew and embroider each dress. I choose the materials. I talk to the clients to get to know them better. The dresses speak for themselves. The best and most exhilarating compliment I often receive is that when they wear my dresses, they feel super-powered, liberated, sensual, elegant, comfortable, and even dance better. And the secret is simply the intention that I put to each one. Intending positively in everything that one does in life because that is good for us, and it is also good for others.
Are there any important lessons you’ve learned that you can share with us?
When I thought I had everything, I left everything for a new dream. And so I learned that we can be many things in life, almost all that we want to be. That you can change, and that’s fine. That we are from the place where we feel comfortable and that allows us to be free and productive. That you have to seek to surround yourself with people who add. That there is time to make mistakes and start over. And above all, when you connect absolutely and honestly with yourself, you can connect differently with everything else. I learned then that we came to sound, and we deserve that sound.
- $130 Private lesson
- $75 Membership Team
- $150 Membership VIP
- Tango Dresses from $130
- Dance Skirts from $60
Contact Info:
- Email: info@hugoandcelina.com
- Website: hugoandcelina.com | hugoandcelinaevents.com | bycelinarotundo.com
- Instagram: @celinarotundo @celirot @hugoandcelina
- Facebook: Hugo Patyn & Celina Rotundo / BCR Tango Clothes
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_yu-83FuVYQaEZzdSZWM2w
Image Credits
Celina Rotundo, professional Argentine tango dancer, fashion designer for dancers, with Hugo patyn