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Conversations with Christian Harper

Today we’d like to introduce you to Christian Harper. 

Hi Christian, so excited to have you on the platform. So, before we get into questions about your work life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today.
I’ve always been an artist throughout my entire life. I used to draw and paint all the time when I was little, but I never took it very seriously. Throughout high school, I had struggled to enjoy my art due to my own inner critic, and always felt as if my work was inferior. I had been working on graphic design projects off and on before I entered college but the work, I was making still didn’t feel enough to me. I was in a huge creative runt. That all changed when I bought a cheap film camera off the internet during the COVID pandemic. After taking a couple of portraits of my friends, I quickly realized that photography was the perfect medium for me. Since then, I’ve created a large amount of beautiful work that I’m very proud of! I share all my work on my Instagram page, and as my page grew so did my connections. I started meeting other photographers and creatives within the Dallas scene, and I started to work with real models. It’s been up since there. I now aspire to be a professional photographer, who is known all around for his creativity and passion for the craft. 

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
There were, and still is, many obstacles that I faced to get to the place I’m in currently. The biggest obstacle was myself. There were many moments where I was too hard on myself and I had times where my inner critic was discouraging me. There were many moments when I wanted to give up, delete all my work, and start over. But I had to always remind myself that I am human and that it is ok to feel these emotions and have this doubt about my work. It happens to every good artist. Believing in myself kept me on my toes and allowed me to keep pushing. 

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I am a photographer, model, and creative director. I also dabble in graphic design. I mainly known for my photography, and that is what I specialize in! With my work, my main goal is to capture my vision of the world. My imagination is super vast, and I want to express and portray that imagery for the world to see. I’m very big on color and expression. I mainly shoot portraits, so when shooting models, I always try to make their personality shine within the photo. These elements are super important to me, and my creative vision is incredibly unique, which separates me from your average photographer. 

So, before we go, how can our readers or others connect or collaborate with you? How can they support you?
Collaboration is super important to me! I love working with models, stylists, photographers, videographers, you name it. I enjoy collaborating with other creatives because I get to learn so much from seeing how they operate. Having a great support system has kept me afloat during my career. I wouldn’t be here without my friends and followers supporting me! 


  • $200 an hour for a basic studio shoot!

Contact Info:

Image Credits

Zach Earhart
Pat Graham

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