Today we’d like to introduce you to JESSIE SANON
JESSIE, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
In 2015 the entrepreneurship bug bit me, and I began to go down a path that I had no idea would be such a challenging one. I was in a domestic violence marriage facing divorce, needless to say, that my hands were full, my heart was broken, and my life was in shambles. So, I decided to invest in myself by hiring a personal life coach. This is when I truly realized that my identity had always been who I am to everyone else and not even who I am to who God called me to be. I then started to do a credit repair business which quickly fell apart because I really did not have the capacity needed in this season for the level of dedication that it required, and it was a networking business, in which is not my favorite style of entrepreneurship. My interest quickly dissipated, and I was back focused on everything else, family, friends, ministry, and corporates America.
Fast forward to 2017, I was hit with an incurable autoimmune illness called Sarcoidosis. This illness completely changed my life as I knew it to be. What was initially missed diagnosed as bronchitis the Monday after a great Mother’s Day celebration with my girls, quickly had me fighting for my life the very next Monday. I had no idea what was going to become of this illness, especially, the drastic life altering changes. After much testing, anticipating, and awaiting MULTIPLE results, I was diagnosed with Pulmonary-Neurological Sarcoidosis. The journey ahead was one that no one would have been able to prepare me for. My ENTIRE life changed so rapidly that I am still catching my breath from that very day. I woke up permanently disabled. I was in a fight for my life!!! Until that very day of being diagnosed, I had never heard of Sarcoidosis and had no idea of the forms of medical treatments. I started in a wheelchair, living in a rehabilitations center, and a whole lot of questions. After being told that I would never walk again, must learn to talk again, and that this condition was not curable, I really did not know where to start. During the entire devastating life changes, one thing for certain, my spiritual walk with the Lord went to a new level that I did not know existed. While all this is unfolding, I still had a divorce to finalize, a daughter who is now going to college, a daughter who decided that college was not for them, a boss in corporate America, and a leader in ministry. LIFE WAS LIFIIIIIINNNNNGGG. Eventually my position at work was nonexistent and I had to rely on disability income. I began to revisit my entrepreneurships to help sustain me financially and purposefully. God downloaded so much to me during my time in the hospital and rehab, so much so that it was impossible for others to believe considering my then current state. Truly it was only if you have FAITH that you can believe that if God said it then it will come to pass. I decided to invest in myself again and get me a personal coach to help me get on track on my way of fulfilling purpose. This was a game changer!!! I was making progress in changing lanes from corporate America to full time entrepreneurship. This was difficult to be consistent as I was deep in the new world of uncovering, learning, and suffering from Sarcoidosis. Although I was determined to be resilient, strong, and faithful, there were moments I just could not keep up. The level of care, work, and needs that Sarcoidosis required at times left me frustrated, overwhelmed, and helpless. I kept pushing through to educating myself in the new field of becoming a Certified Life Coach. This brought me so much because it spoke to my purpose. It is one thing to discover purpose, but it is a whole new meaning when purpose pays. However, I had not gotten to the pay aspect just yet. I was in and out of the hospital constantly and having to leave home, hospitalized for weeks, then going straight to inpatient rehab for months. The road to return to any form of normalcy would seem to me so far-fetched. In between those eventful fighting for my life circumstances, I would make attempts pick up entrepreneurship hats and sometimes I would quickly take it off to deal with Sarcoidosis. Surely, Sarcoidosis is a problem.
And then, this happened, I moved to Dallas, Texas in July 2022. Yes, I know what you are thinking…TEXAS??? Trust me, I did not see this coming either. So, during my fourth relapse with you know who…. Yes, Sarcoidosis, the Lord met me in His peculiar way that He always meets me while I am going through the worst time of my life. During this meeting He began to download instructions saying it is time to move, relocate, and start over. I had no idea what that entailed or where to even begin. I just obeyed. Now, I know enough about God that if He said it then that settles it. I immediately shared this with my daughter and a few close friends. It was so left field that they did not even take me seriously, YET. I knew that this was going to sound crazy to everyone once I broke the news, especially, with all the medical challenges that I was going through. However, I was bursting with excitement inside!!! The entire moving process was going to be a super quick and fast one, 6 months to be exact. WOW!!! Am I ready to do this? So many unanswered questions. THIS IS FAITH. I was not new to faith, but this level was unfamiliar. I have been braved plenty of times, which can mirror that you are operating in faith, but this, was BANANNAS!!! I called it BOTTOMLESS FAITH because I could not see when, how, or where my feet would land. So much to unpack here that you will have to wait for me to draft my book. My daughter and I left New Jersey on April 30th, 2022, heading to South Carolina to stay with one of my very best Jersey besties who once lived in TX and I visited her there once 23 years ago. Okay, deep breath!!! I did it, I obeyed God! Whew!!! All of the sudden, I was nervously excited. What shifted? Somehow, I no longer felt that I was just relocating in obedience, it actually felt more like I was being separated apart, like a child separated from their mom at an amusement park. This is scary, uncomfortable, and painful! God, wait, did I hear you correctly? I asked this question very often as time went on. Well, what was supposed to be 2 weeks visit with a friend, turned into 2 long months. All of our belongings were now in storage in TX and all we had was just 2 weeks worth of items with us in my truck. WE BECAME DISPLACED! WE ARE NOW HOMELESS! LORD, I AM CONFUSED! If you want to hear more, you must wait for my book!!! COMING SOON.
Finally, we are here in Garland, TX on July 6th, 2022, staying at a hotel to enjoy ourselves while we wait for our new townhouse to be prepared. YES, we are here and now the excitement of this faith walk can really start making sense. WELL, NOT! This was just a continuation of the journey of BOTTOMLESS FAITH. We are now HOMELESS in Texas!!! WHAT IS THIS? My life was shaking up once again and I just did not know if I had any strength left to endure. Just too much of the unknown, endless pain, and overwhelming frustrations. I was nursing deep wounds from friendship breakups, family separations, and not to mention SARCOIDOSIS!!! I did not see any of this coming, and of course, there were plenty more surprises awaiting just around the corner. Mid-August 2022, we moved into an apartment in Dallas that would bring on its own level of stress, agony, disappointment, and dissatisfaction. All I can say is that faith develops muscles that you did not know you had and surely don’t recall learning about in health class lessons in high school. While working through these very traumatic life changes, I figured it was also time to revisit ENTREPRENEURESHIP, again. That is what brought me here and having this opportunity to share a glimpse of my story with you. Setbacks will happen in our lives but you can’t let it stop you. You don’t have to take a sit back in the back seat of your life, I suggest taking a front sit in the front seat!!! This journey is still unfolding for me because God is not through with strengthening me, transforming me, or working in me yet. He is the author and the finisher of my faith; I am now living from BOTTOMLESS FAITH to LIMITLESS FAITH. Stay tuned!!! Chapter Jessie Sanon (Coach Ms Jessie) is fully loading…:) Go to my website and subscribe to get the upcoming details. You can also request to join me in my private group on Geneva to stay connected
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
As you can see in my previous response, there is no smooth road that exist here. Life has always been full of its ups, downs, and surprises. However, the Lord equips me and gives me grace to overcome. The most challenging struggle along the way was being introduced to Sarcoidosis. It’s been hard work, dedication, and a painful process for me. Not only did my life change to now being a handicapped woman, but now I am going through an entire outward physical transformation from being pumped with high dosage of steroid medication. This was one of the meds used to treat it, and I mean a whole lot of it for this aggressive beast that almost took me out of here. This was a catch 22 that would later cause even more issues for me. People often did not even recognize me, and I did not recognize myself either in more ways than one. Hey there, new you! I spent countless hours in physical therapy, occupational therapy, aqua therapy, speech therapy, and acupuncture therapy. I also did some personal and spiritual counseling to help me cope. I even had to change my relationship with food and became a pescatarian, which I reference to as HER(Healthy Eating Regimens). Healing is for the body, soul, mind, and spirit. My prayer life, my worship, my time in God’s word was definitely turned all the way up as well…and still is today!!! There were moments I did not want to put the work in but I knew I needed to put the work in daily, otherwise, I would not have survived let alone thrive.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
Since I’ve became disabled, my work history came to a dead end. However, I am currently working part-time from home doing customer service, while funding my business. I have been a hard worker all my life, safe to say I was a workaholic. What I have learned coming from corporate America is that you can work yourself to the grave but once you cannot give any more than you can give, it spits you out as if it never knew you at all. I spent all my time work, work, work, work, work, then had to start from the bottom, and now I’m here. I eventually graduated with my bachelors’ degree in Business Administration, Human Resources Management which was a great accomplishment for me. Managed people for a living all day and night because I carried c company’s laptop and cell phone.
Going back to school as a full-time working single mother of two was one of the most challenging things I did and completed. I worked tirelessly, long, and hard to then fighting for disability income when I became disabled. This made no sense, but it taught me a greater lesson on risking it all at the expense of losing it all. That lesson will make sense sooner or later if you’re anything like I was, not prioritizing the main thing…you!!! Sometimes it was like working with my head deep in the sinking sand and forgot to reach up for help and air, then it swallowed me up to only throw me out with nothing to show for it. I am not saying not to work hard at you do but don’t let it be the only thing you do. Take care of yourself, love and spend quality time with your family and your friends. There’s a time for everything, besides, the Bible says so. I am most proud that I came to my senses and now I am working on being the best version of myself that I can be. It’s never too late for a fresh start because every day is a new day!!!
I am now a Certified Life Coach. I Help Women: Build Unstoppable Confidence (while healing through trauma), Get Inner Soul Healing(the ISH, because the ISH matters), and Discover their Purpose! I am a speaker, an author, a podcaster, a fashionista, and a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Being myself automatically sets me apart from everyone else. I am the difference needed because I was created on purpose for purpose. I am an encourager to others and I love to speak life over women. I get so excited when I look back of the progress in my life. To God be the glory!!! I am set-apart! My presence enters a room no matter how silent I am, and it’s even more undeniable once I open my mouth. We’ve all heard the term, the IT FACTOR, well I have the IT FACTOR!!! I am UNAPOLOGETICALLY CONFIDENT because I know God is always with me!!!
Let’s talk about our city – what do you love? What do you not love?
What I like most about Dallas is the diverse culture. There are plenty of opportunities for growth and connections. Not to mention so many churches!!! I do believe God is doing something super big in Dallas right now and I am glad to be apart. It’s also very family oriented here. There are lots of activities for fun, recreation, and knowledge. I love that you can find some wonderful places to eat. I have found some really great doctors here who are well versed in their area of expertise, so much so that the wait period for an appointment could be months out. Honestly, since coming to Texas, I have found that many of the services, benefits, and assistance that I had in New Jersey are not the same here. Therefore, making life a little more financially challenging. I can certainly say that the bad roads and the amount of construction is outrageous, and TERRIBLE on vehicles. The 100 lane highways and still have bad traffic, please explain…lol. The weather is very different, quite an adjustment! Hurricanes, tornados, and heat…oh, my!
I am definitely heartbroken about the amount of homelessness that I see around Dallas. I see so many tents set up outside as people’s home and see push carts full of their belongings. Yes, I have see homelessness before but not like this! It is sad. I know we all have a story and I can’t help but wonder what happen? Where’s the help?
With all that said, I am thankful for being here in Dallas. I am a forever Jersey girl living in a Texas world. I believe this was the shift I needed in my life for purpose. I see the changes happening in my life, and what God is doing, it’s preparing me for greatness. I love Social Dallas family and my pastors Robert & Taylor Madu. I have met some great people and formed some amazing new relationships. I’m elated about this upcoming season! God have opened doors, gave me favors, and sent the right mentor and coach. So grateful! Get connected to me and you won’t miss a thing!!!
It’s your girl! It’s your coach! Coach who? Ms Jessie! I love you on purpose!
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Image Credits
Shannon Davis Photography