Today we’d like to introduce you to Lisa Scott.
Hi Lisa, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstories.
Hi!I’m Lisa Nicole Scott, thank you so much for having me. I’m a 35 year old full time working mother of 2 boy teenagers. I work a 9-5 as a medical insurance claims processor and also own my own business as a licensed esthetician located in the Dallas area.
As a little girl, I’ve always had a passion for beauty rather if that was fashion, hair, nails, makeup, or skin whatever it took to make a woman feel gorgeous. My grandmother had very high standards when it came to a woman’s self-care, she would spend a great amount of money on clothes, shoes, and make up.Whereas my mom wasn’t so able to because she had other responsibilities, but don’t get me wrong when she had the opportunity to, she would step lol.
Growing up I seen my mom work two and three jobs to provide for me and my younger siblings while doing so running her body into the ground. My mom didn’t often get to treat herself to anything pertaining to self-care.
This is when I knew when I grew up, I was going to help single mothers or just mothers feel beautiful in some way.
As the years passed by, I’ve played in a few life adventures I’ve done hair in the kitchen, barbershop, and high school girls locker room. I’ve dipped into personal styling and part ownership in a clothing store where I sold and hand-made jewelry. I’ve done some make-up for senior proms and personal photography make-up styling. I also went to college for science and early childhood development and earned my degree, although being a teacher wasn’t my passion the science background helped me when I decided do something for me and get back into the beauty field as I’ve always dreamed of. This is where skin came in.
When I reached the age 31 and started to have health issues, I decided to come off birth control, sometimes I feel like this was the biggest mistake because my skin went crazy keep in mind, I’ve had clear skin all my life up until then. You can only imagine how this affected my self-esteem. Not only was I going through a divorce and didn’t feel beautiful anymore but now my face is ugly. This is what got me to esthetician school.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Getting into esthetician school definitely wasn’t easy. When I first decided I wanted to enroll I toured so many schools not finding what I was looking for and when I did find a school that I thought I could like they didn’t have financial aid which means I would have to pay out of pocket. I had just moved into a house and had to buy appliances and furnish the house along with providing for my two sons, so I had to put that desire on the back burner again until I could save up to pay for school. About a year almost two years later I was able to finally pay my deposit and pay for supplies to get started in April 2020, but we all know this is the year Covid hit and we were all sent home. When class started things were weird learning online how to do facials and not hands-on, but we got through the first couple of weeks the best we could. May 8th, I think I remember correctly is when things died down a bit and we were able to go to school in person I was really excited and enjoying every bit of school finally I felt like I was doing what I was put here to do. I attended night class because I worked a 9-5 and still had to be a mother to my children along with so many other responsibilities just like my mom did.I had to put a lot on pause to get to where I wanted to be in life. Most nights After class I would call my mom to tell her how class went and we would talk the whole ride home. I told her I was going to build this business for us we will have a place where women can go to get pampered.Not knowing this would be our last conversation May 19th my mom died unexpectedly my whole world stopped I thought to myself how could this be happening just when my new life was getting started. I didn’t stop as bad as I wanted to I couldn’t because I know she wanted this for me. With family death can bring a lot of ups and downs I didn’t let this stop me. I attended school while planning my mother’s funeral and still taken care of my younger siblings. I was determined to continue school for my mom. Along the 11 months of school, it was challenging grieving while trying to complete a passion and be there for everyone else my classmates, instructor, close friends, and some family pushed me and help me over the finish line. May 3rd, 2021 I was completely licensed before my graduation which I didn’t want to attend but I promised my mom I would attend my graduation because I didn’t attend my college graduation. I never celebrate myself, but this time I did and I was able to give my mom that celebration for Mother’s Day for first one without her physically here with me. It was very satisfying knowing I made her proud. I know this journey won’t be easy owning a business but I’m for sure working hard for it.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I’m a licensed Esthetician I specialize in corrective skincare and waxing.
I’m known for my passion and dedication to help others feel comfortable and beautiful in their own skin no matter what might look like. Every future client and client now will know we are all beautiful in our own special way and what I do is provide a service that enhances your natural beauty. I’m very informative, loving, and caring when it comes to my services there is no shame in my game, I am here for it all. With my waxing services, I’m told that I make every individual feel comfortable and safe during the service and it’s much easier than expected.
I feel what sets me apart is my background I was raised with manners and the strength of a single woman. I feel like I can take every obstacle head on. I make every client feel at home and comfortable in their own skin. I’m most proud that I’m going for my dream no matter what nothing stopped me not even my mother’s death I include her into every decision that I make just like she is still right beside me. I’ve been funding my business myself and creating generation wealth for my children. Making my kids and mom proud.
The crisis has affected us all in different ways. How has it affected you and any important lessons or epiphanies you can share with us?
Wow yes, I learned not to stress over things that are out of your control. 2020 was a learn lesson
Although my mom didn’t die from Covid I feel like she died from the stress of it and what she couldn’t control. One of my younger siblings was graduating and she was so unhappy not being able to do things to celebrate. How we had to hunt for household items and groceries. Although it brought our family together because we still had small family get-togethers for the holidays before her passing which I’m so happy we still did them. During Covid, because we were on shut down, I would take my mom grocery shopping and bring her to my house to spend time with her. I really enjoyed not being able to really get out and do things because it gave us more family time at home and get creative with activities. Covid gave us family time and reminded us that it is nothing better in the world than to love on our people while we can.
- Facials prices range from $99-$165
- Waxing services range from $20-$55
- Body treatments range from $55-$80
Contact Info:
- Email: Lisanicolespa@gmail.com
- Website: https://pocketsuite.io/link/4bL7
- Instagram: @skin_byiamlisanicole
- Facebook: LisaScott
Image Credits