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Conversations with Matthew Bell

Today we’d like to introduce you to Matthew Bell. 

Hi Matthew, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstories.
In 2012 I was at a crossroads. I’d spent my entire life around music; I had been playing music out in the Dallas area for a couple of years, I was in a corporate job that I hated, and I was about to get married. 2 months before the wedding my fiancé and I decided it was time to quit my job and focus on music full time. I had no idea how I was going to put food on the table, but I knew one thing: I had to do what (in the wise words of my wife) “made me come alive.” 

I’ve done a lot of things to make ends meet and keep the music going. I drove a school bus, substitute taught, taught music, led (and still lead) worship, and currently teach 10th-grade English. And the last ten years are filled with stories of supernatural provision, unexplainable blessings, unforeseen challenges, and countless musical frustrations and triumphs. Through all of it, I’ve continued writing, performing, producing, and feeding this beautifully mysterious gift, all while trying to be the best husband and father I can be. So that’s where I am now. Continuing to write, continuing to perform, continuing to produce, and hopefully growing at least a little every day in each of those realms. 

We all face challenges, but looking back, would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Certainly not, haha. But that’s what makes for the best stories, right? One of the biggest (and most gratifying) challenges has been having children and learning what it looks like to be a husband and father first and a pursuer of dreams second. Thankfully, I have an amazingly supportive, creative, and visionary wife that believes in my music as much (and sometimes more than) I do. 

And just the process of being an entrepreneur while trying to feed creative growth is always a challenge. It sometimes feels like you have to decide between eating and creating. So, you organize your time and try to give a faithful amount of effort on the thing that most needs your attention at the moment. 

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I am, in my eyes at least, a songwriter first and a producer second. That’s where I spend most of my creative time and effort these days. I also front the band Matthew Bell & The Next of Kin, which is kind of a “band of brothers.” Two of the band members are actually brothers-in-law of mine, and we’ve been playing together for over a decade. 

I think I’m most proud of, professionally, our recent single, “Luvlynyess,” which was written, recorded, and produced entirely by us. This is the first project in which we truly executed all elements from start to finish. As far as what sets us apart? Probably our approach to what we do. We try to write songs and put on shows that you can feel good about when you’ve finished listening. We want to have a positive impact on the world around us and bring people up, especially when the world is rife with things intent on bringing us down. 

Do you have any advice for those just starting out?
Be fearless, and don’t play the comparison game. It’s a bottomless pit, and it will NEVER make you a better artist. I’m still learning this lesson, haha. 

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Image Credits

Alyssa Bell
Toby White

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