Today we’d like to introduce you to Precious Younger.
Hi Precious, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I started out having a passion for music growing up in the church and singing in the choir as a little girl. I’ve always loved listening to music, dancing, and singing. While I was in high school, a unique opportunity was presented to audition for our school district’s radio station, and I hopped right on it. I was able to be a student DJ for a couple years and interned at Clear Channel Radio, where I learned so much. I was introduced to the business aspect of the music industry, and I knew the music and entertainment industry was my passion for sure. Considering the many avenues there is to choose from, I’ve dibbled and dabbled in it all just to find my niche in DJing and radio. After marrying my best friend, my husband, in 2020, we decided to move out of state where DJing is in high demand. I asked a DJ who I followed on IG if I could shadow him and was referred to a DJ workshop where I met some amazing DJs and learned the skill of mixing. That created many more opportunities for me and led to me joining the Fleet DJs coalition where opportunities are come daily. As of today, I’m the program director of an all-female station 2Fli Fleet Radio.
I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
This road was definitely not smooth. Life and life’s issues showed up in many ways, but I always kept my focus on the end goal of becoming a DJ and being in radio.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I’m a DJ and radio personality. I’m also the program director of 2Fli Fleet Radio. I’m known for recording and performing music and being in the music industry. I’m most proud of becoming exactly what I wanted and finding a way to make a career out of something I love. I’d say my work ethic, ability to organize well, and dedication to finishing things I set out to do is what sets me apart from others.
Can you talk to us about how you think about risk?
Risk can be scary, but I feel it’s mandatory for growth. They don’t say the greater the risk the greater the reward for nothing. I had to take so many risks on my journey, struggling between following dreams and career, and I’ve fell on some very hard times because of that. But on the flip side, I’ve taken risks and walked into blessings. Like moving out of state with my family, that was a big risk to take during the middle of the pandemic, but it was well worth it.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: @djprecious_loxs