Today we’d like to introduce you to Shelley Cramm
Hi Shelley, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
My work as an author began as a journalist – that is, someone who writes in a journal, not a professional journalist. As a young mom, I realized my husband and little ones would be better off if I got up early before everyone else and took a little time to pray and get my attitude right…except, I kept falling back asleep in the middle of my own prayers!
So I began to write them out simply to help me stay awake. Over weeks and years, my journal writing grew into a marvelous, babbling conversation with Jesus, and I found it a fun challenge to try and write His Words into my thoughts and daily situations, finding Scriptures that seemed to describe or relate to what I was going through at the moment.
Meanwhile, I loved staying home with our children, loved playing outside, loved reading – to them and to myself, and of course, if there was any time left over after the laundry, I looked forward to the work of transforming our yard into a garden. Along the way, I came across a little book called “Secrets of the Vine” by Dr. Bruce Wilkinson. To understand the dynamic of Jesus’s teaching in John 15, the classic passage where he revealed to his disciples, “I am the true vine, my Father is the Gardener,” Wilkinson went to a vineyard. He got to know the owner of the grounds, the vinedresser. As the author watched him take care of the vines, the essence of what Jesus meant seemed to come alive right there in the field, about the Father’s devotion to take care of us and watch over us. The way the author conveyed his revelations made them come alive to me. I was sad to finish the book! I yearned for more and wondered what other plants were in the Bible, and what other deep treasures the gardening metaphors might reveal.
This spark of wonder still mesmerizes me! What followed has been over 20 years of outlining the plants and gardens of God’s Word, spending time in the Scriptures, book proposals, learning how to write, finding publishers, developing a website, growing my gardening know-how, learning photography and social media, training as a speaker, and most of all, gathering with others who like to be mesmerized in the garden, too. My husband has been a tremendous help and support. He works tirelessly in his business but keeps our family full of fun! I am so grateful for his example of love and dedication.
My latest book is called “My Father is the Gardener,” named for this small beginning and God’s big devotion.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
To begin with, I don’t even like writing. Babbling to the Lord is very different from forming cohesive sentences. In college, I only took classes with multiple choice tests, no essays! I am not trained in horticulture, not a master gardener, and not a Bible scholar, and I didn’t learn Bible verses growing up. My plants often die, my manuscripts need to be rewritten and edited and edited again…and book marketing is its own beast.
But with God, all things are possible, as He reminds us in mustard seeds and mulberry trees.
Truly, the biggest struggle has been learning to wait and yield to God’s timing. He lines things up and turns tiny moments into vast opportunities (eventually), and, to use the metaphor of composting, breaks down the cast-offs and muck and all my bad decisions into nourishing substance for the next round of flourish. Managing the media-paced, frenzied world against the rhythm of growing is a constant struggle. Growth is painful and beautiful.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I’m an author & gardener, bringing gardening & faith together through books, a bi-weekly blog, and speaking events. I’m grateful to say “My Father is the Gardener” won the 2024 GardenComm People’s Choice Horti Award for Best Book. I was able to work with a local botanical publisher, BRIT Press at the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens, and amazing local artisans to craft this illustrated devotional, which really touches readers’ hearts.
Come visit me at www.gardenindelight.com: Garden in Delight is named for the garden home we all long for, the garden in Eden—one translation of Eden is “delight.” My hope is that Garden in Delight will resound God’s joy, pleasure, and purpose in planting His garden as we work and take care of our own.
Most of all, I am extremely proud of my family. They are the best!
How do you define success?
Success is loving God and loving your people. It’s really as simple and some days as impossible as that!
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.gardenindelight.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shelleycramm/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shelleycrammauthor/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ShelleySCramm
- Other: https://www.pinterest.com/shelleycramm/
Image Credits
Shelley S. Cramm