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Conversations with Tyler Martin

Today we’d like to introduce you to Tyler Martin

Hi Tyler, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
I have been a guitarist since I was 11, and began playing professionally in 2009. My focus shifted from being a session guitarist to production and mixing during COVID lockdowns. I needed an outlet for staying creative, and had a lot of extra time then to explore the process of music production. My first solo project began in 2022, called UNDRCVRS. This project was a way for me to hone my production skills, while reimagining songs that I love and grew up on, as well as feature some of my very talented friends in the DFW music scene. From there I began taking on clients and producing their original music. The last few years have been very rewarding and creatively refreshing for me personally, and I’m so thankful that I get to do this every day!

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
Being a musician is rarely a smooth road. I don’t personally know anyone in this line of work that hasn’t considered throwing in the towel at some point. Some didn’t make it past COVID, and those who did had to overcome a steep uphill climb to get back to we were before all that. 2020 really did a number on the music industry, but it also opened some doors for musicians as well. I think home recording exploded as a result of the world being shut down. There has never been a better time to have a home studio. The resources online are endless for people like me, and its awesome that music-making has become accessible for virtually anyone.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I am a full-time music producer, mix engineer, and multi-instrumentalist.
I specialize in indie pop, rock, experimental electronic music, and cinematic sound exploration.
I think what sets me apart from some others is my desire to learn with every project I get to be a part of. I strive to leave my ego out of my work, and listen to the visions of whomever I’m in the room with to make a piece of music the best it can be, and to represent the artist well.

How do you think about happiness?
I wouldn’t say I’m someone who chases happiness. That is such a temporary and ever-changing feeling. That said, what fulfills me is getting to exist in my pocket of the world with a loving and supportive wife, and getting to wake up each day with the hope of discovering something new through creative exploration.

Contact Info:

  • Instagram: @neoncowboystudio

Image Credits
Jordan Thibeaux, Maddi King, Emma Martin

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