Today we’d like to introduce you to Beau Raines.
Beau, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
My journey into and through my creative career has been a parallel to my life since the very beginning. The further along I go, the more I like to believe I have my direction and my motivations figured out, and to some degree that’s true, but at the end of the day, I am consistently finding myself involved in projects and facing exciting new obstacles that I would never have anticipated. I very much live my career symbiotically with the ways I live my day-to-day life. There is very little to no separation between work time and my own time. When my work is the opportunity to play with new ideas, new experiences, and new creative challenges, there is not much else I ever want to do. Or better yet, there isn’t much that I would do that I will not find myself turning into a project or creative venture.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
It is never a smooth road on this trek that I take into my creative future. I certainly do not look for a smooth road to take. I enjoy seeking out the obstacles, I enjoy being pressed for time, the pressure, and the anxiety of solving problems and delivering solutions. Despite all of the intensity behind the process of accomplishing a career in creativity, I am not sure I feel comfortable saying that I have truly struggled. The journey in and of itself is a struggle as the lifestyle demands so much of an individual from accountability and responsibility to seeking out your own path and paving your own roads to success. But every problem has its solution, and there is almost never a reason something can’t be accomplished.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
Photography is my lifelong bread and butter, but my services and skill set expand far beyond just digital photography. I spent about 5 years painting large-scale murals, I work in video and special effects editing, I take up a side job in tech that focuses on virtual integrations for live events, and I even spend much of my time taking on labor jobs for the community and assisting other creatives in their journeys whatever their practice is. A lifelong career in photography has come with many ups and downs as I sought to find myself and find my way, and the way that I liked to spend my downtime was to indulge in new skills and develop other talents. That being said, as I fall into about my 15th year in learning photography, I can confidently say for the first time in my career that I am finally establishing confidence and uniqueness in a style that is truly my own, from the compositions that I frame through the lens to the processes I use in editing. I believe that my specialty is in documenting the world as I see it and as I experience it. This broad sensation behind my work leads me to explore all avenues of content from events and portraits to travel and even commercial production. No matter what the content is, the context of my style is always observational more than it is ever solely objective.
How can people work with you, collaborate with you, or support you?
I truly love to collaborate. I find the most gratification from assessing the needs and shortcomings of other individuals trying to put something out into the world and providing visual solutions to better promote, develop, and expand their brand or their process. My website, voiceonearts.com, is the best form of contact and getting to know my work. I also make sure to have the same tag for any and all platforms, Instagram, Facebook, Vero, YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, etc., and that tag is @voiceonearts.
- Model Photography – $150 first hour, $50 each additional hour
- Event Photography – $250 for up to 4 hours, $50 per additional hour
- Artwork Documentation – $20 per photo; batch discounts available.
- Mural Documentation – $80 per wall
- Product Photography – Variable per Client
Contact Info:
- Website: www.voiceonearts.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/voiceonearts
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/voiceonearts
- Twitter: www.twitter.com/voiceonearts
- Youtube: www.youtube.com/voiceonearts
Image Credits
Said the People – Allison (bassist)
Authors of the Air – Ben Buono (lead guitar)
Vi – Strangerkiddo – Model
Slotz – DJ
Hair Ethics – Elena Nelson