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Daily Inspiration: Meet Callie Thompson

Today we’d like to introduce you to Callie Thompson. 

Hi Callie, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I’m Callie with Canfield Photography based in Fort Worth Texas but willing to travel anywhere!  I have always carried a camera around since I was little, as my mother loved to take photos and videos of us growing up so there was always a camera around. From boxes full of photos, me and friends took on disposable cameras when we’re were in school, and to even pictures of me as a young teenager in Colorado taking pictures on a family vacation. It’s something I have always enjoyed, and I love creating art. In 2016 I really begin to dive into photography and started with my own canon camera taking photos as I traveled around the world. When the pandemic hit, I decided to take that leap and go into portraits, weddings, and eventually boudoir. At the time I was also working a full-time office job that completely drained me, though I loved the people I worked with don’t get me wrong. However, as I worked harder on my photography skills by taking workshops, classes online, and using all my best friends as models at first, I really grew to love helping people feel so amazing during and after photo sessions. Boudoir became my biggest area of concentration as women always feel amazing after about themselves with being more confident, empowered, loved, seeing their body in a new light, and it’s like every single session I swear my clients say they cannot believe that’s them in the photographs. It’s so rewarding to help build women, men, and couples up. Photography put life back into me as well, lifted me out of my rut I was in at my office job, and personal life. It truly makes me so happy to be in this business and I get to meet and work with so many amazing people. 

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Definitely not a smooth road! Photography has its ups and downs like any job. You’re working for yourself, so you have to be the manager, employee, editor, marketing team, and shoot even got to bust out HR on myself at times haha. Certain times of the year are a lot slower, so you have to learn to manage money really well, and not go shopping whenever you want (talking to myself here haha). There are moments where I get burnt out and it can be really hard to get out of that rut, but something that has always helped is throwing together a really creative session to get my mind and creativity going again. I am also super thankful that I have a group of photographers where we can go ask anything and everything to each other and get help with anything we need. 

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am a Boudoir, Lifestyle, and Wedding photographer. I would say my specialty and where I put in a lot of my energy is Boudoir Photography. It is way more than just that perfect outfit and glamour make up. It’s about reconnecting to your body, reminding yourself of all the greatness there is to you, and growing that confidence. Embracing who you are, the body you have at this moment, and knowing you are amazing. You don’t have to wear sexy lingerie but even a cute sweater or t-shirt can be so beautiful. It has literally made me cry watching women take a look at their pictures; seeing themselves in a new light and not believing it’s really them but it is! It fills my heart with so much happiness to give these women a chance to see just how truly beautiful they are right here and now. I work with clients through the whole process from choosing a studio that fits their “vibe,” helping pick out outfits if needed, and I personally show every client every pose or position I want them to be in, how to get into the pose the easiest way, where to look, put hands, and I’ll fix hair or any details that’s needed. I always make sure my clients are okay with showing off certain body parts before telling them to get into poses, like sticking their butt to the camera haha. I really try to make it as fun and comfortable as I possibly can. 

What does success mean to you?
To me being successful means being happy and living. I don’t define success by money, having the best camera, lenses, etc, or having a million followers on social media. As long as I am able to pay my bills, create art, make people happy, and make myself happy then I am succeeding at life. 


  • Boudoir sessions start at $450
  • Couple, family, or single portraits start at $225 for half an hour, $325 for an hour.
  • Weddings start at $1,000 for 4-5 hours day off and go up from there.
  • I offer boudoir and family-friendly minis a few times a year at discounted rates.

Contact Info:

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