Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr. Jeff Crippen.
Hi Dr. Crippen, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
My health journey started when I was six years old. It started with an occasional headache that lead me to the pediatrician and his recommendation of over-the-counter medications. As the headaches progressed in frequency and severity, I was eventually prescribed stronger prescription pain relievers. This lead me on a journey of over a decade through the medical system looking for a solution to chronic pain. During this time, I saw dozens of specialists, tried drug after drug, and underwent many diagnostic tests, including more than ten MRIs as doctors monitored a benign cyst in my brain. As I searched for solutions, the headaches worsened. At its worst, I had a headache that lasted for over two years.
I searched both inside the medical system as well as alternative therapies for relief. Eventually, I found a chiropractor who specialized in nutrition and holistic healing. After the second visit with him, for the first time in over a hundred doctor visits, I felt some relief for my headaches.
I enrolled at the University of Michigan with the intention of entering the world of investing and business. However, midway through my sophomore year, I found my purpose and decided I wanted to help others with their health as the chiropractor had helped me. This lead me to change my major, complete the pre-med classes, and upon graduation, enroll in chiropractic school.
During chiropractic school, I attended a personal development seminar put on by the Advanced Coaching & Leadership Center and was introduced to concepts such as presence, life-force. This was my first introduction to the paradigm of Spirit-Mind-Body healing and is an area I have studied and trained others in for the last ten years.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Starting my own business was an incredible struggle at the beginning. I would often end each week feeling like I was punched in the gut, as I constantly ran into new areas that I didn’t know.
I would share with my dad my frustration with how much there was to learn and know. Business seemed to me as something that, if there were 10 things I needed to do, even if I did eight or nine right, that missing final step would stop me from getting the outcome I wanted.
One of the hardest things I ever did was publish my first book. What started as an idea I had in 2011 became a curiosity over the next 5 years. Then it became a part-time obsession for the next five and a half years. During that time, I took classes on writing, including at SMU, studied the craft, and tried repeatedly to communicate my message of health, hope, and possibility more effectively.
The irony of this was while in college, I looked at over fifteen different majors. The only major I ruled out, for sure, 100 percent, was English—that was how much I hated to write papers. During the five and half years leading to publication, I would tell friends that I actually wrote 10 different books only to throw out nine of them as they didn’t communicate my message as effectively as I wanted.
What kept me going was my mission to empower individuals worldwide to greater levels of health and wellness. I knew there was an opportunity to help others on a bigger scale than just my office. The book, published in January 2023, Timeless Youth, is the next step in that mission.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
Timeless Youth is the story of my journey through the traditional medical system trying to find an effective treatment for debilitating migraines. Despite seeking the best that medical care had to offer, from renowned doctors to pharmaceutical drugs, my headaches persisted and intensified, as did my frustration levels as I sought answers, empathy, and relief from a system that saw me as a collection of symptoms and not a whole person.
Through the frustration, I knew there must be a better way to create and maintain health. Born out of my own pain as a patient, I embarked on a journey to rid myself — forever — of headaches that had impacted my life for decades. On the journey, first as a patient and later as a Doctor of Chiropractic with a focus on nutrition, I found there is a lot more to health than just the absence of symptoms. All too often, the medical system defines health by what it isn’t, leaving the definition of true health both unaddressed and unanswered.
My search for health led me to five key principles that my practice and life are built on today: The Yellowstone Principle, the Model A principle, the Quantum Principle, the Principle of Olympic Strength, and the Principle of the Golden You.
In writing Timeless Youth, I share the five foundational principles of health so that you, too, can create a lifetime of timeless youth.
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Instagram: Jeffcrippen