Today we’d like to introduce you to Lynn Meyer.
Hi Lynn, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Hi! I am Lynn Meyer, and I am a mother, wife, author, and lover of vibrant colors. I am bold, courageous, passionate and a warrior, and I change lives for a living.
I believe it all started in childhood. At a very young age, the most traumatic event that you could imagine happened to me.
My story starts at the incredibly young age of 1 and 1/2 years old. I give that age because I know the abuse begin when I was a toddler. I was sexually abused by my biological father and my mother knew about it because she prepared my body for him.
Even though this was a tumultuous time, this experience was a catalyst for me to become who I am today.
I never knew I would be destined to help women heal from trauma.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a smooth road?
Obstacle free, ha. Smooth road, absolutely not. I am thankful for the challenges and the struggles. They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, well sometimes I didn’t want to be strong or didn’t know how strong I would have to be.
After enduring my childhood, I grew up being a teen, young adult, and grown woman that sabotaged opportunities, relationships, or myself. My past experiences taught me that chaos was normal, and dysfunction was the way of life. I operated in that way for many years. Because of my past hurt/pain I had a wall up that no could tear down. I pretended to have self-confidence. I didn’t like myself or love myself, so I chose habits and people that were not good for me. Other struggles that showed up in my life were no boundaries or lack of, people pleasing, staying in relationships too long, depression, anxiety, impulsive and reckless behavior. I was a mess. It’s like a couldn’t control the unhealthy ways. Though this was how my life was going I was able to turn it around. I am now a fierce, passionate, courageous, unstoppable, loving, and compassionate person.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Clinical Trauma Professional with two decades of successful experience in transforming lives of families and individuals. I specialize in working with women of color who have experienced sexual and physical abuse showing them there is more than one way to heal.
My mission is to help 1 million women heal trauma, embrace femininity, and feel safe and sexy in their bodies and emotions. I believe that every woman can be happy, whole, confident, and authentically dope.
For over 20 years my job has been empowering, inspiring, and motivating women to become and Choose H.E.R. I also believe that all women are wonderfully and beautifully made with purpose.
I am very proud that I have been an entrepreneur since 2017, loving the freedom and autonomy in which I serve my clients. Author of three books No More: When being a victim of sexual abuse is no longer an option, an Interactive Journal to the book’s title, and a workbook titled No More Excuses, Let’s Heal for Real, Proud wife to Philip Meyer and mother of five children.
I am a mentor, an emotional healing coach, and Founder/President of a non-profit organization I Choose H.E.R.
What sets me apart is that I am relatable, I have lived this life that in which I help my clients. The work I do is not only professional but personal to me. I am relentless in helping the women heal from abuse and trauma,
What do you think about luck?
In life and business, I find myself being blessed with opportunities from intentional planning or “out of nowhere.” If I were to be honest, I believe it’s my personality that people are drawn to, some may call it luck, but I call it being chosen. This “luck” has afforded me multiple opportunities to meet influential people or even work with them. I realize I can have it all, love and being a business owner.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.lynnmeyer.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/thehrtcoach
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/lynn.meyer.315428
Image Credits
Presley Sheffield
Danyle Giovondi
Sandra Mclain
Bre Brooks