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Daily Inspiration: Meet Megan Reneau

Today we’d like to introduce you to Megan Reneau.

Megan Reneau

Hi Megan, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
As an Actress and Stuntwoman, I started out enjoying playing with my dolls to be honest, and going on outside adventures. Probably because whenever I watched movies, I knew what stunts weren’t real and what was movie magic. I remember it baffling my dad. I remember any time I was on stage; I’d get an odd feeling. There seemed to be a pull my entire life towards acting. Stunts became a passion through the journey into acting. Starting at 18, I would seek out acting courses. There was a casting director that kinda left an impression on me. She said, as a Canadian, I’d never get work and that if I “sucked,” they’d (implying casting directors) wouldn’t forget. So instead of trying to get on sets, I pushed into training. I knew that when I started, I wanted to be so good that “they’d” remember me. Fast forward years of training, taking small bits, and falling in love with the journey before I got my first real call. A stunt coordinator, Steven McMichael, offered me my first stunt doubling gig. After discussing it with him, I said I didn’t think I was ready. He firmly told me he wouldn’t have called me if he didn’t think I was ready. That’s when I started working. Fast forward to today, I got my US Entertainment 01B visa, and as of this year, I have moved to the States pursuing Acting and Stunts as my full-time job. It’s crazy to see all the years behind you and finally getting so many opportunities and adventures out of it. 

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It has absolutely not been a smooth road but quite the adventure. Makes me think of the Hobbit movie “I’m going on an adventure.” And so, I have. 

Everyone knows that Acting and Stunts is a long challenging road to pursue with the hope of being discovered or getting that lucky opportunity. This career will test you in many ways. Things like stability, training, relationships, business management, career flexibility, travelling, financially, beauty standards, scams & safety. All these were things I struggled with along the way. 

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am an actress and Stuntwoman. 

I started out with acting. Through acting, I found stunts and developed a deep passion for it. 

As an actress the technique I absolutely love the most is Meisner. I find it absolutely fascinating. 

As a Stuntwoman my skill base is in Parkour and MMA. While focusing on special skills in free diving, driving, fire burns, and more. 

What I am most proud of, may coincide with what sets me apart from others, is my endurance to pursue this career and everything it takes. I trust that I’m meant to be here doing this. Through that, I’ve inspired a lot of others to pursue their dreams. Hard not to feel pride in motivating others. And I suppose on my bad days, everything I’ve done to get where I am inspires me to keep going. Simply gratitude. 

Risk-taking is a topic that people have widely differing views on – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
Oh my! I am most definitely a risk-taker. 

There isn’t anything quite as thrilling as a stunt day. However, I do take safety very seriously. Stunt professionals are hired to take what is perceived as a risk, make it safe by preventing accidents from happening, or offering different solutions. I believe in taking risks if you are well-trained in whatever it is you are doing. You’ve done the time, research and can execute. That you are capable and competent in doing the task without injury to others or yourself. 

There is nothing quite like the adrenaline dump of both the training and the job. Probably not healthy, but you either love it or you don’t. I think that’s why a lot of retired military or athletes make good stuntmen and woman. 

I would also like to mention the risk of being an Actor. There are a lot of scams and bad people that prey on eager aspiring actors. It’s very wise to do thorough research on whoever you meet in this industry. 

The biggest way I can define my perspective on risk is, I believe that one shouldn’t limit pursuing their dreams based on fear; just be smart and trust your intuition. We are here to be alive. 

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Image Credits

Monika Assef
Donn Horbach
Jared Heynen
Black Summer
Wynonna Earp
Brothers Grimm Sisters Wild
Window With a View
MMA Fight

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