Today we’d like to introduce you to Preacher Doucette.
Hi Preacher, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today.
I only got here by the grace of God! Born in Denver Colorado 1976, premature and shortly after declared dead and had to be resuscitated back to life, when I was a year and a half I had first, second, and third-degree burns from the waist down, at three I had my left-hand pinky partially cut off in an old lawn mower, at age four I fell through a storm glass window on the side of my Aunts house to the basement, at five had my left-hand thumb get stuck in a sewing machine, at the age of seven my parents were separating and my dad lost his control during an argument and shot and killed my mother. Afterward my mom’s mom adapted me and my older brother, then I would say started forcing us to go to church, at the church one of the ladies in the children’s program gave me a precious moments Bible and the story of Heaven, having no more pain 0r tears, I wanted to know more and I know without an shadow of a doubt that I would be dead or in jail if it were not for the Word of God!
Growing up without my parents, life was very confusing and painful to say the least, I could not pay attention in school and would have to read the same page four or five times to understand what I was reading. As I was going to fail second grade, I was taken out of a private Baptist school and moved to a public school into a special education program which only enforced the idea into my subconscious that I was dumb, no good, and unloved.
School was a battleground for me as I was bullied and picked on daily, and most days would have to protect myself by fighting of the kids who thought it was fun I guess? Growing up in this environment, I wanted nothing more than to be accepted, so I became a people pleaser and one who would be the first to do something a little dangerous to gain attention. By the age of nine, I was drinking, smoking pot, and looking at porn which will last most of my life in the background of my story. Through my teen years, I came close to suicide as depression gripped my like an old friend, and I played it all off to everyone around me like I was ok through sports and barely getting by in school.
In 1995 my dad was released from prison and moved to Tucumcari New Mexico and in 1996 I moved out to live with him to find out who I was and what really happened, also to give a second chance to my dad. I ended up going back to school to get my diploma two years late and then to a community college for fine art. From then till 2005 was a blur of the same trying to find myself, fit in, and almost drinking myself to death. When my dad was arrested again for selling drugs, I lost myself and moved back to Denver and joined the Army as a way to die with honor at least. Through that process, I became a diesel mechanic, then went Airborne, and then to the 10th Special Forces unit in Fort Carson Colorado. I was sent to Iraq as we were hunting Bin Laden and further my trauma during our deployments. I was released in 2007 under an honorable discharge, and that summer I met my wife April at a bicker bar. We started dating and were married in 2009, shortly after we decided to go to couples counseling which lead to more one on one counseling which led to me going to a ninety-day treatment center in Florida called A Healing Place. Through that time I learned a lot of why I was doing the things I was doing but it was all a non-faith based way, as I returned home life as usual and we then wanted children, we had many obstacles but finally had our daughter in 2011, then in 2012 had our son, in 2013 we decided to move to Texas so that April could be home every day as she was traveling out here three and four day a week for work and we did not want her to miss any of their early childhood years. We quickly go involve at Cross Timbers Church, more counseling, Celebrate Recovery, and small groups. In 2015 my dad committed suicide, in 2016 April and I come to a breaking point, and she was finally ok with me leaving this time but God had other planes.
I was not able to get a u-haul to move, put all my stuff into, and leave so I came back to the house and asked if I could stay till morning, as we were talking till late, at one point I wanted to pray just to stop fighting and the Holy Spirit showed up! I was dropped to the floor and felt the presence of Him on me for four hours. When I woke up in the morning April had a dream and from my experience, I finally knew that God was real, we mended our relationship and I started finding everything I could to get closer to Christ and the people around me, as the years went on I fell and fell and fell and got back to the same old self. In 2022 I was introduced to one of my son’s friends dad because he wanted to play at his house so I decided to get to know his parents to become more a part of my son’s life and he introduced me to his program Rise Up Kings which I went to in March the first, second, and third at the refinery! Man did it break me down and fill me up! Four days after, as I was reading the Bible and meditating on what it means to put your hand to the plow and not look back as then you are not fit for the kingdom, I was hit with the Holy Spirit again for about four hours! It was so painful but so filled with love and such a glimpse into just how much God loves us by giving His one and only son to bring us all back to Him through Faith, by believing in the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus!
For the last year up till now life with my family has been so amazing and filled with Hope!
Business wise I started my own company six years ago doing demolition for home remodeling, and five months ago started a second job with Vertical Solutions Roofing doing roof inspections; also, about three years ago, God gave me an idea for a koozie and last year signed a deal with Lone Star Patent Services and as of recently are at the point of looking for a manufacturing company to sign with them to produce my idea and get it to market! Now with Louie giving my information to you all to be highlighted in a magazine for an inspiring story for DFW, I just can’t thank the good Lord above for working in my life all these years to get me here to me completely believing in Him, and now all these things coming into my life is proof that God will bless you more than you could ever imagine or would have thought possible.
In your view, looking back, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Being born into a drug-dealing family, a dad full of selfishness, anger, and pride. Being shown that that was the way life was and that there was no other way than to take what you wanted in life no matter the cost. Struggles were believing the Truth of who God Says I am!
Early trauma, self-imposed trauma, and war trauma. PTSD
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I have had so many jobs; I am embarrassed to say; I did not have any focus on anything except to lie, cheat, steal, kill, destroy, and take whatever I wanted, but art was something I always did that helped me relax and get out of myself. Right now, I specialize in demolition for home remodeling and roof inspections.
I am most proud of how God has always been there in my life leading me up to this point to have a wife and two children that are very athletic and smart, that also believe in The Christ!
What sets me apart from others is that I have been down almost every dark road and still have kept my faith in God so, the fact that I can just be me in any situation and talk to people on a real level and not try to be anyone else to gain their affection towards me is something I think that most people really like about me, that I simply genuine and vulnerable to tell my story and not hide from letting them know the real me.
How do you define success?
Being at peace with God and myself! To live a life that I can be proud of and be able to teach my children how to follow Jesus by my actions and my word!
Image Credits
Lone Star Patent Services