Today we’d like to introduce you to Rachel Rice.
Hi Rachel, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself
Born and raised in Texas, I grew up with an artistic mom who painted and played piano and encouraged me to follow whatever path I wanted to. I have a lot of interests in my life because of that and because of my passion for so many different art forms. When I was little, I used to perform on those little stages at playplaces and would do anything to make my family laugh at the dinner table–at least that’s where I started with acting. From there I got involved in theatre whenever I could and found a love for film and visual arts through my art teachers, inspirational comedy actors, cartoons on Cartoon Network/Nickelodeon, and drawing my favorite characters. I’d go to my neighbor’s house and film little videos of stories we’d make up with stuffed animals and I even tried my hand at stop-motion. I spent a lot of my growing up discovering new hobbies and getting involved in every club I could in school, it wasn’t until after graduating that I truly started to hone my artistic craft and try to make a career of acting and producing my own art. I think I really thrive by switching from expressing myself through performance to being holed up in my room getting stuck in my own creative world. I’ve also been working on my own music as well and hope to share that sometime this year! But that’s where I am so far!
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle-free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Self-doubt and indecision are my biggest monsters. Being interested in so many things can be a hindrance when you can’t decide where an idea should go and how it should manifest: music? film? comedy sketch? paint? My road has been much smoother in comparison to others, and I have to remind myself and be grateful for the opportunity to do what I do. And I am.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
My work centers mostly around the strange, surreal, comedic but honest view. It’s hard to say what I’m “known for” since I seem to find a different project to do every other month–but I’ve been focusing a lot on my artwork and creating a comic about these interesting characters set in a black and white world. I draw in ink a lot because I just find it so stark and interesting–especially paired with digital design and patterns. My animations start out like this and my approach involves scanning my sketches and just going for it. The way I create my projects certainly isn’t ordinary, but it’s my favorite thing to find my own solutions to problems, and (as annoying as it may be) I usually find something interesting because of it. I think that might be what I pride myself on, that I may not know how to do something but I’ll find a way to figure it out! As far as setting myself apart, I think everyone has their own goggles they look through and their own inspiration. My work speaks for itself, and as long as I’m true to how I feel then it will continue to,
Can you talk to us a bit about happiness and what makes you happy?
My partner, my family, adventure, dancing, performing… creating. Anything I can do to connect with the people who understand me. Anything I can do to express myself.
Contact Info:
- Email: soggy.contact@gmail.com
- Instagram: @s0ggyart @soggydorito
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpLnNxCK890zhLD1syQ3pmw
- SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/rachel-kelly-72/tracks
Image Credits
Lon Lawson
Vivien Q
Jose Quinones