Today we’d like to introduce you to TREYCO.
Hi TREYCO, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstories.
I use to write and freestyle songs as a kid but it wasn’t until 9th grade when I actually started recording songs myself, I use to use sound recorder and let the beat play and start Free-styling with friends this was back when MySpace was trending eventually I jumped into the more professional recording programs i learned as I went, I uploaded songs on there and people liked them, When I would go to school friends would show me my songs on their phones, we were just having fun until school started for the day. That’s when I started performing and winning some of them. I then started performing at my house parities, I started making a name for myself. After our house burned down we slowly worked back for what we lost after that we left and came to Dallas I was chill and quiet.I really didn’t know people at first, after the talent shows and parties more people started finding out about me and it was a plus that we lived directly across the street from the school. We had a studio so everybody use to pull up to hang,. After school I worked and stacked money for a while and started fixing up cars. I wasn’t really focused on music then. I was putting my time and money into cars then, I started putting it into my music and brand. I released my first mixtape “Ghetto Dreams” and did many shows off that tape in multiple cities in Texas. I started shooting music videos and acting in my videos. I started writing short films, scripts and the acting in movies came right along after that. I made it on Lifetime tv a show called Cellmate Secrets episode 4, “TripleDRevenge” on Tubi & Prime Video, a movie called “Cream”, a 70’s movie “First Love” and more. I write my own skits out and post them on TikTok & IG. They are doing big numbers and growing fast. You can find more of my film and tv credits on IMDb. I recently released my 6th independent mixtape all songs wrote by me called “Checkmate” and it’s out now on all platforms. I write, record and mix all my songs myself. I have been doing it since like 15yrs old. My step dad showed me how to build my own studio and how to work it from there. I have just been at it ever since. I’m getting better and better. I still have some of my first songs on my platforms if you go back far enough. Far as the acting and film, I’m working on my own short film while working with others. Be on the lookout because I have a few more films that will be releasing soon! Just stay updated with me on my social media accounts.
What sets me apart from others? You gotta ask the people that one; I never give up fasho and I don’t think nobody can work harder than me, I don’t think nobody can be you more than you.
Are there any important lessons you’ve learned that you can share with us?
I reprogrammed the way I think, you know your brain is a computer? you gotta wake up and realize where you at and you gotta have faith, determination for your goals, figure out what you want to do with your life figure out what you love once you find that out chase that until you can’t no more
Contact Info:
- Website: https://treyco-apparel.myshopify.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/treyco
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officialtreyco
- Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/officialtreyco
- TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@
officialtreyco - Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/treyco
- Smart link: https://bio.to/treyco
- SoundCloud: https://www.soundcloud.com/treyco
- Other: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm9340272/