Today we’d like to introduce you to Callie Johnson.
Hi Callie, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstories.
So, we are a meal prep experience company. What that entails is being focused on the person first, the nutrition second. Initially, we started as a meal prep service- Fresh Prep, as a way for me to get into doing something that I love and have a passion for as cooking is my love language. Alongside Fresh Prep, I had the bakery business- Taste Our Sweets Bakery, but something just wasn’t clicking- wasn’t sitting right with me. So, I decided to table the Bakery business and focus in on what I was feeling. And what I was feeling is that there’s a more excellent way to not only cook but provide nutritional education, but how became the next question. As I was servicing a friend of mine and nursing client, she mentioned a common friend of ours and how his business was doing big things and that he may be someone with whom to connect. When I decided to reach out… O. M. G…the conversation we had was a total game-changer for me! And mind you; the conversation wasn’t a long conversation. It’s like he totally got me, got where the business was, our market, ways to position, potential messaging we could use- even recommending a potential name change if I was open to it. He asked me one question… “when you have a taste for something…a meal you’ve been desiring for little bit, how do you go about sharing that? What do you say to someone?” I thought on it for a second and said, “I have a taste for…,” and before I finished my thought, he stopped me. And said, “There’s your business name…Taste For… Meal Prep Experience | Education + Inspiration + Lifestyle”. And I immediately got goosebumps. As he elaborated, sharing that I could focus on the customer and not only what they want to eat but how they need it- providing their meal of choice according to any dietary restrictions (diabetic friendly, vegan, gluten-free, etc.). In addition, we could provide ancillary services as we build. So based on that, I decided to partner with John Palmer and Culturesphere for our Messaging and Business Development. Immediately after pivoting to our new direction, I received an opportunity from a well know Medical Group to present diabetic-friendly food options and recipes- which served as confirmation to me that I was on the right track.
I am most proud of my ability to remain open- ask for help in the areas I need, and not being afraid to try something different, and to trust the advice of someone outside my business. That can be hard to do because it’s your baby, and sometimes you can’t trust your baby with just anybody. But I knew John, coincidentally, because we grew up together- I just totally forgot that this is what he does- time has a way of making you forget, but I’m thankful for our mutual friend reconnecting us; it’s been a blessing.
I believe what sets up apart from others is our approach to “Feed the Person”- focusing on their lifestyle, nutritional needs, and their food pleasures. As we like to say, Food Desires Delivered™.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Our challenges have been being a small business and pivoting/positioning. We’re in the middle of a brand refresh and business development, which temporarily has caused us to pause some services as we reposition.
What does success mean to you?
Honestly, I define success as having the courage to invest in yourself and go forward toward your goals. It doesn’t have to be entrepreneurship- it can be paying for an arts and wine class to help de-stress, which makes you better for yourself and your loved ones. It can be taking a well-needed vacation to celebrate your being victorious thru the last year- it can even be as small as not eating the chips that came with your lunch, and that was a huge step in you learning to say no to unhealthy food choices. Success, to me, are all of these things that we often times take for granted and don’t acknowledge to yourself. So even thru this article, I had NO idea I would be contacted for an opportunity with Voyage Dallas to tell my story, and this is a Success to me because it is my hopes that what I am saying resonates with someone somewhere and encourages them. Success Forward is all I have to say!
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