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Exploring Life & Business with Colette Martin of Business In Pearls

Today we’d like to introduce you to Colette Martin.

Hi Colette, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I am a native New Yorker from The Bronx. I graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a double major one being a degree in Communication. I moved to Texas with my mom and dad after graduation. After working in sales for many years, I decided to obtain my Certification in Teaching. In 2017, I decided that I wanted to pursue my other passion of being in business, Coaching others. I worked my plan and started my company. I obtained my certification as a Life Coach, but quickly changed to Business Coaching. I got a taste of what it was like and quickly fell in love with the idea of what my future would entail. In 2019, I wrote a guide called, “So You Want To Quit? TEACHING!” It is a guide listed on Amazon Kindle that teachers can decide if teaching isn’t for them how to exit and or start a side hustle. As I increased my business connections, I enjoyed working and connecting with so many amazing women. This was all the while I was still teaching. My plate became very heavy. The demands where getting heavy on me and my new passion for turning my passion into a career was tugging on me as well.

In 2020, COVID hit and other problems popped up at work. The desire to be a teacher was deflating and GOD was telling me what to do, but I ignored it. I continued teaching virtually. In the month of May I was beckoned once again by GOD to follow what he was telling me to do. I wrote out a plan for my NEW and improved business and Business In Pearls my current company, was birthed! I had a blueprint and worked it all summer long. Did I listen to GOD? Yes! So, I happily and gracefully exited in September of 2020 after a seasoned veteran career in Education and stepped out on FAITH! I reconnected with lost connections and let them know I was a Full time CEO. I haven’t looked back since. I had to let go and let GOD continue to pattern my steps. My business tool kit includes; Trainer, Speaker, coach, sales, Editor-in-Chief /Vice President of a magazine, President of an Executive Board of a non-profit organization, Advertising, Marketing, Public Relations and of course CEO. I found my Niche!

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
It has not been smooth road entirely. There has been some hiccups. Nothing in life is completely smooth. I always use, “We always want to look at the beautiful flower, but don’t realize the wind, storms, and harsh conditions that flower had to go through in order to grow!”

I had to struggle with validation. By that, I mean with myself. I have to remind myself that I am a full-time CEO and I will be making my own hours, time, and schedule. I am totally in control and if I mess up it is because I messed up. There will be no one else to point to but me. I never had a problem with accountability. This accountability takes on a whole new meaning, though.

The other struggle is leaving a Career to start a New Career in a pandemic. Business owners have lost their jobs and money and I will be working with them asking for money. Big struggle. Bigger challenges. I am lazar focused on my specific client that I am catering to.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your business?
My business is called “Business In Pearls.” It is my Parent company. Under it, I have different services. Business In Pearls is the TV Show. The show focuses on Women in business. They come on the show describing their businesses and telling the audience about their goods and services. I have my Panel Pearls which are ladies that I thought were experts in their field and they come on the show to drop nuggets and offer their services and products. The guests that come on are called my guest Pearls. My show is a platform that women can utilize to expand themselves and their brands. Currently, the show airs on Facebook.

Next, I have the nucleus of my company which is W.E.W.I.B. It is an acronym which stands for Women Empowering Women In Business. I offer packages to business owners that encompasses – PR/Marketing and Strategic Visibility Coaching. My company offers the following services:

  • 1 on 1 coaching
  • Consulting services
  • PR
  • Marketing
  • Advertising assistance
  • TV show appearance
  • Podcast Advertising
  • Social Media promotion
  • Brand Ambassador services
  • Unique Customer services to provide for your clients
  • Voice Branding
  • Website Design
  • Press Releases
  • Business Power Point Presentation assistance
  • Unique custom Marketing packages
  • Custom Project Marketing packages to fit your needs

Then, I have my Podcast. It is called, ” The Lounge – Business Talk 4 Women”. It airs weekly on Wednesdays and I talk about Business. Every time a woman goes into a lounge, we gossip. So I give my weekly Business Gossip topic, business tips and an Inspirational/Motivational quote. The Podcast airs on several different platforms such as: Speaker, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google Podcast, Deezer, Podcast Addict. So please support and check it out by downloading, liking and sharing.

My mission is to assist women in business gain visibility and create wealth through strategic exposure using on and offline platforms to grow their business. I set myself apart from others because I represent a whole package for my clients. Since I am certified in Advertising and Marketing, I assist in those areas, I speak to them honestly about which social media platforms to show presence on, look at and analyze their data for their company, give assistance on branding techniques, including becoming their Brand Ambassador to market on my end as well, and expose them to additional showcasing with my resources and connections so they are able to start living the life they imagined.

What does success mean to you?
I define success as the reality of what you have imagined life to be like in that chapter of your book of life. Success has many different degrees and levels. At that moment in time, your success may look different than it will in the next week, month or even year. Success can be reimagined for money, work, spiritual self, emotional self, or physical self. Each time I accomplish something that I set my mind to… that is my reality. That is my success.

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