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Exploring Life & Business with Rachel Elliott of Oracle Next Door

Today we’d like to introduce you to Rachel Elliott

Rachel, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
My journey began around the age of 29, during a time when I felt deeply dissatisfied. I was unfulfilled despite my efforts to follow a path that seemed right. Only later did I understand this phase as my Saturn return—an astrological event that urges us to realign with our true selves and embrace personal growth.

There was a part of me that I had long denied. I’ve always felt drawn to the esoteric, to what others might label as ‘taboo.’ However, fears of criticism or being an outcast kept these interests buried. Life felt painfully empty, not letting myself have personal experiences with these unexplored interests.

I began my formal studies in 2016 when I became a student at the Dallas School of Metaphysics. There, I discovered the tools and community I had long yearned for—meditation, dream interpretation, focus, discipline, and, most importantly, the power of my attention. I began understanding how my thoughts, perceptions, and expectations created my reality. This realization showed me how my self-doubt and limitations were reflections of my inner self-concept.

Astrology became another powerful tool in my journey of self-discovery. I dedicated years to studying its language and concepts. Learning to read my natal chart, a map that outlines the impact the planets and signs have in your life, helped me access deeper layers of self-awareness. This exploration helped me make sense of my preferences, tendencies, and past experiences (like a complete meltdown at 29.) As my understanding deepened, so did my self-worth and compassion—for myself and for others who, like me, were navigating their own paths of growth and self-acceptance.

Blending astrology with my other practices revealed a more holistic and complete version of myself. This integrated approach has become the foundation of my work, helping others achieve the same depth of understanding and insight for themselves.

As I progressed through my studies, I began to feel a growing desire to share what I had learned. I’ve now realized that my journey is helping others on their paths of self-discovery. I founded Oracle Next Door to empower you to follow your heart’s desire so you can shine brighter than ever.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Life has a funny way of guiding us, often in the most unexpected ways. My journey to creating Oracle Next Door wasn’t a straightforward path—it was filled with struggles, self-doubt, and a constant need to redefine who I was. But looking back, I see how each challenge brought me closer to aligning with and understanding my true purpose.

I started my career at 18 as a massage therapist. I loved the deep connection I could build with my clients and the satisfaction of helping them heal. But something inside me always felt like there was more. I wanted to offer a kind of healing that wasn’t just about the body but also about the spirit.

Things took a turn when I became pregnant with my son, Jovan. I decided to step away from work and dedicate myself to being a stay-at-home mom for two years. Those years were filled with love and joy but also came with a profound sense of loss. I had always been someone who worked, who earned her own way, and suddenly, I found myself without that part of my identity.

When I was ready to return to work, the universe threw me a curveball—COVID-19 hit, and everything shut down. Just as I was getting back to my old self, I was told, “No, you can’t.” It was a wake-up call. I realized then that I couldn’t rely on something that could be so easily taken away from me, and this pushed me to think about what I truly wanted.

I decided to go back to school at 34, which was a big decision for me. I felt a strong pull to learn more and gain skills that could help me in ways I hadn’t considered before. I started with entrepreneurship and small business management, thinking I could continue to work for business owners but manage bigger responsibilities.

While all this was happening, the other side of me, who had always been passionate about astrology, tarot, and dream interpretation, was also flourishing. These weren’t just hobbies for me; they were tools that helped me make sense of my world and guided me through some of the toughest times in my life.

As I grew closer to finishing my degree, I began applying for “traditional” careers, and that’s when the job market went to 💩. I was yet again told, “No, you can’t.” I found myself at another crossroads. I needed to create something that blended my traditional muggle school education with my passions and skills. That’s when Oracle Next Door was born.

Starting Oracle Next Door wasn’t easy. I had to step out from behind the scenes, where I’d been comfortable supporting others, and step into a new role as a businesswoman and spiritual guide. I had to learn about finances and product development and step out of my comfort zone to do things like talk about myself in public, attend networking events, and create content on social media. Cringe, but I was determined to turn my passion into a profession.

My struggles didn’t break me; they built me. They taught me to trust myself, to listen to my inner voice, and to have the courage to follow it, even when the path wasn’t clear. Oracle Next Door isn’t just a business for me—it’s a testament to the strength we all have within us to transform our lives, no matter where we start or how many times we have to start over.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your business?
At Oracle Next Door, my mission is to help you connect with the deeper, often hidden, aspects of yourself. I aim to expand your perception by turning your attention toward your desires and guiding you toward them. My goal is to help you attune to your inner voice so you can follow it with understanding and confidence.

My tools span dream interpretation, astrology readings, tarot, distance reiki, and one-on-one Self-Empowerment coaching. With these, I focus on expanding your field of vision, helping you understand the subtle signals that guide you toward your deepest desires. I’ll help you direct your energy with more awareness and purpose by teaching you to see timing cycles and opportunity signals in your life. It’s about creating a space to genuinely hear yourself and gain the insight needed to make empowered choices.

I’m especially proud of my transformative work with dreams. As someone who suffered from nightmares as a child, I’ve turned those experiences into a powerful tool for self-awareness. Now, I can offer my son tools to derive meaning from his own dreams, something I wish I had as a child. As I’ve continued to discuss dreams, I’ve discovered how many adults also struggle with nightmares. Helping others transform these frightening experiences into meaningful guidance for their waking lives is deeply fulfilling. It’s a powerful way to change your world through awareness, and it’s one of the most life-changing offerings I bring to the table.

My work empowers you to follow your path with renewed purpose and understanding. It’s about helping you realize that the power to transform your life lies within you, and I am here to help you access it.

What makes you happy?
Happiness for me is about connecting—whether with others, myself, or the world around me. Sharing our dreams and ideas with others can unlock possibilities we might never discover if we keep them to ourselves.

One of my greatest joys is spending time with my family, especially watching my son grow. Singing with him in the car, especially Disney songs, brings me joy and lights me up.


  • Dream Interpretation Coaching Session – $100
  • Distance Reiki – $80
  • Astrology Reading – $120
  • Tarot Reading – $65
  • Self-Empowerment One-on-One Coaching Container – $800

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Jordan Hough of MerCurious Media

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