Every day we have a choice. We can support an up and coming podcaster, try a new family-run restaurant, join a boutique gym started by a local fitness champ or we could keep giving away our money to the handful of giants who already control so much of our commerce. Our daily decisions impact the kind world we live in; if we want a world where small businesses are growing and artists and creatives are thriving then we should support them with our time, money and attention. We’re proud to highlight inspiring creatives and entrepreneurs each week in Hidden Gems series. Check out some of Far North Dallas’ gems below.
Trevor Spiker
Sure! Thank you for having me. I was going to school for business and went out looking for something fun to do on the side to cover the bills. I came across an odd-job that peaked my interest: “Automotive Staff Photographer Wanted”. I received an invite for an interview and got the job! With our own little photography studio in the back of a new-car dealership, I was tasked with learning the ropes. Read more>>
Angela von Weber-Hahnsberg
I actually never planned on creating a marketing agency! After spending years in a marketing leadership role, I stepped out on my own to teach marketing workshops and courses to small business owners. But as I promoted my courses, business owners kept asking me if I provided marketing services, too. I agreed to help one…then another…and pretty soon I had so many clients I didn’t have time to teach anymore. Read more>>
Alisa Otto
I have been sewing since I was four and always enjoyed experimenting with clothing, so it was no surprise when I decided to pursue a degree in fashion design. I’ve worked in several different parts of the fashion industry: children’s wear, women’s ready-to-wear, menswear, costume design, alterations, and I have had several really random projects for private clients that were a lot of fun. While pursuing my MFA in Design at the University of North Texas. Read more>>
Tim Miller, Ethan Wilcox and Ashton Gary
Chelsea Days was formed in 2019 and is based out of Oklahoma City. The band came together when Tim Miller, Ashton Gary, and Alec Hamil met each other while attending The Academy of Contemporary Music at UCO. The 4th member, lead-guitarist Ethan Wilcox, is Gary’s cousin. All with previous musical experience in different endeavors, Chelsea Days draws from a wide variety of influences that inspire various genre-bending compositions. Read more>>
Kristen Hebert
Just a small-town Texas girl who has a love for fashion, beauty, fitness, and family. I currently reside in a large suburb of far north Dallas with my husband Nicholas, along with our two precious toddlers, Archer and Fiona. My babes are 19 months apart and are B.U.S.Y. The majority of my immediate family is within a 10-15 mile radius and we like it that way- always in each other’s business. Read more>>