Today we’d like to introduce you to Abby Gibbons, winner of the 2023 Southlake Style magazine Reader’s Choice Award for best Pilates studio.
Hi Abby, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
As a child, I loved to dance. My mother used to tell me that whenever she or my father would play music, I would start moving, shaking, and dancing around the room. Seeing how much joy it brought me, she enrolled me in rhythm and movement classes when I was three years old. I continued to study dance in all forms throughout my childhood and teen years. When it came time to go to college, there was no other path I wanted more than to study dance. I applied to and was accepted at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. I was incredibly fortunate to learn from some amazing teachers who had all danced professionally before becoming professors.
After college, I followed my dream of moving to NYC to pursue a career as a professional dancer. Little did I know how incredibly difficulty that would prove to be. Like many aspiring artists, I started working in the restaurant industry, waiting tables and bartending. I auditioned here and there, but sadly my professional dance career never took off.
As I was approaching my 30th birthday, I knew I needed to find a new career. At that time, a dear childhood friend of mine was getting her certification in something called Pilates. To be honest, I had never heard of it. I joined her group classes and developed a passion for the movement. I was surprised to learn that Pilates was the last name of its founder and creator, Joseph Pilates. The method, originally called The Art and Science of Contrology, was designed to build strength, increase flexibility, and develop an overall balanced mind, body, and spirit. I continued to take classes and became incredibly passionate about Pilates. It was a natural fit as a former dancer; the movement spoke to me.
I decided I wanted to become a Pilates teacher to share “the work” with others. After a six-month, 600-hour training program, I received my first Classical Pilates certification from Power Pilates New York in 2005. I spent the next ten years teaching Pilates in and around New York City. I even had the opportunity to travel abroad to teach in the Caribbean and Ireland. In 2015, I obtained my second Pilates certification from The United States Pilates Association with Brett Howard, the director of their teaching program.
That same year my husband and I had an opportunity to move to Toronto, Canada. I spent five years teaching at the only classical Pilates studio in the city as one of the senior teachers. While working in Toronto, I was fortunate to meet Chris Robinson. He invited me to be a part of his advanced teacher training program in San Diego, California. Throughout that next year I traveled to California multiple times to study, practice, and to further advance my skills.
When I moved back to the United States, I realized that it was finally time to be my own boss. Since I was new to Texas and didn’t know anyone, I thought opening a small boutique studio in my home would be the way to go. Unfortunately, Covid arrived three months later. The Pilates industry was hit hard, like so many others. Luckily, I was able to teach online, working with clients in Canada, England, and all over the US. I am very grateful to those that stuck with me during the pandemic!
Now my in-home studio in thriving! I have wonderful clients who by word of mouth, have told their families and friends about me. I can share my passion for Pilates and its benefits with truly amazing people. I continue to practice what I preach by taking classes and lessons from my teachers and mentors around the country. My hope is to introduce classical Pilates to others in my community so they can experience the benefits for themselves.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Certainly Not! Opening a business just before the start of a global pandemic wasn’t exactly perfect timing. That put a quick stop to in-person training. Like many other fitness teachers, I offered online mat classes and private lessons. I am grateful to some of my past students who joined me during that time.
Opening a new business required me to order many pieces of Pilates equipment. Gratz, the manufacturer, closed their factory causing a delay in receiving my equipment for nine months.
More importantly, getting my name and experience into the community was my biggest challenge to date. As a new resident of Texas, I moved here not knowing anyone. Inviting people into my home to learn classical Pilates one-on-one when they had no idea of who I was or my abilities as a teacher was certainly a challenge. Classical or Authentic Pilates isn’t widely known in the DFW area. There are only a handful of studios, the majority being in Dallas, not the Fort Worth suburbs.
My first in-home client took me by surprise. She booked online, and I assumed we would be meeting via Zoom. I was totally unprepared when I saw her car pull into the driveway. I kicked off my slippers, threw on my sneakers, shoved the dog into the kitchen, and opened the door to greet her. Not the best first impression! Thankfully, she stuck with me and has become one of my favorite clients.
Slowly but surely, I have had the opportunity to introduce Pilates to more people.
Thanks – so, what else should our readers know about Abby Gibbons Pilates, LLC?
I own a private, boutique, home-based Pilates studio. I work with my clients to build a strong Pilates foundation by learning and understanding the basics. I teach my clients to listen to their bodies, speak up when a movement or exercise feels right or wrong, and explore movement in a way that is empowering for them. Together we work on understanding ideas and concepts that changes the way they move.
In my 18 years of teaching, I have worked with clients of all ages and abilities. From the absolute beginner to the most seasoned practitioner. Throughout those years, I have gained significant experience in teaching clients with joint replacements, spinal issues, and those managing chronic pain.
I think what sets me apart from other teachers is my attention to detail. Even the smallest adjustment in a hip, shoulder, or foot placement can make a huge impact on the way you move your body. Several students have mentioned that they appreciate how clear I am when explaining each exercise, which gives them a better understanding of how to move.
I am most proud when a student finishes a lesson and has learned something new, feels energized, and maybe even had a laugh or two. I always want people to leave their lesson feeling better than when the arrived.
Where we are in life is often partly because of others. Who/what else deserves credit for how your story turned out?
My biggest cheerleader is my husband, Jason. He is beyond supportive. He reassures me not only in business but in life as well. He encourages me to step back and recognize how far I’ve come. I am truly grateful for him.
I am also lucky enough to have had two incredible mentors over the years. Brett Howard and Chris Robinson deserve a great deal of credit for making me the teacher that I am today. Brett and Chris were trained by Romana Kryzanowska. When Joseph Pilates passed on, Romana took over the original Pilates studio in NYC and kept it going for many years. Brett, a former dancer, and Chris, a Muay Thai champion, each approach Pilates with a different eye. The exercises are the same, but the focus can be very different. I’ve taken what I’ve learned from each of them and developed my own approach, which I believe has made me a very well-rounded teacher.
Lastly, I must thank and give credit to all the clients I have had over the years. I’ve learned something from every single one of them.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.abbygibbonspilates.com
- Instagram: abbygibbonspilates
- Facebook: abbygibbonspilates
Image Credits
Abby Gibbons Pilates