Today we’d like to introduce you to David Morcom.
Hi David, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
My story is one of disillusionment with the system that I experienced as both a healthcare professional but also as a patient suffering from brain injuries, mold toxicity, and recently Lyme disease — some of the most notoriously difficult conditions to treat and all occurring at the same time unknowingly. I must admit…it was a rough decade of my life, but I couldn’t find anyone to help me adequately, so was forced to be my own healer. I’ve always had a very strong drive to help others…perhaps some need for validation at some level initially but over the years this has ripened into an authentic desire to help others in suffering without answers. And it is this potent drive combined with my unrelenting quest to heal myself that continued to push me from training to training, certification to certification until I was able to figure it all out. In retrospect, I am extremely grateful because it is these challenging experiences that ultimately pushed me to develop a model of healing that synergistically brings together all the medicinal gifts of the natural world, technologies of the modern world, and knowledge & conscious practices from numerous traditions into a holistic system that actually addresses root cause to get people better once and for all, even in the most complex conditions. I sometimes like to think my passion alone would’ve created a knowledge base just as potent and wide-ranging…but it’s frankly not true. I am the wounded healer par excellence. It has been my suffering and my desire to relieve it, hands down, that made me who I am today with the ability now to help so many others.
When studying in school for my doctorate, it was apparent to me even then how disjointed, mechanistic, and even nonsensical the allopathic system was. The mechanisms of all these drugs never addressed the actual causes of disease…I was always confused why others around me did not recognize this. But I jumped through the hoops and got the expensive piece of paper…and then my real training began. It’s funny looking back…every time I thought I had discovered the new system/supplement/technology that was going to be the “solution,” I ended up realizing it was just another piece of a very large, complex puzzle. In my practice now, my team utilizes the best of natural medicine, nanoparticle nutraceuticals, diet/lifestyle education, advanced diagnostics, peptide therapy, conscious practices, and leading-edge technologies like peptides, hyperbaric oxygen, PEMF, ozone therapy, and neurofeedback to just name a few.
These tools are truly powerful and even revolutionary…but still, if they are not utilized within a truly holistic and intelligent system that actually addresses root cause, even the best technologies and natural medicines are also superficial and will fail. So many of my patients come in on the perfect diets and are on a whole slough of supplements already…yet they are still horribly sick. Well…there are just much deeper issues going on beneath the surface. Our goal is to figure out what those things are and address it methodically and holistically. This is why I love “Functional Medicine” so much. It recognizes there are foundational systems of the body like digestion, detoxification, and the nervous system that when compromised, create the inflammation/dysfunction that throw off all the systems on top. Our philosophy is to first cut off these rotting roots of the tree, and then fertilize from the ground up so all the branches and systems of the body are strong and healthy for the long-term. And the key to this is not just utilizing the myriad of potent tools/technologies we have, but also educating people on the true nature of our toxic world and individualizing preventative strategies utilizing the advancements of the genetic revolution to be well and stay well forever forth.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I’ve had quite a few health challenges through the years that made me so good at what I do, but the head injuries were actually central to my issues and were also the most difficult piece to figure out and heal. When the nervous system is dysfunctional itself, it leads to many problems downstream. I and many others like me go from doctor to doctor looking for answers and only get superficial treatment or are simply told that it’s “in our head”…and they are right! The problem does often lie in the brain! My health journey has really highlighted the importance of both physical brain health and mental-emotional wellness to truly heal. I am lucky to be in a community where mental-emotional health is prized and psychotherapy, meditation, yoga & other conscious practices are commonplace to support mental health. This is so important and really shows how far we’ve come as a society in the last couple of decades. However, the next big leap in understanding that people need to recognize is that there are numerous biochemical, pathological, and even genetic reasons why people experience conditions like depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and insomnia…and most are modifiable factors that can be intelligently addressed! Toxins from the environment, metals, & mold are all fat soluble, so they quickly accumulate in the brain. When our food supply is full of glyphosate causing “leaky gut”, we also have “leaky brain.” Gut inflammation turns into brain inflammation…and vice versa! Chronic infections like even the common herpes-1 virus have been shown to invade the nervous system contributing to conditions like dementia and multiple sclerosis. What’s even cooler is that there are common gene mutations that prevent you from making key nutrients that lead to low neurotransmitter production and toxic build-up…and you can correct these easily when you simply know it is happening. There is also a whole blossoming field of psychedelic medicine that is the new frontier that has promise to deliver years of therapy in a single half day session. These topics not only excite me, but they give me hope. There indeed are many factors weighing against our collective health currently; however, we also now have both the knowledge and technologies necessary to truly heal people at a deeper level. We are simply missing the systems that tie everything together intelligently that truly recognize the complex interconnectivity of the human body, mind, and spirit.
I am so passionate about brain/mental health that I am currently embarking on a new project to take everything I have learned – from functional medicine to advanced technologies and even integrating the new promise of psychedelic medicine – all into one center for healing here in DFW. It will recognize the important interplay of body, mind, and spirit and will hold community and connection as a quintessential piece of our vitality, humanity, and happiness.
Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Integrative Wellness Fx?
Dr. David Morcom and his team are practitioners of Functional Medicine incorporating the newest research in herbalism, nutrition, bioenergetics, and lifestyle medicine. With an integrative and holistic approach, they aim to understand each patient as a whole and their condition at its root.
Integrative Wellness Fx will actually help unravel the cascade of conditions that have caused illness at the root, design an individualized treatment plan accordingly, and empower you through diet/lifestyle education to maintain your health going forward with ease and cost-efficiency.
With so many factors now weighing down on our health, we must be more aggressive and address it from multiple angles. We utilize the true plethora of therapies and technologies available – ranging from ancient natural medicines to emerging energy modalities, peptide therapy, and liposomal nanoparticle delivery systems.
We all have a different way of looking at and defining success. How do you define success?
My goal has always been self-actualization. To be the highest version of myself to best influence & serve the collective. I want to be surrounded by those I love and love me back whole-heartedly, be the best father that is humanly possible, and to create systems of root-level healing that make health accessible and affordable to all that seek it. Living in a way that doesn’t destroy our beautiful planet is also pretty essential!
Contact Info:
- Website: integrativewellnessfx.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/integrativewellnessfx/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IntegrativeWellnessFx
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@dr.davidmorcom9957