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Inspiring Conversations with Johana Garcia of Johana Garcia

Today we’d like to introduce you to Johana Garcia

Hi Johana, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
During a midlife crisis, I suffered from depression and anxiety, and lost my job, house, and love relationship. I was out of alignment with my higher self, and my mind, body, and spirit were in imbalance. I couldn’t understand why all these experiences were happening to me and why everything was happening at the same time! It was a very difficult moment, but during that time, I learned to be resilient, resourceful, patient, and compassionate with myself and others.

I now dedicate my life to guiding individuals through similar experiences, creating and holding space for them during their healing process. We all need to heal something, our bodies, our past, our relationships, etc. We all are going or will go through difficult situations in life. I am here to support others and help them move on to the next chapter in their lives. I host healing retreats around the world for more info visit

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
As in life, when you create something new, there will always be challenges to overcome and new things to learn. Life isn’t just about reaching your goals; it’s about the journey you take to get there. It’s about the lessons learned, the skills developed, and the insights gained about yourself and others along the way.

Moreover, embracing these challenges and the process of learning can lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth. Each obstacle you encounter is a chance to build resilience and discover new strengths. The journey teaches you to adapt, innovate, and persevere, making the ultimate achievements even more meaningful. Celebrate the small victories and the progress made, for they are the true markers of success.

We’ve been impressed with Johana Garcia , but for folks who might not be as familiar, what can you share with them about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Johana is a certified Life Coach by the ICF International Coaching Federation, as well as a Mindset Coach, Emotional Intelligence practitioner, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP®️) enthusiast, RYT200 yoga teacher, Meditator, Reiki practitioner, and Science of the Mind advocate. She has a profound passion for healing, holistic well-being, and spirituality, Johana’s methodology revolves around nurturing our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies to cultivate a life of health and abundance. She is dedicated to guiding individuals on their journey towards a balanced and fulfilling existence during her healing retreats.

Have you learned any interesting or important lessons due to the Covid-19 Crisis?
Lessons from Covid-19: A Journey of Strength and Resilience

For many, 2020 and 2021 were years filled with setbacks, canceled events, and the fear of contagion, leaving us feeling out of control. Covid-19 taught us significant life lessons, making us stronger, more resilient, and more purpose-driven.

On December 31, 2021, I tested positive for Covid-19. It was one of the hardest lessons of my life. Feeling sick and hopeless, I worried about infecting my parents. I hit rock bottom, prayed for a change in perspective, and learned these valuable lessons:

1. **Strength and Resilience**: Covid-19 made me even stronger and more resilient. It taught me how to manage my thoughts and emotions and be flexible with life’s changes.

2. **Increased Resilience**: Learning to accept what I can’t control helped me avoid frustration. Now, I make flexible plans and adapt to changes calmly.

3. **Strengthened Relationships**: Covid-19 deepened my connections with my husband, family, and friends. It taught us to love unconditionally and appreciate emotional support.

4. **Self-Love**: Isolation forced me to connect with myself, rebuild my self-esteem, and practice self-love. It was a healing experience.

5. **Strengthened Faith**: During tough times, my faith grew stronger. Daily prayers provided the strength to move forward.

6. **Valuing Time**: Covid-19 made me reassess how I spend my time. I focused on healing and using my time wisely.

7. **Challenging Limiting Beliefs**: I learned that I control my mind and can motivate myself to achieve my goals. The best relationship is the one with yourself.

8. **New Opportunities**: What seemed like the worst experience turned into a great learning opportunity, opening new doors for me.

Be grateful for every experience. Everything that happens has a purpose, helping you grow and become a better person.

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