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Inspiring Conversations with Jordan Johnson of Jojo Empathic

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jordan Johnson

Hi Jordan, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
My story begins with my relationship with God. Growing up I was very involved with church and I never questioned that I was a spirit connected to a higher power. I’ve always had an unwavering faith but in my early 20s, I began to dive deeper into spirituality. The earliest memories I have of my intuitive abilities would be from elementary school I can remember having psychic and prophetic dreams. My maternal grandparents both had multiple sclerosis and were completely paralyzed which sparked my natural curiosity about the connection between consciousness, spirit, and the human body.

After high school, I studied biology and hit a roadblock after spinning wheels with studying for about 5 years. I loved learning about anatomy and physiology and am interested in virology, but I was never fully dedicated to school and focused more on my business, communication, and sales skills. In 2016, my mother who also has multiple sclerosis was treated experimentally with a stem cell transplant at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago, IL. This ignited a passion in me to look into epigenetics.

With the awareness that the environment can determine my reality, in 2017 I began to spiritually awaken. I was led to soul-searching and I was eager to heal the depression and anxiety that I was facing at the time. I was tired of working for other people and wanted to live more in service. As I allowed the mourning of my old religion I walked over the freedom bridge to being able to fully accept myself, love myself, and develop my relationship with spirit further through the lost language of spirit which my body was naturally tapped into. By connecting authentically with my intuition, I was able to heal myself of chronic pain and joint problems, reproductive system imbalances, and mental health issues.

Later in my 20s, my intuitive abilities became unbearable and I was struggling mentally and emotionally because of it which led me to training in psychic mediumistic and empathic development. When I began to channel light my entire life changed because I had never felt so grounded and clear. I was disappointed that I had never been diagnosed as medium because as research proves there is a direct correlation on the body. After connecting to my inner intelligence with discernment, setting healthy boundaries with the energetic realms, healing my body, and being able to feel peace from within me it’s like I can finally be fully present and grateful. I am living a life that I am so excited about and I truly love and enjoy spiritual entrepreneurship!

I launched “Jojo’s Healing Shop” on Etsy in 2021 and in 2022 when I officially launched I began to have worldwide traffic, many clients, referrals, and positive testimonials. Ultimately my mission is to help myself, others, animals, and the earth suffer less. I want everyone to connect with their intuitive abilities because I believe that it leads all souls to an evolution rooted in love.

We should use our intuition to be more mindful, grounded, sustainable, and instrumental within our communities. Teaching children about their innate abilities leads to more authentic and happy leaders of the future. At a time on earth more than ever we all need to know how to tap into our natural self-healing capabilities and this includes children.

Whether you call on God, Source, Spirit, or the universe, we all have a spark of light within us that never leaves us and will never misguide us. Today I help clients around the world to have the awareness needed to go within for all things and to experience the love, healing, freedom, and clarity that spirituality unfolds for us all.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
No, it has not been a smooth road. The only thing “smooth” has been that I trust my spirit wholeheartedly which has made the twists and turns of starting something new and unorthodox bearable. I stay focused on the bigger picture and prioritize grounding.

There is a horrible negative stigma in America about Psychics and we are often seen as evil, demonic, or sick. Intuitive intelligence is the way to survival but colonization has really caused a lot of trauma and fear about the topic of seeing God within you, turning away from anything mainstream, and rewriting things!

As you know, we’re big fans of Jojo Empathic. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
I give readings and energy healing sessions virtually over the phone or via Zoom, and in person at my office located in Frisco, TX. Many clients are shocked that I only need their first name to read them accurately. I use a combination of a patented method that I was trained under and a method I’ve developed myself to deliver evidential mediumship and healing from the light.

I also offer a 6-month Journey with Jojo which is a combination of several readings, energy healing, and training in spiritual development to empower clients to eliminate the middle man regarding their relationship with spirit and the energetic realms. I have an online shop for meditations, guides, and healing crystals. I like to use tuning forks, sound healing, and to encourage harmonizing the chakras for greater prosperity.

I use mental mediumship and automatic writing and will often incorporate the use of my favorite traditional tarot deck and mixed emotions oracle cards. Through my training death coaching has helped me to be compassionate with those who are grieving.

Many seek my services for mediumship readings to connect with deceased loved ones on the other side, medical intuitive readings, remote viewing to find lost objects, pet readings, empathic children readings, spirit attachment clearing, and energy healing. I love delivering every service that I offer and it brings tears of joy to hear how much intuitive sessions impact others. I can work with the whole family including the pets and the property!

When we tap into our inner power and with discernment, intention, and belief we begin to eradicate fears and the illusions of life and make positive changes that benefit all.

Do you have any advice for those looking to network or find a mentor?
I’ve had several amazing mentors and teachers throughout the years some being respected clairvoyants themselves, but what I find the most interesting about finding a mentor is that they say “When the student is ready the teacher appears.” This is true for me. At divine timing, the right leaders have always presented themselves to me. The universe has a way of teaching those who want to be taught and who are continual learners and I trust that.


  • $80 for 30-minute Readings
  • $160 for 1-hour Readings
  • $310 for 2-hour Readings
  • $5 Audio Meditations
  • $5-$30 Healing Crystals

Contact Info:

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