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Inspiring Conversations with Nikeya Webb of ME, you & real estate

Today we’d like to introduce you to Nikeya Webb

Hi Nikeya , we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
After graduating from Texas Woman’s University in MAY 2023 with a Bachelors in Science and a minor in Chemistry, I decided to pursue real estate. This was never the initial plan, I had applied to dental school and was rejected so I thought I would just take a gap year and try something new. Real Estate is nothing new to me or my family! My dad has been a realtor for 23 years and a broker for about 2 years. My mom had been a real estate agent for about 8years, so I grew up admiring and seeing them perfect their craft. I remember in elementary school , being excited to attended open houses with my dad because I knew they would have snacks and I would have so much fun. In June of 2023 I decided to get my real estate license as well. I attended Champions school of real estate in Plano, TX and obtained my license in September of that year. I then joined Capital Real Estate Profs. Brokerage, which is my father’s brokerage. When deciding to get my license I took into account that someday my Dad has to pass down his company to someone , why not let it be me ! My parents have been great role models and teachers as I began to navigate the real estate world, but it is really up to you to find what works best for you. I started off apartment locating and worked my way up from there. I quickly discovered that being a realtor is not as easy as it seems, it can be very discouraging at times. When trying to find my niche in the business, working in New Home sales sparked my attention. I had applied for some positions with various home builders but nothing came about from them. The saying “it isn’t about what you know , its about WHO you know”is so true. It wasn’t until one of my parents childhood friends referred me to their company that they worked at , that I finally got a job. I have been working as a sales assistant for a builder for almost a year now and I love it. I love learning new things, the stability of it, and the ability to grow in the company. I have also started a podcast called ME, you and Real Estate on YouTube with my cohost Shaneice Brown. Where we answer real estate related questions and clear up many misconceptions within the home buying process. I feel as if a lot of people my age see buying a home as a scary decision but that is only because they are not truly informed on the process. Shaneice and I created ME, you and Real Estate to really reach are age group and inform them on rules, resources, and encourage them to let that fear go and buy real estate. Everyday , I am trying to impact, inform and help people whether its through my podcast or at work! Just because your parents have done things a certain way, doesn’t mean that is the way that will work for me. I have learned that and I am continuing to learn that everyday as I pave a way for myself in the business. Nothing worth having comes easy !

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
No , It hasn’t and I run into different struggles everyday. As a real estate agent a big struggle for me has been family and friends, not supporting
you or using when it is their turn to buy a home or rent a property. I have so many stories of people that are close to me saying they are going to use me as their realtor but then go behind your back and use someone else. In this business you learn to develop thick skin and learn to just continue betting on yourself even when others don’t.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
ME, you & Real Estate is a podcast that me and my cohost Shaneice Brown just recently started. We started this podcast because as real estate agents our age , we have noticed how fearful and misinformed a lot of people are in regards to real estate. Even though this is a new project for us we know that the podcast will take off because it is needed ! For Example others our age need to know things such as different programs for down-payment assistance and programs in place to help buyers and sellers !

Is there something surprising that you feel even people who know you might not know about?
Something surprising about myself is that I am super funny and laugh a whole lot, but most people would never know because I am very shy and quiet. Even though on videos it may look like I am super outgoing and loud, I very quiet and shy in person.

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Image Credits
Instagram : @quenleephotography

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