Today we’d like to introduce you to Ondrea Spearman.
Ondrea, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I started training three years ago when I was let go of my corporate job due to Covid. Like many others, during lockdown, I had more time on my hands than I had had since the day I was born. I did everything I thought was right, which was the path that we are taught will lead you to success. I graduated from high school with honors, went on to get a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas emerging media and communications, I got an internship right out of college and then landed my big first corporate job. But for some reason, I was still unfulfilled. During lockdown, I was really able to sit down and look at my life through a lens that felt like someone other than me. I had never really had the time to think about what I really want it for my future. When I started sharing my homework out on Instagram and my followers told me how I inspired and motivated them to work out, I absolutely fell in love with the feeling of helping others reach their health and fitness goals. It dawned on me that I was unhappy at my corporate job not because of the environment but because I had not been serving my purpose. Since then, I have never felt more purpose in my life than supporting women become their best selves through mindset, fitness, and acknowledging their worth and strength. When I started my online fitness business, Peace of Fitness, I had no idea the impact I would have on women all over the world. I am grateful that I now get to do what I love every single day.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
It has certainly not been a smooth road. But I did not sign up for a smooth road, I signed up for a road filled with purpose and intention. Being a young entrepreneur comes with common struggles like steady income and business. But it is not the monetary struggles that that weigh the most. For me, it has been the will to keep going despite those obstacles. Fitness is an analogy for life. Whenever I make it to the gym on the days when I don’t feel like it and I stick to my routine this is a habit that transfers to how I handle and commit to my clients and company. I know that challenges will come but is about how I handle them. And like I tell my clients: “I am so up for this challenge.”
Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Peace of Fitness?
Peace of Fitness is an online fitness company that offers women personal training, group training, and online fitness and mindset coaching. I take women through an online 8-week fitness training program that emphasizing changing the mindset when it comes to their health and fitness. The program includes practices like meditation and journaling to ensure that my clients are reaping the mental benefits of change and not just physical ones. Their behaviors and habits is what will lead them to a sustainable transformation…one that they can have for life.
With my one-on-one online coaching program, I am able to help women from anywhere in the world. I used personalized attention and individualized workout plans for each of my clients. By tailoring my approach to each client’s specific needs and goals, I am able to set my business apart from others that offer a more one-size-fits-all approach.
I also make sure that my clients feel valued and appreciated by providing exceptional service. I have always went above and beyond to create a welcoming and supportive environment in my program.
What does success mean to you?
I define success as value-based. A lot of us use the wrong metrics when it comes to success because of what we see on Instagram and TikTok. But if we were to start using our values as a metric, we would find that success would come a lot easier.
A value-based definition of success refers to achieving personal or organizational goals while remaining true to your core values and principles. In this way, success is not just about achieving external or material measures of success, such as wealth, fame, or power. Instead, success is defined by living in alignment with one’s deeply held values, such as honesty, integrity, compassion, and social responsibility.
A value-based definition of success emphasizes the importance of pursuing one’s goals in a way that aligns with my values and contributes to the greater good. My approach emphasizes the importance of ethical behavior, social responsibility, and long-term sustainability, rather than short-term gains or self-interest.
Therefore, success is not just about achieving a particular outcome, but also about the process of achieving that outcome. Just like in fitness: Your goal should not be to workout. Your goal should be to become a person who works out.
Ultimately, my definition of success emphasizes the importance of personal growth, social responsibility, and creating a life that is in alignment with my deepest values and beliefs.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.trainwithondrea.com
- Instagram: @ondreafitspo
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ondreafitspo