Today we’d like to introduce you to Ruth Jones.
Hi Ruth, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Since I can remember, all I have ever wanted to do is inspire people to believe in their dreams and to go for them. My first memory of wanting to do this is in 7th grade, where I watched a speech from Les Brown on the television in my living room. I was electrified. I hung on to his every word and felt like anything was possible. I felt powerful, daring and courageous. And I thought to myself, “Now that is what I want to do.” If I could spend my life helping others feel that way and dream big dreams, then that’s what I wanted to do. However, the path to stepping into this calling was anything but a straight line.
In school, I naturally excelled and received a full academic scholarship to Michigan State University. I graduated top of my class, but felt clueless how to connect my calling, to inspire others, to a career.
My first job out of college was with a telecom company but in less than a year, I was hired on by the local church I attended to be their Women’s Ministry Director and lead their Publications department. There, my passion was stoked. I was able to help plan monthly women’s events and create and launch personal development classes for the community. I discovered I had a talent for writing and ghostwrote more than 12 inspirational self-help books and numerous leadership manuals and courses. I was able to speak at Christian womens and singles conferences with audiences ranging in size from 50-1000+ people. I was in my sweet spot and living my dream — inspiring others to live a fulfilling life and maximize their potential. But after 12 years of serving here, the culture turned toxic, and I knew in my heart of hearts it was time to make a big move. It was time to launch out and explore.
In 2011, I moved to Texas and shifted from working in ministry to working in corporate marketing roles. While each job climbing the ladder landed me a higher title and more pay, I felt disconnected from my true passion. Over the next few years I stayed the course, but I began to study and learn the habits, mindsets and daily lifestyle choices that make for a sweet life. I would experiment with different morning routines, personal growth and planning tools, and habit hacks to see which were good in theory but didn’t work in reality versus those that did. I worked hard to shed limiting beliefs and narrow definitions of success that offered a perception of safety and security but at the cost of freedom and fulfillment. And most importantly, I sought out wisdom from God diving into what the Bible had to say about living a fulfilled life, making an impact, and leaving a legacy. As I searched, I discovered a God who will meet your deepest longings with His highest purpose and plans.
Yearning to grow and create, I dabbled in entrepreneurship starting a marketing company, Let’s Go Creative, and an indie publishing company, Let’s Go Press as a side hustle. I got married to the man of my dreams and had a beautiful son Aiden. With so many passions on my plate, I quickly discovered the limitations and challenges of juggling a full-time job, multiple business ventures, marriage, motherhood, and self-care. I began to feel the tug to simplify and dial into my one true calling–inspiring and motivating women to live bold lives and pursue their dreams.
I felt a divine nudge that it was time to shift and double down on my focus. I had spent years pursuing what leads to a soul-satisfying, sweet life, and I was ready to share this wisdom with others. With encouragement from my husband and friends, who appreciated the practical advice I would share, the idea for a book was born. Four years later the book “Living the Sweet Life: Simple Secrets to Finding Purpose, Joy and Fulfillment” was published and is available everywhere books are sold. In it, I share time-tested principles, chapter-by-chapter actionable inspiration, and a little wisdom from bees to help you make the leap from the living the life you know to the one you’ve always longed for.
Experiencing the joy from launching the book and the overwhelmingly positive response from readers, I knew it was time to make the next brave step and leave corporate America for good to go all in and pursue full-time my passion to inspire, empower, and coach women. In March 2023, I left the corporate world and launched Ruth Jones Inspires.
Ruth Jones Inspires provides digital content, workshops, and soon, online courses and a community with the mission of helping bold women rise up, overcome self-doubt, and create a no-regret life they love.
I share daily motivational videos on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Facebook. Next year, I will be launching a Masterclass to help women navigate seasons of change in Spring 2024, and another Masterclass based on my “Sweet Life” message will be launched in the Fall 2024. I’m also busy as a speaker for women’s conferences, workshops, and events. In October, I will be speaking at the Women of Faith in Entrepreneurship Brunch at Neiman Marcus in Plano.
I’m living the Sweet Life, and I’m on a mission to help others do the same.
I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
It has not been a smooth road. One of the biggest struggles was figuring out how to move from a job to a dream with courage and confidence. Part of that is practical – I had to figure out how to divide my time between my entrepreneurial endeavors while holding on and rocking my day job. I can honestly say there were times where I was working 60-hour weeks for my day job and then putting in another 10-20 writing my book and working on freelance projects, and I burned myself out. I broke all of my personal boundaries and it impacted my sleep, health and caused mental and emotional exhaustion. With the support of my amazing husband and connecting with a coach, I was able to reground myself in my values, align my priorities, and reestablish boundaries to get back on track. Coaching is so important to making these pivotal shifts and staying true to our deepest intentions.
At a certain point I had to admit that I couldn’t play it safe and only do my passion on the side. There’s only so much time in a day, and there are only so many “next years.” At some point, you have to take the leap of faith. Success is messy. Things won’t always look right or be perfect before you can step out and go for your big dreams. It’s hard but it’s always worth it. And so many people are eager to come alongside and show support.
Lastly, I’ll say this…throughout the process, there have been major life transitions that had the potential to derail my dreams if I let them — both positive and negative life transitions — moving across country, marriage, miscarriage, job changes, motherhood, and loss of a loved one. With each major life change, I had to overcome the overwhelm, capitalize on my strengths, and get a plan to move forward. Many people can get stuck in transition or feel so blindsided they lose their direction; that’s why I feel passionate about providing a master class to provide people a proven process to navigate through seasons of change.
Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Ruth Jones Inspires?
I believe that every woman has the potential to live an extraordinary life. But too often, we allow our fears and doubts to hold us back from pursuing our dreams. I created Ruth Jones Inspires (ruthjonesinspries.com) as a platform to help women overcome these obstacles and start living their best lives. It’s time for the women who are committed to living boldly and chasing their dreams to go for it.
I want women to know they don’t have to be a celebrity, have a million followers, or even have things figured out or see further than the next 2-3 steps, but they can still go for their big dream. Ordinary women can achieve extraordinary dreams all the time. I’m proof – the sweet life is possible!
What’s next?
Aside from the online courses I previously mentioned that I’m launching next year, I’m also planning to launch some cool Sweet Life merch, including journals, t’s, and bracelets to remind women that the Sweet Life is within reach, and I’d like to release another book – “Living the Sweet Life for Teen Girls.” I feel passionate that we must reach down to raise the next generation of dream achievers. I’m also looking forward to more opportunities to speak at women’s organizations. For women’s organizations or churches looking for a speaker for their next workshop, conference or event, please reach out to me through the contact page at ruthjonesinpsires.com.
Contact Info:
Website: ruthjonesinspires.com
Instagram: @ruthjonesinspires
Facebook: /ruthjonesinspires
Linkedin: /ruthjonesinspires
Youtube: @ruthjonesinspires
Image Credits
Aravaggio Photography