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Inspiring Conversations with Sara Schroeder of Sara Schroeder Coaching, Business and Life Coach

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sara Schroeder.  

Sara, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
My first taste in the Personal Development world started when I was an Adjunct Professor at UNT, teaching College Writing I and II. I Loved teaching (yes, even this class!), but what I really loved was the opportunity to have students analyze their thoughts and then explain them in their essays. Not only that, I had the honor of helping these students navigate through college life, which we all know can be a doozy! While I was teaching, I came upon Camp Gladiator Group Fitness and knew I also wanted to become a Certified Personal Trainer with them; I opened up the CG Franchise in Denton in 2011. For a while (5 years!), I was Personal Training in the mornings, teaching during the day, and training at night! It was the mindset aspect of both of these that really spoke passion to my heart; after hiring my own Mentors and Coaches, I knew that the next step for me was to become a Business and Life Coach so that I can help people understand their Vision, Create an Action Plan, and get the results they want! So, in 2019, I sold the CG to the other Personal Trainers and started a Business and Life Coaching Business. 

Today, I love to work with overwhelmed, anxious, “lack mindset” business owners; together, we shed the mindset drama, understand their vision, gain confidence, and take action. Think part Coach, part Encourager, a little tough love, and continually asking questions to get you out of your comfort zone! It’s my greatest joy to receive texts about BIG and Small wins (money, relationships, health, making decisions, setting boundaries, etc.) and, most importantly, that they then can move forward in their business with the utmost certainty that regardless of problems, they have the skills, trust, and confidence in themselves to work it out! 

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back, would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Has this been a smooth road?! Heck no! There’s continuous doubt–yes, I even experience that as a Business Coach. There’re times when emotions overcome logic. There’s the Imposter Syndrome, the wanting to look perfect, the judgments of yourself and what you think others are thinking/saying. There are the old story patterns and habits that you think you’ve broken, but some problem comes up to test you. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do; these thoughts are what make us human–and each one is here to teach us something about ourselves and how we want to show up in the world! 

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
What do you want? What do you mean by that? Why? This is what Sara Schroeder Coaching is all about: providing you with the tools and strategies that will help you achieve the exact results you want for your business (and life!) Together, we build a relationship that focuses on consistency, commitment, fun, and habits that will make your goals happen. We see where and how you aren’t making decisions, your level of trust with yourself, where you are judging/assuming and taking things personally, and where you feel the most pressure, doubt, and fear, And then…we shed All of that, create an action plan! I am your Number One Accountability Partner, 100% Believer, and biggest cheerleader. I value what you want because what you want is Meant to be part of this world! Working together, I help you understand how You have all the resources, thoughts, and abilities to make it happen. The possibilities for you are endless! 

We can work together through: 

–60 Minute Radiant Results Strategy Sessions 

–Daily Morning Motivation and Coaching via Voxer 

–1:1 Coaching in 6 or 12 months 

–Speaking Engagements 

What’s next?
I look forward to creating a retreat experience in a mountainous area in 2023 and also going on more speaking engagements around the US! 

Contact Info:

Image Credits

Kara Muse Photography

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