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Inspiring Conversations with Sarah Evans of Marley Magic Candle Co

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sarah Evans

Hi Sarah, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
I started Marley Magic Candle Company because I was traumatized by the tragic loss of my daughter. My daughter Marley was stillborn on March 26, 2019. I didn’t know how to handle my grief. At the time I was a wife and mother of 2 boys. My body was on autopilot while I was losing my mind. I checked myself into a mental hospital to get some help. While I was there I met three ladies who had recently suffered from the loss of children. Those ladies were just like me, lost and trying to find a way through the heartache. I used the time in the hospital to find techniques to heal. I found that all I needed was myself. I had to forgive myself for what I could not control. When I came home from the hospital I took time to find myself. I found healing in lighting a candle and letting my emotions out in multiple ways, like dancing, writing, painting, and meditating. I also used the chakra system as a guide to help me work through my emotions. I took everything I used to help me heal and I put it into Marley Magic Company, built to help people heal from emotional trauma. One day I want to start a non-profit organization that will be geared toward helping women who have lost a child and women suffering with postpartum depression.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
I have had some ups and downs on this journey. Starting this business showed me how creative I am. My biggest struggle has been consistently marketing online. I have to come up with different content to reach the right audience and keep people engaged online. Also trying to find the balance between family life and business life,

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your business?
Marley Magic Candle is a company that specializes in helping those who have suffered the loss of a child. The chakra system is used as a guide to work through the emotional pain. The word chakra means wheel of light. The word chakra also comes from a Hindu and Buddhist spiritual tradition that sees the chakras as energy centers in your body. There are 7 chakras in the chakra system. “The foundation of the chakra system consists of seven major chakras within the body. They each serve a purpose and are all interconnected. The upper three are considered the spiritual chakras. The spiritual chakras focus on our connection to the Divine and our Higher Self. The version of ourselves that is tapped into our purest expression of love, wisdom, and power. The lower three chakras are considered the physical chakras. They ground us as human beings on Earth. The spiritual
and physical chakras are connected in the center through the heart
chakra.” (Margarita Alcantara Chakra Healing..)
The chakra
Marley Magic Candle Company created chakra packages that cater to each chakra. My top three chakra packages are the “Road Opener”, “Freak Me” and the “Keep Ya Head Up”. The “Road Opener” helps you stay grounded and helps you remove obstacles that may come along in your spiritual journey. The “Freak Me” package helps you find confidence in yourself and your sexuality. This package helped me after having my youngest son. This candle can also help couples set the mood for a romantic night. The “Keep Ya Head Up” package is a positivity candle. When life feels grim, this will help you stay on the right track. The chakra packages include a 4oz or 9oz candle, 1 crystal/gemstone, and 1 affirmation card. And this is just the beginning. I plan to expand my company into a holistic spa.

Do you any memories from childhood that you can share with us?
My favorite childhood memory is being part of the youth ministry at my church. Every year, we would go to Hurricane Harbor in Arlington, TX. One year I decided I wanted to try “The Der Stuka” slide. The slide was the largest water slide in the theme park, at that time. Mind you, I was eight, and I could barely swim. I was so scared, I took my time going up the steps to get to the slide. When I got to the top of the slide I wanted to go back down but, I didn’t want to look bad so I took a deep breath and went down the slide. I went straight to the bottom of the 12ft water. I was fighting for my life. A lifeguard had to jump in and save me. That lifeguard was nice but firm. He told me not to come back if I couldn’t swim because it was dangerous. I went back to the youth ministry’s meeting area took a break, and then went back to swimming. I didn’t tell my mom about the incident until after we left. The next year, we went to Hurricane Harbor I wasn’t going to get on the ride. But my cousin Tiffany asked to go with her, so I could not chicken out. I was scared but I went on that slide and that year I could swim so I didn’t need a lifeguard to rescue me.


  • 4oz candles chakra package $25
  • 9oz candle chakra package $35

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Image Credits
Sarah Evans

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