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Inspiring Conversations with Staci Wright of HeartProfit

Today we’d like to introduce you to Staci Wright

Hi Staci, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
I have always loved solving problems using the power and sustainability of business. Over the past 20 years, I have founded diverse businesses, each providing unique solutions to various challenges. Through these experiences, I honed my skills in structure, organization, and business planning, enabling me to create enterprises that not only thrived but also solved problems sustainably.

In addition to my entrepreneurial pursuits, I dedicated much of the last decade to volunteerism with various charities. During this time, I became acutely aware of the looming mental health crisis and the severe shortage of mental health professionals. It was evident that we faced significant challenges that required innovative solutions.

Recognizing the power of business models in addressing complex issues, I decided to apply my problem-solving skills to the social issue of mental health. This realization gave birth to HeartProfit. HeartProfit is not just an organization; it’s a movement dedicated to solving the mental health crisis through workplace innovation. Our mission is to infuse care, compassion, and connection into business environments, transforming workplaces into spaces that nurture mental well-being.

Traditional business models often prioritize profit at all costs, treating people as expendable resources. At HeartProfit, we envision a new paradigm where businesses can achieve high performance while prioritizing the mental health and well-being of their employees. By creating supportive and compassionate workplaces, we believe we can make a significant impact on the mental health crisis, fostering environments where people and profits can thrive together.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Owning and scaling a business is far from easy, and my journey has been filled with numerous struggles. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is that failure is just a normal part of the process. Each business I’ve started came with its unique set of challenges, from financial hurdles to operational setbacks.

Through these experiences, I have learned resiliency and tenacity. Mistakes and mishaps are inevitable, but I’ve come to understand that the key to success isn’t about doing everything perfectly. Instead, it’s about how quickly you can get back up when you get knocked down and continue to persevere. Embracing failure as a learning opportunity has been crucial in my entrepreneurial journey, allowing me to grow stronger and more capable with each challenge I face.

We’ve been impressed with HeartProfit, but for folks who might not be as familiar, what can you share with them about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
HeartProfit is a movement and organization dedicated to solving the mental health crisis through workplace innovation. We focus on integrating care, compassion, and connection into business practices to create environments that nurture mental well-being. Our mission is to transform workplaces into spaces that support and enhance the mental health of their employees, fostering a culture where people and profits can thrive together.

We specialize in three main areas: education, certification, and acceleration. Our educational offerings include classes, online support groups, and a vibrant online community that provides ongoing support and resources for business owners and leaders committed to integrating care, compassion and connection. Through our certification program, businesses that adhere to our standards of care and compassion can become certified HeartProfit members, gaining access to a directory that connects them with like-minded consumers and employees.

What sets us apart is our unique approach to addressing the mental health crisis. We believe that the workplace can be a powerful catalyst for change. By focusing on creating supportive and compassionate work environments, we aim to tackle mental health issues at their root, providing long-term, sustainable solutions.

One of the initiatives we are most proud of is the 100,000 Who Care campaign. This crowdfunding effort seeks to gather 100,000 people who each contribute $5 per month. These contributions fund our accelerator program, which supports entrepreneurs aligned with our mission. Participants in the campaign receive HeartEquity, allowing them to vote on which entrepreneurs receive funding. This initiative embodies our belief in the collective power of community to drive meaningful change.

We want readers to know that HeartProfit is more than just a business; it’s a movement committed to creating a world where mental health is prioritized, and workplaces are environments of care and connection. Our offerings are designed to support businesses in making this vision a reality, providing the tools and resources needed to foster mental well-being in the workplace.

Networking and finding a mentor can have such a positive impact on one’s life and career. Any advice?
Finding a mentor and networking are crucial aspects of professional growth and development. Here are a few pieces of advice based on my experience:

1. Be Proactive: Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you. Actively seek out coaches, events, and workshops where you can meet potential mentors and expand your network. Reach out to people you admire and ask for their guidance.

2. Leverage Online Platforms: Use professional networking platforms like LinkedIn to connect with industry leaders and peers. Join relevant groups and participate in discussions to showcase your expertise and interest.

3. Attend Networking Events: Industry conferences, local business meetups, and networking events are excellent places to meet potential mentors and build connections. Make sure to follow up with the people you meet to establish lasting relationships.

4. Offer Value: When reaching out to potential mentors or networking contacts, think about what you can offer them. Mentoring is a two-way street, and showing that you can provide value will make people more inclined to help you.

5. Be Authentic: Authenticity goes a long way in building meaningful connections. Be genuine in your interactions and show a real interest in the people you meet.

For me, what has worked well is actively engaging with professional communities and volunteering. Through my volunteer work, I have met many like-minded individuals who have become mentors and valuable connections. Additionally, being involved in various professional groups has opened doors to numerous networking opportunities.

Remember, building a network takes time and effort. Be patient and persistent, and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. The connections you make and the mentors you find can have a profound impact on your personal and professional growth.


  • HeartProfit Community Membership: $50 per month Access to educational resources, online support groups, and our vibrant online community.
  • HeartProfit Certification: Cost based on size of business. Certification for businesses committed to our standards of care and compassion, inclusion in our directory of certified businesses.
  • 100,000 Who Care Campaign: Monthly Contribution: $5 per month Annual Contribution: $60 per year Participants receive HeartEquity, allowing them to vote on which entrepreneurs receive funding through our accelerator program.
  • Gift of the Month Campaign: Membership levels with increasing benefits, delivering curated gifts that showcase the stories of HeartProfit companies.

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