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Inspiring Conversations with Terri Alford of TNA Financial Group

Today we’d like to introduce you to Terri Alford

TERRI, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
Since I was a little girl I always knew I wanted to be a teacher, doctor, and businesswoman. I did not know in which order that things would happen for me, but I knew wanted to serve, teach, heal, and make “good money.”

I graduated from college with a degree in Business Administration with Finance as my concentration. After a few years of working in banking and retail I moved to Dallas, Texas to teach. Although I coached and trained on my previous jobs, I really fell in love with teaching. In 2016 I graduated with my Masters in Education Concentration in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) from Southern Methodist University; I received a certificate in Entrepreneurship from their School of Business too.

I served as a STEM Academy Principal until fall of 2019, and since then I have been a full-time self-employed business owner and builder.

Throughout the pandemic I built my business, took care of my mother who had cancer during that time, and grew from using strategies I now have as frameworks.

I am now known as a former principal turned entrepreneur, economic empower educator, and CEO of
TNA Financial Group. TNA Financial Group is a financial services company specializing in helping
business owners build wealth and financial freedom so they can live, lead, and leave multimillion dollar
legacies. The company serves clients in over 22 states. My award-winning agency consists of agents
across the country. As a highly sought after consultant and coach, I am committed to build, grow,
and protect my clients’ wealth from financial infirmities and inflation changes. I educate with
proven strategies and financial principles to provide solutions to my clients. I personally has over
400+ life insurance and annuity clients to date- most are business owners and entrepreneurs.

For my hours of service and leadership I was awarded the prestigious Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award with a pin,
letter, and certificate from the United States of America.

In 2023 I created a community called BUSINESSWOMEN BUILDING WEALTH TM to educate,
empower, and equip business women on their wealth building journey.

I started hosting Women Luncheons to teach businesswomen how to sell more without coming
across “salesy” with her SELLS Framework, attract stronger leads with her LEADS Framework, and
have better Financial Flow with her 5 A’s to Abundance Framework. October 24-26, 2024 I will host
The Attract Abundance Conference Conference in Frisco, Texas for Business Women Building Wealth to
teach on topics of becoming your own bank, sales, marketing, branding, estate planning, tax planning

and more!

I am transformative speaker, dynamic leader, energetic event host, licensed financial consultant,
business coach and affectionately known as The Women’s Wealth Strategist who helps women Attract

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
No, it has certainly not been a smooth road. It still isn’t smooth yet to be honest. I feel business owners are still in the building phase when we have been in business less than 5 years. Although it will be 5 years for me soon, I have had growing pains that I know were to teach me how to have a more sustainable business and build a multi-million dollar legacy for generations to come. A few things I learned the hard way are:

1.) Tax planning is a must!
2.) If you are not strict with your boundaries, people are bound to cross them.
3.) Not everyone by your side is on your team.
4.) Trust your gut. Some people really hate to see you win.
5.) Consistency is key. Doing too many strategies at once can disrupt your traction.
6.) Your financial dream team is one of the best investments you will make.
7.) Feelings and business don’t mix when it comes to big decision making. Make decisions that are best for business. Not separating your feelings can lead to failure.

As you know, we’re big fans of TNA Financial Group. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
When people ask what I do, I can answer them several different ways.

✅I own a financial services firm.
✅I am an insurance broker.
✅I am a speaker, host, and empowerment advocate.
✅I have coached and mentored women in finance to double their income in 90 days.
✅I lead a community for business women who are passionate about building wealth.
✅ I serve young Black professionals in Dallas-Fort Worth through purposeful nonprofit work.
✅ I teach people how to make their financial dreams become a reality.

Truth be told, most times I just want to say I am a teacher at heart. ♥️
On my “*sales calls*” I spend most of my time educating my clients and prospects than selling.

What I have discovered is the same tools and strategies I used to become a highly effective science teacher are the same foundations I have used for my business.

Teaching 8th grade science as a 24 year old in a turnaround DISD school in a sells job! No one can tell me different. 😂 I had to sell the content, the subject matter, the relevance of the material, myself as an expert, and sell the students on believing in themselves.
My point is many skills I strengthened as a middle school educator and 27 year old prinicipal were transferable for my business and leadership roles.

My Financial Needs Analysis, Retire Wealthy Consultations, and Infinite Banking Interest meetings are complimentary. I specialize in safe money strategies who want to use life insurance and annuities like the ultra-wealthy.

What sets me apart is that no only do I have the financial products and services, I am a business coach that specialize in helping women live, lead, and leave multimillion dollar legacies with six figure retirement streams over six figure retirement dreams.

What quality or characteristic do you feel is most important to your success?
Tenacity, Perseverance, Grit, Optimism, and Faith


  • $300 General Admission Ticket To The Attract Abundance Conference
  • $500 General Admission Ticket To The Attract Abundance Conference
  • $5,000 Unlimited Laser Coaching for 90 Days
  • FREE Retire Wealthy Consultation
  • FREE Financial Needs Analysis

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Business Women Building Wealth Luncheons

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