Today we’d like to introduce you to Jodi Anderson.
Jodi, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
My whole life art and people are simply two things I could not get enough of. I knew growing up God gave me a talent and I simply needed to figure out how to put it into perspective!
Hair has been my passion since I could remember… I started getting in trouble early on cutting my dolls and barbies hair (haha) then moved up to doing all my friend’s hair from kitchen coloring to braids for sporting events and dances. I never thought “I could make it solely on hair” so I made sure to start my journey off by going to school to get my business degree just to ensure a steady livelihood for myself. As I sat day in and out behind a desk listening to professors, taking long credit hours, almost falling asleep daily to ‘numbers’ I knew I needed to get my hands dirty and dip my life into COLOR!
As soon as I stepped across the platform with my associates business degree, I was ready for what was next. the sky was the limit and I wanted to make my dreams a reality. I signed up to get a “Pivot Point” education in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The atmosphere created a fire in me that couldn’t be put out. The people I met soon became the building blocks to the foundation in my career. I encountered some of the most difficult trials where everything was pointing at me to GIVE UP AND QUIT yet none of them let the circumstances of life stop me from fulfilling my dreams. I am forever in debt to those individuals/forever friends! They poured everything they had into my soon to be a career. I don’t think I ever wanted something more! I never missed, I wanted to go to every extra class/event I could. I excelled in all aspects from books to practical evaluations and was one of the first in my class to graduate… after a very long 1800 hours put in! I never stopped loving the industry!
I have worked in many different environments over the years… and licensed in three different states earning the nickname ‘Gypsy’. I have seen the industry change and evolve in the most astounding ways. It’s crazy to see how different each state is, in style and fashion. All unique but it defiantly makes what I do so REWARDING! I never stop learning! First Indiana, then Missouri, and now Texas!
Texas has been calling my name for a VERY long time! I never knew my potential until my friend Kari Sanders/ @for.non.blondes beat it into my head that I was ready to fly! She has always been a huge cheerleader of mine when it came to the industry and if it wasn’t for her persistence and constant referral I doubt I would be where I am today, so thank you Kari!
Panther City Salon is where I call home! I am surrounded by what I consider legends, teachers, and artists in this industry! Over the last few years, my mind has exploded with more and more passion/love of the industry. Every day, I walk into the doors is a new challenge! It’s defiantly not always easy and has its ups and downs but I wouldn’t trade what I do for the world.
Has it been a smooth road?
My life has sent me on the most bizarre path. It has nowhere been near smooth! There has been every circumstance imaginable trying to stop me! You name the detour I have taken it! I have the bravest and beautiful daughter who daily remind me to as why I do what I do. She has pushed me since day 1. Her health was compromised in the middle of my career leading me to start and stop… sometimes flip and turn every which way… but I am who I am because of her! It’s always been my hope to instill in her, that just because things are hard… doesn’t mean they have to be IMPOSSIBLE!
My advice to you all… is to NEVER STOP LOOKING FORWARD! We have 365 new days, and 365 new chances! Your mind is your biggest tool, we choose how to use it and create “the way.” There are NO two people walking the same road as you! If you have one person telling you, you can’t… surround yourself around ten that say you can! What we do is honestly the most challenging, but rewarding career out there in my opinion. Self-love is HUGE! When you look good, you feel good! What a beautiful gift to be able to create it for someone else!
I also, wouldn’t be where I am today in my career without my boy friend William Harrison. He believes in me in all I do and pushes my mind to limits I didn’t know I could face. He told me to take the career leap I did to become a independent stylist, and told me I wouldn’t fail. He was right. I know now that I can do anything! He has been there for me through so much and if I need him he always puts my and my daughters needs before his own and I wouldn’t be able to have the open business hours and the following I have without him by my side! Thank you William for being my rock, best friend, and biggest cheerleader!
Ladies…. you are never too old or too young to begin what you love! Life is short, we can spend a lifetime wondering… ‘what if’ or we can walk a legacy of ‘I am’.
Please tell us more about what you do, what you are currently focused on and most proud of.
Yikes!!! specialize is such a profound word, haha! I would say if you look at all my work I love it all and take pride in every person in my chair! My clients would honestly tell you that same thing. I live and love to serve! There honestly isn’t one thing in the hair industry I don’t like to do. My co-workers would tell you that my strengths are color, formal styling, hospitality. The detail and time I put into my work are what I would say sets me apart. Color and placement ring a little tune in my ear it just is something I love to do whether it’s a redhead or a blonde I find beauty in it all.
Styling… is therapeutic and challenging, from freestyle to pictures I love to create an idea in front of me! My goal is to always have my clients leave amazed and overjoyed, excited for their next adventure with me!
I consider my talent for hair a gift! I have always tried to give back what the Lord has blessed me with. Whether it be my time, money, or services to those in need. Making a living doing what I love is simply a bonus.
One day, I hope to fulfill my dreams of having a team of stylist goes from the inner city to as far as overseas creating a mission of beauty is love! Everyone deserves to feel beautiful, why not spread love like confetti!? Proverbs 3:27-28 ” A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” The Lord has created me in His image to share all he has to offer… whether that be kindness in the work of my hands or the words I speak! We all are fearfully and wonderfully made perfect in His image!
The industry I choose to be apart of has both angels and demons… and the world has created us as vane beings… I simply strive each day to give people more. I am blessed generously with the most amazing people in my life. They give me reassurance in all I do. It’s the small things that set me apart.
Are there any apps, books, podcasts or other resources that you’ve benefited from using?
I lean on the Lord, in all I do, so it’s easy for me to say the Bible is my go-to book in order for me to ‘LIVE MY BEST LIFE “Guide me with your truth and teach me for you are my God and Savior and my hope is in you all day long” -Psalms 25:5
My favorite podcast/blog/resource is Britt Seva “Thriving Stylist” I can always look to her resources at any place in my career and she feeds me knowledge, understanding, grit, and drive right where I am at.
Contact Info:
- Address: 1300 Hemphill Street Fort Worth, Texas
- Website: panthercitysalon.com
- Phone: 817-921-1700
- Email: jodia03@gmail.com
- Instagram: @comb.undone
- Facebook: Jodi Anderson
Image Credit:
Kim Lewandowski, S B Photos and Videos
Getting in touch: VoyageDallas is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.