Today we’d like to introduce you to Tanisha Washington.
Tanisha, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
As a young girl born and raised in the great state of Texas, fried food and comfort foods were always my go to. Fried chicken, mac and cheese, peach cobbler, honey buns, chips and queso were some of my favorites! And it’s so true when they tell you everything is bigger in Texas; the drinks, portion sizes, and pant sizes. At the age of 18, I reached my heaviest weight of 276 pounds. I had been the “bigger kid” my entire childhood and was brought up in a family of loving overweight people. It was honestly all I had ever known. I accepted what I thought was my forever reality.
In 2014, I graduated at the top of my class at Huston-Tillotson University with a degree in Business Administration and went on to obtain my MBA. During this period of time, I made the decision to change my lifestyle and obtain the body I wanted and deserved. As a new mom of a four-month old son, I knew I had to get healthy for him. That mindset led me to successfully losing over 103 pounds and completely transforming my life. When the buzz got out about my journey, my story was picked up by People Magazine, Inside Edition, Access Hollywood Live, Fox News, and many other news outlets.
As more news spread about my journey, I made the decision to leave my career as an Investment Operations Manager and help as many people as possible become healthy. I became certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and launched Better Body By NISHA, a health and fitness community specializing in permanent weight loss and healthy lifestyle transformations. There’s nothing in the world that I love more than being able to help others and be an advocate for health and wellness among the African American community.
Has it been a smooth road?
Becoming an entrepreneur as a single mother comes with it’s challenges. When I first made the decision to go this route and leave the familiarity and “safely net” of corporate America, people thought I was a bit crazy. It was an extreme leap of faith but I was determined to find the path that lead me to fulfillment. The saying that being an entrepreneur is like jumping off a cliff and building your parachute on the way down never rang as true for me as it did my first year in business. There were a lot of mistakes, a lot of learning, and a lot of progress.The path was never smooth or straight but it was continuous, which is what made all the difference.
What should we know about Better Body By NISHA? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
We are a HIIT (high-intensity-interval training) focused bootcamp which is an interval style of cardio extremely effective at burning fat. We are a close knit community that truly empowers and supports one another. We focus on long-term weight loss through sustainable habit changes. We are best known for our 6-Week Challenge competitions hosted four times throughout the year, open to participants worldwide in a virtual and in-person setting. The challenge begins with a nutrition orientation and provides each participant with sample meal plans, grocery shopping lists and brand guides.
Participants have access to over 36 workouts sessions (catered to all fitness levels) throughout the six-weeks. The three individuals with the biggest transformation at the end of the challenge, receive the top 3 prizes. Terencia Walker (picture attached) participated in her first challenge February of 2019. After three challenges, she was able to achieve the dramatic transformation below. BBBN’s next Full Virtual 6-Week Challenge will begin May 18th. Registration can be found at 6 week | Better Body by Nisha
Often it feels as if the media, by and large, is only focused on the obstacles faced by women, but we feel it’s important to also look for the opportunities. In your view, are there opportunities that you see that women are particularly well positioned for?
As women, we are strong emotional beings who connect with one another through emotion, transparency, and honesty. Women’s biggest opportunity lies in telling their stories… their truths. So many times we as women are our worst critics, we believe the lies the world has taught us about our image and self-worth. There is power and freedom waiting for every woman willing to stand in her truth. No matter how ugly our past may have been, beauty comes from the ability to connect and inspire others by telling our stories with confidence.
- May 18th 6-Week Virtual Challenge $35
- Virtual Better Body By NISHA Group Membership $25/month
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Phone: 512-903-5049
- Email:
- Instagram: @nishafitness_
- Facebook:
- Other:

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Image Credit:
2nd picture – Logan Lepper
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