Today we’d like to introduce you to Typhani Morgan.
Typhani, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
I was born in New Mexico and had an adventurous childhood living in several different states and going to thirteen schools by the time I graduated from high school. I graduated from high school a year early and spent a few (too many) years trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life before finally settling on a major and graduating from college. My professional life started after I received my degree from The University of North Texas in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management. I spent seven years developing training programs and running Human Resource departments for several wonderful restaurant groups. I was moving up the corporate ladder but realized that I wanted to be able to help people in a more substantial way while also growing my business at my own pace. I was moving at the time and used an Apartment Locator for the first time. I was so intrigued by how much he loved his job that I asked him to coffee to talk about it further. He invited me to join his team and six weeks later, I was leaving my corporate world behind and jumping into entrepreneurship! After a year under his mentorship, I was recruited by Modtown Realty to help them grow their Apartment Locating Department. I have been with Modtown for almost two years and am so incredibly proud of the company that we have built. It has been so rewarding to be able to use all of my skills to build a brokerage where agents of all experience levels can come to grow their careers as big as they can dream!
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
“A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt. I heard that quote when I was young and it has stuck with me ever since then. I have had plenty of trying situations, but I genuinely believe that they each taught me a lesson that better prepared me for the next tough situation. When I was 17 and chose to graduate early from high school due to bullying, I learned that normally the people who are the most unkind are the people who are hurting the worst and trying the hardest to hide their insecurities. When I was 22 years old and trying to figure out how to manage people twice my age, I learned that there is always something new to learn and you can always have more compassion. When I experienced complete heartbreak and my entire world seemed to crumble at 26, I learned how truly capable I am of taking care of myself and how immensely your life can change when you believe in yourself. When I turned 30 and looked around to see my family, friends and fiancé dancing and celebrating with me, I learned that life is a never-ending ferris-wheel of lessons and triumphs, but every single situation can be used to help you become an even more courageous, loving, ambitious and resilient boss babe!
So, as you know, we’re impressed with Modtown Locators – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of and what sets you apart from others.
As the Chief Operating Officer of Modtown Locators my main goal is to grow my team of Realtors® and Apartment Locators, give them the resources and tools necessary to grow their careers as big as they can dream and to mix in as much charity work as possible. We want people to know that when they use Modtown for leasing, buying or selling, they are getting more than just real estate guidance, they are getting an entire community of support and also contributing to making Dallas an even better city! We organize monthly events to help our community. In January, we partnered with several incredible co-sponsors to organize a charity spin class at CycleBar Uptown to benefit Vogel Alcove. In February, we are hosting a VIP event at Tower Club- Dallas to benefit a local animal charity group and the following month, we have a really fun volunteer activity planned as a team! We love that we get to help people find the perfect place to call home (did I mention that using an Apartment Locator is a free service?), but even more than that, we love that we get to bring people together to make our community even stronger!
Do you think there are structural or other barriers impeding the emergence of more female leaders?
Love this question! I have had some of the most incredible female mentors who changed the course of my career, but I have also spent my fair share of years as one of the only females at the leadership table. I have had some of the most incredible female mentors who changed the course of my career, but I have also spent my fair share of years as one of the only females at the table. I think that women tend to lean too far to either end of the spectrum- they try to fly under the radar, justify why they are in their position and keep everyone happy or they go full force she-boss and exert too much dominance, refuse to compromise and demand respect. I have tried both approaches and now I am trying to settle into the middle ground where I believe that I belong at the table, have valuable input and can speak up without being harsh or off-putting. We must believe that we bring value to the conversation and that we deserve just as much success as our counterparts.
Contact Info:
- Address: Modtown Realty & Modtown Locators
2914 Main St. Suite A.
Dallas TX 75226 - Email:
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Image Credit:
Taylor Stressman & Robert Rodriquez
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